哈!哈!这次没让你等到明年才看到了! Hee... hee....
因为,Auntie Irene已经教我如何把照片弄成Slide Show,
想知道我从26/5 到 4/6是怎么跟580位听众一起精彩地度过,就请慢慢欣赏我的 Slide Shows 吧!
这是我与参加24/5, 25/5 和27/5 出发的团友的照片:
这是我与参加 31/5 和 1/6出发的团友的照片:
3 Cheers for Travel Links!!
所以,回国后,马上带他去看Barney Let's Imagine Live!
我们大家都很enjoy Barney的演出!
一直说: "still got, still got, still got some more......"
哈!哈!儿子,要等下次Barney再来时, Mummy再带你看啦!
: )
Hi 粉櫻,
Finally u posted the photos of the 黄山江南游. Can see from the photos that u enjoyed the trip very much.
Thanks for sharing.
Fen Ying Jie,
Ask you..last time I rem u saying when near to give birth time, good to drink coconut water..how often can I take? my due date is ard 23june...kindly advise?? thank you
hi fen ying.
after watching d photo,wow!real nice place,everybody so enjoy.make me also.....so bad i cant join,after seeing hope got chance to go n have a look.
your supporter
shu fen
Yes, L5 and Shufen, we really enjoyed ourselves so much.
Hope to travel with you next time lah.... : )
As for lisa, I started taking coconut water 1 month before due date, start to drink half of a coconut water once a week. Then 2 weeks before due date can increase to one serving, once or twice a week.
Happy ans smooth delivery!!
: )
hi violet,
the slide show is really very good, roughly show your trip and the attractions. photos are also nice. realised you wrote caption for each photo.. so this is rather tedious job. yesterday you do until very late? anyway, it's worth the effort b'cos the slide show is a good way to display out your photos.
pearlyn : )
Hi Violet,
Wow, u really took alot of photos during your China trip, can see that you enjoying yourself. So did you get a padlock also at the bridge to "lock" your hubby with you?keke...
I also bring my little Oink to see the Barney show on Sat, he also enjoyed it very much. I found Riff very cute too.
Dear Violet,
You're getting prettier and prettier. I have a question to ask Dr Chong, i'm always having pain during sexual intercouse even after married for 2 yrs. As a result i'm quite terrifed of sex. could you help me to ask Dr Chong if there's any way to solve.
Dear Violet,
I am so happy to see you back because when u r on leave I have to switch to another station n now I do not need to do so.
Can u pls ask Dr Chong on my behalf, my menus has not come for three months n I did go 2 c doctor n the doctor insist me not to take any medicine n just wait for the menus to come naturally. He said women without have menus for a few months is normal may I know whether is that true.
Thanks n regards
Dear Fen Ying,
my sis currently 33+ pregnant. gynae say she might need to go for c-sect cos her fluid is only 4.1 (too low) when she check on monday. and baby's head will not turn bcos of this. but yesterday she checked, it raised to 5.6, normal.
may i know why so sudden change within 2 days. is it necessary for her to c-sect since baby is not matured yet.
many thanks
Wd like to ask Dr Chong whether there is any symptoms if there is a tubal blockage? What causes a tubal blockage? I've been unsucessful in conceiving a 2nd baby for 2yrs (despite having taken the fertility pills from my gynae) Am 34 yrs...gonna be in the high-risk group soon.. :(
Wd like to ask Dr Chong whether can breast feed after the 节育 operation?
As mentioned by Dr Chong that it is abnormal if the menses comes irregularly.
But in my case, my menses has been irregular since 12 and it usually comes between 1 - 3 months and sometimes after 3 months.
What is the causes and is there anything I could do to make my menses more regular?
Hi Fen Ying and Dr Chong
Good Afternoon. Wanna ask why b4 menus and during menus my virginal will aches very badly that its aches when I'm standing? Please help.
Also, what's 节育 operation in English??
Many Thanks
Hi Violet,
I'll like to check with Dr chong regarding polyps. Is itadvisable to remove it?
This is Yan Qing here. You had forgotten to ask Dr Chong my question regarding breast Cancer.
hi violet
previously i ask about my brother's baby girl in malaysia she is unable to sit well and having the problem in balancing. because i dont get to use computer often and i dont know how to blog. i just created one to seek help from you and the doctor. please contact me by the number 96896955 when the doctor is back. thank you violet i look forward to your response.
Thankyou all for liking my photo slide shows!
I have actually spent a few days loading the pix and writing their captions. I actually stayed back till 8.30pm in office to finished up the work so as to showcase the slides. Glad that you all love them at least my effort is not wasted lah!! kekekekee.....
As for Anonymous, thanks for your feedback. I have changed the format to flipping instead of fading liao. Hope you wont feel giddy anymore while looking at the photos now! : )
Oink Oink, I never buy the padlock leh.... coz we busy taking photos and "gan3 lu4", wanna get to the top asap so no one bothers to lock leh.... kekekeke..... And I also think Riff is cute but I dont like his voice, a bit too rough!!
Thanks lois and lyn for your compliments and support.
Hope those who posted the questions have heard the answers given by Dr Chong on-air. : )
As for Yan Qing, I am so sorry, coz I tried to open all my comments pages, but dont know why cant manage to find yours. I know I owe someone a question but that short period just could not see yours!! Maybe next time you could send again when Dr Chong is in then I definitely wont miss.... :P
Charley, I will get back to you when I come back from my leave which is from 16/6 to 18/6 (Mon-Wed). Need to clear leave by June lah. Will be back on Thu. See Ya!!
: )
My friend has been diagonised with breast cancer which is in stage 2 now, and she is worried about the medical cost as she is not working and has just divorce with her husband and her son is still schooling.
She just had an operation to remove 1 of her breast, but from what I heard from her son is that the doctor told him to be prepared as she could not be cured.
Last Sat, she just had 17 jabs and each jab cost $2000.00.
Where can she get financial help from and can i know how much is the medical cost to get treated or is there any remedy for brest cancer.
Yan Qing
Dear Fenying,
now I know why u mentioned that Wuzhen is nice. U were around n yr guide actually brought u all to see many things which Bus #6 guide did not. Besides going there to "feed" the mosquitoes & bring us walk up the street, no other mentioned of the attraction like demo of the dragon candy. I guess, it really makes a difference if u r in the grp. as for the food with many soups, I think some of the group members actually brought this up to u when we met at the restaurant before our boat ride to view the Huangpojiang. Next time I hv to ask the tour agent which day u go. Note Bus 6 was on our own before you joined us. Bus 5 has the tour guide who was invited to yr studio so obviously would be different.
Dear Fenying,
my apologies, is Bus # 7 not Bus # 5
Dear Fenying,
Hi Fen Ying
My son bought me a Louis Vuitton bag(made in France)on mothers' day. As it is a beign colour bag, I am worried that I may dirty it if I carry it to work every day. I find that it is a waste of money if I don't carry it but on the other hand I am worried that it will become dirty if I use it. Can you please help me to find out how to clean the bag if it becomes dirty. Many thanks. Hope you can reply to my mail. Wish you good health.
Hi Violet,
The smell in the fridge can use bread "skin" (1st & last piece of the loaf) put in the sun for 30 mins then place inside the freezer, all the smell will be gone, even the fish sting smell also gone.
Very effective.
Mrs Lim.
Hi Violet,
How about the smell in the new Cabinet/cupboard, is it the same matter to clear the smell?
Thanks & regards,
Is there anyways to reduce the heat and glare as the afternoon sun goes into my study room directly and the weather is really hot and I need to switch on the aircon and the electrical bills shoot up by more than 40%.
hi violet & doc low
my son i turning 3yrs this coming aug, can i let him take pneumoccocal disease vaccinate? what is the age limit for this vaccinte? when is e best time to take? can last for how long? any side effect? pls advice....million thanks
Hi Violet & Doc Low
my son is 28mths, i let him drink vitagen everyday, is there any problem? he also eat yogurt..
xiao ting
Hi Violet & Doc Low
My friend has been diagonised with breast cancer which is in stage 2 now, and she is worried about the medical cost as she is not working and has just divorce with her husband and her son is still schooling.
She just had an operation to remove 1 of her breast, but from what I heard from her son is that the doctor told him to be prepared as she could not be cured.
Last Sat, she just had 17 jabs and each jab cost $2000.00.
Where can she get financial help from and can i know how much is the medical cost to get treated or is there any remedy for brest cancer.
Yan Qing
Whenever after I mop the floor, I still feel that it is very sticky whenever I step on it. Is there anyway to clean it?
Hi Violet & Prof Ng,
My son is 25mth old, but he still wear pampers... How shld I toilet train him?
Hi Violet & Prof Ng,
My son is 3yrs old this coming Aug, m planning to send him to nursery next yr, but he like to cry very very much, i m afraid i cant handle him in school....pls advice.
ting ting
Hi Violet & Prof Ng,
My nephew is in pr 6 now but he do not how to recognise places n always lost his way if u r not by his side may I know is there any way to help him?
Hi Violet
Recently I felt there is some dumbness in my hands, is there any remendy for it?
Hi Violet
My daughter is 12 years old this year and I realised that she has bad breath and she starts to snore when she sleep.
Can we discuss this issue on your programme and what should I do to help her.
Mrs Tan
Hi Violet
The food course for the Child care centre, can parents attend too? Or is there anywhere that parents can learn about healthy cooking & presentation for toddlers & kids.
Hi Violet,
Can anyone help me I had missed the programe about the diabeties, may I know what type of vegetables is the best for them to eat.
Hi 粉樱,
Some of ur photos on the Cenosis Press Conference with Quan YiFeng were posted in my blog already.
Feel free to browse and leave comments.
Can you teach us how to take care of our plants especially pomegrante as previously all that I had plant died eventually. And I had just bought another one, but despite how much water I put, I will still see dried leaves everday.
Hi violet,
wd like to ask Dr Chong about my condition. There seems to be some infection in my vaginal area as it itches rather often. The problem is resolved after i applied the cream Triderm given by my gynae. But the problem recurrs after a few days, particularly after intercourse. I use feminene wash everyday but still does not help. Why is this so? Any remedy? pls advise.
Hi Violet & Doc Chris
I m so so so happy to hear doc chris voice on air...!
m just gave birth to my 2nd son 4mths ago, i want to shut my factory off, m still considering whether want to do the Sterilization, cz my gyne advice me to do it aft 5yrs. m now 34yr old, i scared i will got pregnant again lei...currently we r using condom for preventation, m luan ah...so here to seek ur advice....sterilization for women is it permenant?
ting ting
As Dr Chong had mentioned the subsides class in hospital, but she is not entitled to the subsides class as she is a PR not singaporean.
Yan Qing
Hi Violet & Dr. Chong,
我的胸部有水瘤,& I am pregnant now (abt 5 months), my gynea told me, due to hormone change, that 水瘤 might become cancer, is it true?
Dear Violet and Dr Chong
Can I Check with you, is it the period no come for a year consider as
completely close case.
thanks and best rdgs
Dear Violet and Dr Chong
1. 请 问 避 孕 药 会 有 什 么 后 遗 症 吗? 因 为 曾 经 看 到 报 导, 服 用避 孕 药 会 提 高 患 乳 癌 的 风 险.
到 底避 孕 药 和 贺 蒙 药 有 分 别 吗?
2. 请 问 吃 了11 年 的避 孕 药, 不 小 心 怀 孕 了 宝 宝 是 否 会 健 康? 正 常 是 要 停 服避 孕 药 多 久 才 可 以 怀 孕.
Hi Violet & Dr. Chong,
Dear Violet & Dr. Chong,
我在2006年想要有小孩﹐嘗試了一年後便看醫生﹐醫生給了我排卵藥但我試了四個月后便放棄了﹐因為服了排卵藥後脾氣變得暴躁且易胡思亂想。當我放棄懷孕這個計劃後卻意外發現在2007/09/08懷孕6周。但在2007/11/04發現嬰兒沒心跳﹐做了人工流產。我和先生決定再嘗試但至今還未懷孕。我都會在月經第14天左右和先生在一起但都沒能懷孕﹗2008年的經期如下: 22/01﹐21/02﹐22/03﹐16/04﹐20/05﹐24/06。今年30歲了﹐會不會難懷孕呢﹖請問週期是幾天呢﹖怎麼算排卵期呢﹖請為我解答﹐謝謝﹗
Thanks & regards
From JB: 婷婷
Dear Violet & Dr Chong
Many Thanks!!
Thanks & regards
From JB: 婷婷
Dear Violet & Dr Chong
我是2008年6月22日来的月经, 第10天慢慢开始有些白带了,像是排卵期的白带,透明有拉丝的样子是不是已经排卵了吗?第12,13天左右和先生在一起但都沒能懷孕?本人想要一女孩.
Hi Violet,
My son has increased from 200+ degree to 400+ degree after using the eye exercise machine. I have stopped using it. Now my son is only at P3 but his degree has increased to 500+ and the specialist has recommended to use the eye drop every night for half a year.
May I know is it advisable to use eye drop?
Hi Violet/Mark,
My son has increased from 200+ degree to 400+ degree after using the eye exercise machine. I have stopped using it. Now my son is only at P3 but his degree has increased to 500+ and the specialist has recommended to use the eye drop every night for half a year.
May I know is it advisable to use eye drop?
HI Violet,
is the programme "very love help help trouble"in chinese is in your time
Hi Violet/Dr Lee,
I have a child about 9 years old. I always have to wait him to go to urine during the night. If not, he will wet the bed. Very tiring.
May I know do I need to bring him to see doctor? Is this serious?
Thank you.
hi violet
Can help me to ask doctor.
my son is already 4 months but since birth he always spill out the milk from his mouth or even the nose after finishing the milk.We did helping him to burp too,but he will burp follow by the milk.Is that any problem?
Hi 粉樱,
Hi Violet,
我已生产了一年,是开刀生产。但身材依然瘦不下来,目前60kg..before生产是53kg.最受不了的是我的肚子还不能平坦下来, 请问violet你是怎么可以做到瘦身的?请你指点我该如何做?要注意些什么运动及饮食?
Or can email :- vivian_vui51@yahoo.com.sg
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