昨天由于请了一天假去担任《全能俏妈妈》的裁判,以为今天才在 blog 上宣布预定消息,以让 blogger 预定《厨房笔记食谱月历》,怎么知道今天得报告预定活动结束的消息!
目前,公司正考虑是否要加印《厨房笔记食谱月历》。想知道最新消息,就要锁定 972 最爱频道,我们会第一时间向你报道.

我们花了两天的时间,每天在干妈 Auntie Irene 的家,从早上 10 点拍到午夜 12 点!可是,在拍摄时,也蛮享受的,因为我们是一面拍,一面享用拍完后的美食!哈!哈!很 enjoy!

特别感谢好朋友的支持:杨光帮我设计造型, Monsoon 的 Addy 派了他的发型师 Nicholas 帮我做头发.谢谢 HANA Fashion 提供亮丽的服装,以及 WHITE Link 的 Vernice 和 Sammi 帮我化妆,和摄影师 Leon 让我漂亮登场!
已经成功预定的朋友,请继续锁定 972,了解索取食谱月历的详情!
Hi 粉櫻,
It's me again. :p
Wah! Your《厨房笔记食谱月历》sells like hot cakes and now its sold out. CONGRATULATIONS!!! :)
Luckily, I managed to order 2 copies.
hi violet,
i'm really happy for you that the recipe calendar was so popular & just within two days, the stock was sold out! i can tell that you had put in alot of time & effort into the preparation for the calendar. i pre-ordered two copies but now thinking of getting more. hope you all can print more copies so that those who didn't manage to pre-order previously & those who want more can have the chance to buy the calendar.
Cheers! :)
Hi Fenying,
I also ordered 2 copies.
Looking forward to seeing the recipe calendar!
Mdm Sim
Hi Fenying,
I also ordered a copie of 《厨房笔记食谱月历》. Looking forward to seeing the 厨房笔记食谱月历! But if let say i can't go and collcet the 厨房笔记食谱月历 can U all post it to me??? because i goin to give birth soon... Pls kindly advise. Thks!!!
Cheers! :) KO
hi fenying,
i was too slow to react and didn't manage to pre-order the recipe calendar. so sad and disappointed.. if there's a second round of pre-order, no matter what, i'll definitely make sure to pre-order on the first day.
Hey Violet, i thought is a recipe bk, how come become calendar?
hi violet,
you look very nice in that short hair photo. i had already pre-ordered the recipe calendar. i think it's a good idea to have recipes on a calendar. i'm eagerly waiting to collect it.
Hi Violet,
The calender sold out so fast!! Will u be printing n selling it 2nd batch?My mum wishes to buy 1! Can pre-order?
Dear Violet,
In 《厨房笔记月历食谱》, your look short. Actuall you look quite pretty and elegant in short hair. Very suitable for your face. Maybe you should try having short hair, just like the photo in 《厨房笔记月历食谱》.
Best Regards.
Can i pre-order cos i am busy last few weeks? i would like to buy for my mother. Can you advise? thanks. pls reply me through my email chan8152@yahoo.com.sg.
Hi Violet, Congrat,to you the calender have been sold out ,so fast. May I check with you will I get a reply or mail to collect the calender. Cos I order 3 copies, but till now have not receive the mail from your side.thks.
Hi Violet
When will you invite Prof Ng on air again? His blog seems gone already. I cannot find in your
i still think that let people pre - order is better....
hihi,,, very sorry about it,, can check anyone got extra 1 copy of the calendar can sell to me?? tx! tx!
Hi Violet
Once again, Congrads.
Some of the photos of the 09/11/08 Shop & Save Roadshow were posted in my blog.
Please feel free to visit and comments. Thank you.
Cheers :)
Does anyone knows if the order list is out or where is the link to check if I made it to the order list?
violet, remember you have a fruit juice for fever! can u help me! my child having high fever! pls reply me to eleenshum72@hotmail.com. thk u!
这是我的e-mail elyn_junen@hotmail.com
the order list link..
Hi Violet
I had ordered 2 972 receipes calendars.
May I know where to collect the receipes calendars?
Thank you.
Best Regards
Hi Violet
我在网上订购你的《厨房笔记月历食谱. May I ask if my name side come with (???)is means what leh? Is my info given not detail enough?
Thank you very much :D
Hi Violet,
Congrats to you. Can I ask your guest that for pri 6 preparing PSLE chinese which one is more prioity speaking, writing or reading.
Thank you n best regards
my son now 3-year old, we use to speak to him in english and mandarin. From young, my hb speaks to him in english, i speak to him in mandarin. Surprise, now he can talk to his daddy using english, and, he can at the same time, translate the same sentence to me in mandarine (完整句子)
Hi fengying, this is the 3rd time i send u this, pls try to ans my question. i have 2 miscarriage Dec 07 and may 08, really very sad. i have bleeding abt 6 wk scan doc said quality not gd, two wk later no heart beat so the fortus drop out when i went to pass urine, next day i went for surgery to clean. the 2nd one 6 wk scan got heat beat doc said 80% can survice. i have a bit bleeding so doc give me a jab at my tight. but few days later keep bleeding. the bleed become worse. 2 wk later went scan, no heart beat again. both case i have bleed and both fortus came out by itself when i past urine. may i know y is it so and can i get preganant again. do u think the chances of getting miscarriage is higher if i manage to get pregnant again. 1 have 4 children now 10,9,3 and 2. i have an obortion 7 year ago. pls advise thanks a lot. i love children. children is gift from God. I always keep telling myself tat is God will.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 11:17:00 AM
Dear Violet
I'll like to ask Doctor Chong whether is it possible to get pregnant if I have sex during my menses (during the last few days of my period)
hi doc & violet
actual i wanted to postpone my menses cz m goin oversea holiday, but doc said drag too long so he advice me to take pi yun yao instead, but i took only 3 days and i got side effect incurred, vomit & heartbeat very fast. so i stop, 3 days aft i stop the pill, my menses came, only little bit, brownish colour, been 4 days.
my last menses was 30/11, may i know y my menses came so early? when will be my next menses? pls advice
ting ting
Hi Fenying,
Kindly help me check with Dr Chong what is the percentage to get pregnant if go thru SO-IUI? Btw, what is SO-IUI in chinese?
I had try for a 2nd child naturally but invain for 5 years. very very upset. So intend to go for SO-IUI. Understand that the percentage of success is low, is it true?? Hope you will not let me disappointed this time... ;-( I really hope to get pregnant soon. Now my elder is already 7 years old... he is very lonely...
I really do not wish to go to the extreme for IVF as I worry OSHS (not sure what is that).. btw, what other precautions that I need to prepare myself after the sperm is put into my womb from SO-IUI?
Thank you Dr Chong...
Thanks a lots fengying and dr chong for ans my question, if not i will be waithing until my neck become 长颈鹿. for your infro i am 36 yrs old and my hubby is 41 year old
Hi Violet & Dr Chong
I am 35 and had already 1 son, would like to try for 2nd one, had been trying for a year but no chance, had been to gynae check and he said is ok, what should I do to improve my chance of conceiving. My gynae had also perscript medicine to for my hubby. What is the age that I should stop trying to reduce the risk of "not healthy' baby.
Hi Fenying
Have missed the ordering of cooking book.
Any idea where can I get one copy?
I am interested in cooking but anywhere I can learn from you or Irene?
Linda yeo
Hi Violet
Have heard over the radio that you just annouced that next Saturday the collection of the receipe there will only be 1 queue, I think this is going to be a chaos and it's quite unfair for ppl like us who had placed the order early and ended up we have to join the long queue to do the collection. This is a waste of our time.
Why not you display the whole list of ppl who had their successful order join the separate queue. So they can be 100% they are in the right queue.
I am sure there are even more ppl who had missed the earlier order and they are going there to queue. What if the ppl who had missed the order are MORE THAN those who had successfully placed their order.
Does that mean we have to WASTE our time to join in the queue.
Kindly re-consider the decision.
THank you
Mdm Toh
Hi Violet,
Can u pls ask doctor Guo is there any soup for sliming down for kids n adults.
Have a nice day.
Thanks n regards
fat auntie
Hi Feng ying,
Just a receipe for all mothers. Heard from my collegues that every week make some drink using "nang xin, bei xing, one whole pear and Chuang bei" boil for half an hour and let the kids drink. This will makes them not so easily cough.. kindly check and confirm with Dr Guo is it true?? Thank you very much... hope won't be disappoint again.. as have submit one yesterday to your blog but you didn't read out for me... so sadz...thank you.
Hi Violet & Dr Guo
My son is 3 year old had been having this breathing hard problem. Every few mins he will take a deep breath. I had bring him to see doc and have a few dose of medication with 5 doc. I gave up and bronght him to Chinese Physican, he said he had alot of phlegm. Seen him a few time, situation does improved but not totally cure. Thinking to bring him for scanning and blood test. Can help to ask Dr Guo if is necessary.
Thanks very muchie
Panic Mummy
Sorry,On 29 NOV i busy cannot make it,pls tell me the other way to collet the calendar,thks.
All the best!
Hi Fen Ying / Irene, I will be away from Singapore on 29/Nov so not be able to collect the calendar on 29/Nov. Would you be so kind to post it to me? I can bank in the money to you anytime.
Please kindly confirm your acceptance via my email alicenaf@hotmail.com
Thanks so much so much in advance. :)
Best Regards,
Hi Fen Ying, I will be away from Singapore on 29/Nov and will not be able to collect the calendar. Can you tell me other ways to collect the calendar?
My email is : zharbor@hotmail.com
thank you
all the best.
I'm not in Singapore on 29 Nov and therefore will not be able to collect the calendar. Can you tell me other ways to collect the calendar?
Thank you
Hi Violet
Hi Violet
I got a good remedy for your ear.
Since now that your ear already got sort of "infection", you should apply sesame oil (for cooking type). Put some on the cotton wool / buds then apply on the infected hole - no need to take out your ear rings.
The smell is there, but after a while it's won't be there - do it at night lor... Apply once a day, then turn the ear rings a few rounds. After 1 - 2 days it should be ok already.
Trust me, I have tested this before.
Thank you
hi doc & violet,
seen doc on 9/11/08, cz needed to travel so i asked doc to gave medicine to postpone my menses, but doc adv not to postpone e menses cz drag too long fr my last period, so he adv me to take pi yun yao instead, but i took only 4 days & i got very bad side effect, dizzy, vomit feeling, heartburn, so doc asked me to stop, and 3 days aft i stop the pill, my menses came, brownish colour, sometimes also red colour, and its been more then one week, my menses still not stop yet, my last menses was 30/10/08, now the bleeding quite alot...what shd i do how? wait for my next menses? m confuse...pls help..
ting ting
may i know what is the systom of breast cancer and overial cancer?
What is the systom for the initial stage. Doctor usually only discover when they are in the last stage.
Pls advise
Hi Fenying,
wd like to ask Mr Zheng, what's the difference between 珠算和心算? What's the best age for a child to start learning?
Hi Violet
Can I trouble you to ask what is the best age to send the kid for "xin suan"
Hi Violet,
Can u help me to ask doctor, my baby now is 14mths ++,但他的门牙齿的左右边牙齿都往内生长,为什么会这样?
Hi Violet, Dr. Chong,
I'm 42 years old. In the last 4 months, I have very irregular period.
It will starts for about 7 days then stops for 7 days, starts again for
16 days then stops for 10 days. Starts again for 3 days then stops
for 6 days....
Please advise what the problem with me and what can I do?
Many thanks
Mrs Neo
Hi Voilet,
I'm having abdomen discomfort for quite some time (Sep 08 till now) symtoms are bowel changes, bloating & fatigue. Waist pain if you took full meal meaning 3 meals per days, also having spotting menses for quite a few months. Went for Endoscopy, Colonscopy, Ultrasound and finally CT Scan of abdomen and Pelvis, all tests shown negative, only found fatty liver, doctor suspect (IBS) Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Please ask Doctor Chong should I see a gynae to find out where is going wrong. I am worry it might due to other sickness. I am 45 years old, Single.
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