星期六 4月26号这是他们的储存室了!........
我呢,就急忙赶回家去梳洗一番,打扮打扮后就赶到CONRAD HOTEL去.
这时,又以不同的形象来主持由妇产科医生Dr Christopher Chong所主讲的<<妇产科与秘尿科>>的华语讲座!
结果,当天来了300多人出席!可说是座无虚席! Dr Christopher Chong为我们解释了很多妇科与秘尿方面的问题.......
什么是子宫下垂?为什么会尿失禁?有什么治疗方法? 这些问题,我们都明白了.
这是其他两位主讲者: 物理治疗师 June Chew 和另一位妇产科医生Dr Seng.
大家在非常轻松又活泼的气氛中,发问及聆听医生的解说,感觉非常愉快又没有拘束! 问答时间这个环节的反映真的非常热烈!问题源源不断.
: )
星期天 4月27号星期天, 我和先生带着孩子到新加坡动物园去参观!
难得看见这只威猛漂亮的狮子!上几次来时,都没看到,这次终于逮着了!: )
一直说:"yee...ugly monkey!"!
Recently I realise that I am having itchness on my body and after skretching it becomes very red and it's like kind of swollen.
Does anyone have any remedies for it?
Hi Violet,
Wah, u took so many photos!
See that u had enjoyed all the 3 activities a lot.
Pacific must be very happy that day, right?
Hi Violet,
I went to the talk by Dr Chong. It was really an eye-opener for all of us and we learnt a lot. Dr Chong is so humourous and charming too. And you are a very good host. You made the talk very enjoyable and fun. Hope next time can attend more of the talks hosted by you. Keep up the good work.
Fenying, your purple outfit you wear for the doctor talk is very nice and class leh. I like it.
Hi, fengyin, just wonder your son really can say, yee...ugly monkey?? if yes, he really can speak very well already at this aged.
aiyo... reading your blog about your son always makes me laugh... i can imagine him saying those words. "dom dom dom..." LOLZ!!! can i play with him soon?? hahaha!!
hi morning violet,
can u help me to check with " bi yu" about the novel name ? " regarding hai tang the shanghai singer.. thx
Hi Violet & prof Huang
my son 30mths, i bring him to enrichment class during weekend for nearly 6mths already, he always refuse to follow teacher & other children singing even not wiling to clap hands. i ask him to follow, he replied me back "才不要". But at home he can sing alot of songs, clap hands & do as what the school is doing. How can i help him?
Thanks n regards
hi violet & prof huang,
my son is now 28mths, i tried to teach him to learn ABC, but he alwy refused to learn, till now he still dont know abc...m very worry! hv also tried to let him learn fr VCD, but he wont kuay kuay sit infront of TV one... hope prof can help me on this...tq
Hi Violet
Pls help due to the hot weather lately I sweat alot and now I hv odour could u pls advise what product is good to treat this problem. Hope to hear u soon!!
Thank you
Desperate woman
Hi Violet & Prof Huang
my son is now 3yrs plus there'1 a problem wif him is, he wont keep all his toy after playing. he will jus leave it there util i or his father keep it & coz of tat, my husband always thot tat i didn do the house-keeping work. hw am i goin to train him so tat he KNOW n WILL keep his toys after he playing?
as for my 2nd child, she make noise whn she wants to slp & tat can be understand coz she's juz 7months old. but she will cry whn i walk away after she fall asleep.. i didn walk away whn the moment she sleeps. i wait for abt 15min-30min after she sleep.. but she seems to know tat i walk away n she will cry.. pls help me... coz i didn hve maid to help me i hve to look aft the 2 kids myself.. thx a million..
Desperate mother, Rebecca
Hi Violet,
My son, 28mths, likes to watch thomas train, barney, sesame st VCD, he can start watching from the moment he wake up 8am till abt 1.30pm.. before he go take his nap. We have told him many times that can only watch for a while.. but each time after we turn off the tv set, maybe 20mins later he will request to watch again. I wonder how do we control him from watching? Sometime even when we want to bring him go playground, to prevent him from watching too much tv, he will not want to follow.
Also, he used to take porridge 9in noon), rice at night.. etc for his meals. But ever since he is down with fever and coughing.. he took anti biotics prescribed by Doctor, nowadays he don't have much appetite to take all these solid food, even when we ask him want to take bread or biscuit he is also not interested. Usually, before bedtime (9pm) we will give him drink milk.. sometime during the middle of the night say either 3am, 4am or 5am he will request us to make milk for him to drink before he goes back to sleep.
I wonder how do we encourage him to take more solid food during the daytime again.
Please kindly ask Prof Huang to advise.
Thank you.
Hi Violet & prof Huang
my sons 4 year old and 16 months always want to fight. Both of my son very hot temper. How to make them become good temper.Even myself also hot temper. haha. please help. thankss
Hi Violet
Could I trouble you to post Prof Huang Contact details and clinic location as my son have eating and temper control issue.
Dear Violet & Prof Huang
Good afternoon. My son abt 20mths can count & recongise the nubmer from 1 to 10, but he always read 6 as 9, and 9 as 6. Pls get Prof Huang, how to teach him differential?
Regarding just now the lady talk about her son not eating, pls ask her approach polyclinic to see KKH, thru' therapy it will improve the situation. My son dont really eat, but after months of visiting KKH, he start eating some noodles, bread & biscuit, and drink soup. Pls do not give up, i gone thru hard time to see my son eat.
Mrs L
Hi Prof Huang
My son is 28 months old but is not eating properly. He ask for alot of milk as bad as hourly but just refused to take proper meal. I had tried to say no to giving him milk but he make alot of noise and is still not eating well. He choose to go hungry. He will also thrown up if i insist him eating. He sometimes wake up 3 times in the night to ask for milk.
thanks very muchie.
Hi Fenying
Can put up the newspaper article that reported about you last Friday in Wanbao? Wanted to buy on Sat but can't get one. Think people all rushed to buy it liao. Thanks so much....
Chin Chin
About dogs.
To take care of your dog, you will need to care for it like your best buddy. It knows how you feel and it can detect your emotions. When you treat it good, it will treat you good back.
Hi Violet,
I would like to buy the book by Prof Huang(Beautiful Mom,Healthy Mom), can u pls help me 2 ask where can I buy it...
Hi Violet,
I would like to buy the book by Prof Huang(Beautiful Mom,Healthy Mom), can u pls help me 2 ask where can I buy it...
Hi Violet,
May i know when the next time Dr Low Kah Tzay will be on air?
thank & regard,
Mdm Wen
Hi Violet,
I went for lasik 7yrs ago and found that now my eye sight is getting poorer, maybe abt 100-200deg, is it a norm? Or is it due to my pregnancy 2yr ago? Is it advisable to go for another op?
Dear Violet,
my nephew now 6 yrs old. he was wearing glasses two yrs ago, due to long-sighted.
1) why is he having long-sighted at such a young age?
2) will he have short-sighted if he's long-sighted now
Hi Violet,
My son is 11 yrs old n he got colour blind can u advise me what should I do.
Thanks n regards
Hi FenYing,
We like ur programme,n you r very friendly,and i can c my pic inside ur blog too,so surprised,jia you~
Hi,its me again,I wish to become dj,but dunno how....could you pls advice me,thank you very much.... :)
hi violet,what is the chinese for the barney?
thank you!
Hey Jovy,
The chinese name for Barney is 邦尼,if nt wrong.
Hi darren, which one is you in my blog leh?
Wanna be DJ, you can mail us your voice sample and resume to Love 972, Mediacorp, Caldecott Broadcast Centre, Radio Building, Andrew Road, S299939.
Hi 粉樱,
I got a branded digital cam want to sell,so do i forward the picture & price of the camera to you or how?
Hi 粉樱,
I have heard that Ms.Lai Yu Ling
recommended DIY hair tonic that she has learned from her mother-in law. I would appreciate it if you
can paste the 秘方 on your blog.
Lately, found a hole on my forehead.
Please help!!
Thank you.
Hi 粉樱,
Thank you.
Wow! Just see your comments. So serious already, you should go to National Skin Centre for injection and not to wait for grandmother remedy. For your case, it's bacteria infection! Only injection can help. My sister and many listeners have this problem before and they went for injection and 1 weeks later, the hair grew back and is totally cured. Grandmother remedy no gauranteed.
So please call National Skin Centre at 63506666 to make appointment immediately!!
hi dj violet,
I ever across in your radio program mentioning about the recipe to make children grow taller . the recipe include peanut etc... .can i find it in your recipe menu?
Please help
Best regards
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