昨天开始,972 的班次更换了!
主持下午1 点到 4 点的 《最爱下午茶》!
1.15pm : <<吃在972>> (晓英制作) - 介绍食物的来源和吃的资讯
1.45pm : <<怎么办公事>> - 告诉你处理事情的办法
2.15pm : <<好爸爸好妈妈>> - 讨论和请专家解答亲子问题
3.15pm : <<厨房笔记>> - 提供烹饪食谱
3.45pm : <<最爱Agent972>> - 帮听众寻找失去联络的亲友
1 – 200 of 279 Newer› Newest»Welcome back to 972, Billy!
We all support you.
And Violet, we all must say that you are doing very well too.
Of all the 972 DJs, you are the other successful DJ besides Billy.
Keep up the good work.
Candy and co.
does billy hv any blog?
Hi Violet
Tell Billy we prefer his current image or hairdo, looks more proper. Don't like his previous curly hair style when he just returned to Singapore. That hairdo made him looked very weird & artificial, and even thinner.
Hi Violet,
You are doing very well. Keep up the effort. Lean alot from the segment where you invite all the professional to give advise on child and parenting.
Billy's new image looks very 阳光 and healthy. Prefer this look than the previous one.
Hi Ms fenying
Where to see Vitagen Less Sugar contest result.
Hello! Fenying,
I need your help !!!
Billy recomanded vinegar "nue ban" what is it ah.He says can slim down in one month time. I need the list can post it in your blog.
Judy Tan
Hi Violet,
Thanks for posting ur pix with Billy. Now I see a tan & healthy looking Billy.
As for you, you look great in the new hairdo.
May God Blessed You Both & Yours Abundantly.
d other day heard u mention got people send Billy a pot of plant/flower, could u post the plant/flower in your blog?
does Billy have a blog?
I know the 花篮是凤飞飞送给比利的!
Hi Violet,
Pls advise if my kids are 3yrs & 5yrs old, what are the ways that I can trained these age group, thanks.
Hi Violet
Could I trouble your to ask the Mr Wang on how to get a kid of 19 months to get interested in reading books. My son is very active and cannot sit down quietly to read.
Hi Violet,在进行宝宝日记的单元时,不知道可否把那个“Ding""Ding"的背景音乐关掉呢?因为这个音乐会与嘉宾的谈话产生摩擦,听起来会较为吃力。谢谢您的关注。
Hi Violet,
We believed that infant should be trained as early as in the Mum's womb. My hubby had used the method which Mentioned by the speaker Mr Wang to train my 2 girls 27 years ago. It is very very very effective. My 2 girls are both U grads and are very successful in their career.
Best Regards
Mrs Tan
Hi Violet
I heard your curry receipe. I don't have a blender to blend all the ingredients. Is there any other method to do it and why must we cook the potatoes first.
Thank you.
Hi Judy Tan,
Attached the note that i copied down while listening to the radio, dont know correct or not, violet can help?
1. 2 个 500cc 玻璃瓶
2. 2 条牛秤 – 150 公克, 去皮, 洗干净, 晒干, 切成 6cm条状
3. 天然黑醋 – 300cc
4. 蜂蜜 – 2 大汤匙
5. 干草 – 5公克 -加入80cc 水, 以温火煮到50cc的水
将 干草黄色的汁倒入, 2 条牛秤, 蜂蜜 2 大汤匙, 天然黑醋 300cc, 放 2 week to 1 mth.
Mrs Tan, mind to share what kinds of careers ur girls r in? N what is yr definition of successful career? Manager position or CEO?
I found the 醋牛蒡 recipe in this link...
Hi Billy
Welcome back, u definitely look much better with this hair style and looks very healthy.
Saw Judy comments regarding vinegar with "Niu Ban" for slimming, can we share the receipe
Thks KK
Hi Doris,
The definition of successful career is very subjective . One of my daughter is a medical doctor and the one is a accounts Exec in a elite advertising company.
Best Regards
Mrs Tan
Hi Doris
My intention of writing in is not to boast but to share with Violet that the method works at least for my family. How you carry out the training is also very impt. The in-born character of the child also play a part in the success.
Best Regards
Mrs Tan
Hi Jennifer,
From the link u provided i found that the 醋牛蒡 recipe is almost the same as what billy said....
But i was wondering how come they need 2 glass bottle???
can u help?
Hi Mrs Tan, i see, thks 4 ur reply. Can i kaypoh a bit? What's ur n yr education level n occuption, think all this contributed to the success too, herediatry meh. Hv a nice day.
Hi Doris,
Diploma level. My last job was senior IT personel . I am now retired. I think love and position attitude is one of the very impt success factor. WHy are you so interested in me?? Are you a young mother ?
BEst Regards
Mrs Tan
Mrs Tan, no lah, juz asking oni. Juz wanting to kw what's ur opinion of success bcos different people has different thinking right?
Hi fengyi
Could u pls help to chk wif speaker Mr Wang is there any "jiang zuo" abt baby n toddler
by him?
Hi Violet,
I would like to share my girl's experience in K1, she is shy and slim size. I noticed that she has blue black on her knee and hand. So, there is 1 boy in her class that like to bully other children. She was bullied by this boy. I have to teach her to defend herself, right?
I told her that she is so poor thing and advise her to approach the teacher to look out for this bullying behaviour.
I also encouraged her to tell the boy that if he cont'd to bully her, he will lose a sweet friend like her or tell him that she will not play with him anymore.
But kid will not remember, so there is one incident as she is bullied, so she followed my advice and told the teacher.
The teacher scolded the boy and my girl came back and asked me why teacher have the same behaviour as the boy. This really catch me by surprises.
I told her that I will talk to the teacher and told her that this is not right.
Teacher played an important role model to children too.
Just my sharing.
Rdgs...Sweetie Mummy.
Ban Seng Teochew Restaurant as you mentioned is no longer exist. It was closed down some time back. Quite a popular restaurant which serves authentic and good teochew cusine.
Mrs Chew
Hi Mrs Chew.
Thank you for your response.
Well noted.
Hi! Chris
Thanks for the information. Just now went to prime supermarket and I saw the nue ban. Now still struggling dun noe want to try a not. Dun look good leh. Have u try it?
Can I have your msn so we dun have to disturb fengyi blog
Judy Tan
Hi Jennifer,
There is this Ban Seng Teochew situated in the following address
Address : Riverwalk Apartments #B1-44/45
20 Upper Circular Road (S)058416
Singapore District : Located at Boat Quay District
Opening Hours : Lunch: 12.00 pm - 2.30 pm
Dinner: 6.00 pm - 10.00 pm
Telephone : 65331471
E-mail : N/A
Maybe , you can call them to find out whether is this the Ban Seng restuarant which you are looking for.
Best Regards
Mrs Tan
Hi Grace,
I'm not sure why the recipe ask for 2 bottles, probably 1 glass bottle is not enough for the recommended ingredients.
Actually Mr. OuYang have work alot with Billy on health related topics, they even have publish a book together, do take a look at popular or the library.
Hi sweetie mummy, what do u mean same behaviour as the boy? Do u mean the teacher 'bully' as well?
我想请问你在7月3日那天的好爸爸好妈妈里有为专家有说到零岁教育的对吗?如何从婴儿教起.我对这方面很有兴趣.你可否让我知道那位专家的知讯或讲座等活动呢?.........非常感謝 :)
Hi Violet, can i know more abt ling shui education oso? What r the methods n how to go abt doing it? Thks.
Hi Mrs Tan,
Thank you for your information.
Ban Seng have given up the phone line.
Thanks & Best Regards
Hi liaoyuan,
hi jennifer, y i type the wedsite u stated above but cant find it, n may knw tat u knw whr can buy the 'niu bang'? eat evryday?
thanks a lot!
Hi violet,can ask Jeanette how to train the child to wake up n go to toilet.
Thanks n regards
My son 7 years old always trying to control his motion. Even at times that we know from his expression that it's time for him to go toilet. He will said no feeling for motion yet. We will ask him to go toilet and just sit at the toilet bowl and sure enough, it's motion time. Also, he will not pass motion outside our house. Any suggestion?
Hi Violet,
Can u help me to ask the guest speaker the following situation that I have :
My 4 yrs old gal is already toilet trained, she is able to balance herself on the adult toilet seat, but she will ask me to cover the sensor of the flush when she is sitting on the seat.
How to assure her that the flush is harmless?
Hi Doris,
To yr comment on :
Hi sweetie mummy, what do u mean same behaviour as the boy? Do u mean the teacher 'bully' as well?
What I means is that the teacher scold the boy, the behaviour is the same as the boy who scold my gal. Not mean "bully"?
Rdgs...Sweetie Mummy.
Hi Sweetie Mummy, i see. Then u suggest what the teacher shld do to the boy. Talk to boy nicely, think the boy may think the teacher is joking wif him. Teachers nowadays r in very diffcult situation oso.
Hi violet,can ask Jeanette give us me hp no. ask i have questions ask her. Thanks
Hi, is Biyu hosting night programme on oldies song. Can u pls advise date & timing.
Hi anonymous above, Biyu's programme is on every sunday 8pm-12am.
What about this Sunday. Heard that she is going to Taiwan. Is someone taking over her programme?
Loss of voice. Any remedies or chinese herb to consume?
Wow! so many messages liao.
Gotta reply now before it gets more.
Thanks jennifer, candy and co for your encouragement and support.
Billy does not have a blog but he got his website: billywang.com.sg.
You may go and take a look and email him.
Angela, Vitagen Lucky draw is drawn there and then about one or one and a half hour of the show. Gotta be there to collect the prize.
I have asked Billy about the cu niu bang already, he ask you all to listen to his programme. :)
Billy's pot of plant sent by Feng Fei Fei has been brought home, so cant take a photo of it liao.... so sorry....
Mr Huang Ming Lie, my speaker on Wed, is a pricipal of a laerning school. Dunno he got give talks or not. Maybe i can organise one in the near future. Maybe you can attend. :)
Judy, it's ok for you to communicate here. You are most welcome, not disturbed at all.
And we can kaypoh what you all say too..... kekekek.....
Hope you all never miss the answers given by Jeannete on-air. If you wanna look for her, can call her at her Delcare Childcare. The number is in one of my previous posts.
Biyu has pre-recorded the sun 8pm -12pm program liao. So still can hear her for during that time. :)
Hi anonymous at 6 july 1.48pm,
I try copy it just now and paste..can go to site.
its in this link after the dark raddish...name 'burdock'
Can find it in shop n save, ntuc, think most big supermarkets do have it.
Hi Doris,
Sorry for the late reply. I'm not able to access email after that.
I've actually suggested to the teacher to talk to the boy nicely but seriously, keep reminding him that this is a bad behaviour.
Reward good behaviour so that the boy will realise that bad behaviour will yield no advantages.
Teacher actually feedback that the boy has improved a lot. My gal has been very happy as the boy no longer scold her or bully her.
Rdgs..sweetie mummy
罐中, 倒入甘草汁,蜂蜜及醋,汁液需要
Mrs Ong
Hi Mrs Ong / Jennifer
Do you know where to buy the natural vinegar? pls advice.....
mei mei
Hi Violet,
Can I use your curry chicken recipe to cook pork ribs?
Hi meimei,
You can get organic vinegar. At all organic shops. I always go to the shop 'organic paradise' it located at the small road beside lucky chinatown.
Hi Violet
Can I have the contact of Mr Huang Ming Lie.
Thank you
Hi Violet,
surprise that I am visiting your blog; & leaving a comment? : )
Hye got to say after your marriage and now a mother of 1, you have become prettier...cos u are happier ma!..: )
Your progarm content is also more "fruitful"....pls do not stop giving us useful information (food and baby care) in your program ya!
Kelvin(Wei Hua)
PS: visit my webpg too ya...(i lazy to write so dun blog)
Dear Mummies,
Please come join the Group in celebrating the World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) 2007 by making history. Be part of the group that will help attempt a Synchronised Breastfeeding Worldwide record where participants from different country will breastfeed at exactly the same LOCAL time in their Time Zone.
Date: 8th August 2007 (Wednesday)
Time: 10 am Singapore time
Venue: MacPherson Community Club
400 Paya Lebar Way
Singapore 379131
Registration fee: $5/family or $2/person (include refreshment & door gifts)
Please arrive latest by 9:45am because the breastfeeding has to start at 10am on the dot. No exceptions
We need a minimum of 25 mothers to register as a Guinness World Record site. Please help us make this record in the Guinness World Record Book!
Strictly no pacifiers, bottles, milk or baby foods are allowed inside the Theatrette as it will disqualify us as a record site. If you need to bring them, you have to leave them outside the venue and we are not responsible for any loss.
We hope to see you there! Please pre-register in advance by calling the office at 6337 0508 or email to office@breastfeeding.org.sg. You can also download the registration form or seek more information from our website at www.breasteeding.org.sg. We have also invited Mrs. Doris Fok, Lactation Consultant, to give a talk and answer questions about breastfeeding.
Hurry up! Sign-up now and give your baby a wonderful present by playing a part in the making of a Guinness World Record.
Ivy Low
Admin Exec
Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group (S)
Tel/Fax: 6337 0508
Email: office@breastfeeding.org.sg
Website: www.breastfeeding.org.sg
Working Hours: Mon & Wed 9am - 5pm
Fri 9am - 2pm
Posted on behalf by Adeline Chew-Goh
Dear violet,
I need advise how can I teach my son's to do well in his mother tongue. He tends to forget words that has been repeated to him or has been written before. He is in Pri 2. What fun way can I motivate him to do well.
Hi Mrs Ong,
is it a must to use black vinegar for (cu niu bang)? can i use others vinegar instead of black vinegar ? And do u know the receipe of vinegar milk which billy mention on air ? i miss it.
Thank you
Mrs Ong, jennifer.
For the Cu Niu Bang, are we suppose to drink the vinegar or eat the niu bang ??
Dear Violet,
Frend of mine given a cup of soya, wheat & rasins mixed together for me to try. It is a receipe fm Billy, may I chk wif you how to do it? Cause my frend just say mix together which I have doubts. Pls help... TQ Wen Wen
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