两年多前,为“妈妈宝贝”拍摄封面照时,儿子才9个多月,我们还得到studio去拍照,很难控制孩子,他也不是很愿意配合!而这次他已经三岁了,所以比较懂事,还跟摄影师打成一片,非常配合,要他笑就笑,要他坐就坐,站就站,轻松很多,一点压力也没有!感谢儿子的极力配合! :)
想要收集我们母子的彩照留作纪念的朋友,就要赶快到7-11, Shell 和一些书局购买了!每本$2.80. 你也可以到托儿中心,幼稚园,各小学,诊疗所,医院去免费索取一本!
想了解这期“Junior n U” 杂志的内容,可以到“Junior n U”的网站查阅:

新年倒数特备节目 (1月25号的活动) 等....
好吧! 现在,就一气呵成的把所有的照片制成Slideshow,让你慢慢欣赏吧!
Hi Violet
Will get a copy!!!
Thanks for sharing.
Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow. :D
hi violet,
Wow! so many photos. the photo on magazine cover is very nice. i've got a copy of the magazine and the interview is very good. after seeing so many of your son's photos, he's really adorable! you looked lovely at the huiji and countdown shows. love your new hair style!
Cheers! : )
Hello Fenying,
the magazine cover photo is nice. both of you look great! the other photos are also nice too... i love to see your son smile. i will try to get the magazine. hope it's still not late to get it.
joanne ; )
hi fenying
can you please give me the address of doctor chen mei er? thanks!
Hi Fenying,
Kindly help me check with Catherine, how long did she take the chinese medicine at Tong ji and finally conceive?? Also, did she take any other chinese tonic like "Ba zhen", "Bai feng Wan" herself??
Thank you very much... really an inspiration for all of us.
Hi Fenying and Catherine,
May I know who are your gynea during your pregnancy??
Hi Fenying,
May I know who are your gynea at TMC??
Hi Catherine,
Did you do any accupunture before you get pregnant? If yes, for how long?? thank you...
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Thanks everyone for your compliments.
Mark Lee and catherine's blog is markncat@blogspot.com
Hey Violet,
My mother would like to know the good chinese phrases that you've talked about last friday (13-o2-2009).
Could you post it on your blog so that everyone who's interested would make full use of it.
Thanks alot!
Hi Fengying n Dr chong,
i suspect tat i m pregnant now as i miss my period for abt 10days. and i feel dizzy, hungry easily and feel like vomit. i din see doc nor doing any self test as i have phobia. i have two miscarriage may 08 n dec 07. they both no heart beat at around 8 weeks, tat's y i m scare to go for any test. sometime i feel a bit disconform at the lower abdomen. is it normal and may i know how many wk i m pregnant. i have 4 children, n now i m 37 years old.
Hi Fenying and Dr Chong,
Pls advise after m/c, is it going to be more fertile for first few months?? Especially if initally we got problem ovaluting, after m/c, is it our body system will change and able to ovaluate naturally for first few months??
Hi Fenying and Dr Chong,
Pls advise after m/c, is it going to be more fertile for first few months?? Especially if initally we got problem ovaluting, after m/c, is it our body system will change and able to ovaluate naturally for first few months??
Hello Fenying,
Heard one of the listener asks whether Royal jelly can help in fertility?? Dr Choong didn't answer her question on this and I am curious whether it can help too?? as I need it too if it really can help... kindly advise Dr chong to advise us...
Thank you thank you.
Hi Fengying & Dr. Chong,
Already married for 4 years but no Baby. After checkup women are perfect and the man 精虫太少less than 5000 ??
any change to get bb. thanks
Hi Fenying,
Pls check with Dr Zhong for kids eyesite to improve, is it eat "Gou qi zhi" can help?? I try to put in his porriage, but he don't like to eat.. how can I make him eat? if make water, is it ok?? effect same?how can i boil this "gou qi zhi" drink? Only put "gou qi zhi" in it and boil will do?? Should he eat everyday? How many per time? is it heaty? As he at 7yrs old, already had myopia of 200degree, hence, I am really worry on how to reduce his degree. ;-(
Also, can kids eat "Hao(2) gan(1)"? As I like to put this in his porriage, they say will makes the porriage sweet and nice.. can kids at the age of 7yrs old take this?
Pls please and hope you can read up my query...as I am really upset and not sure what to do already..
Thank you doctor and fenying.. wish both of you have a nice day..
Hi Dr Zhong,
I understand "Yi(4) mi(3)" is heaty if boil too long.. is it true? How to boil Yi mi drink correctly so that it is for cooling purposes. and not become heatiness? What kind of "yi mi" to use is correct? Also china Yi mi??
Thank you.
Hello Fenying and Dr,
To make tonic using slowcooker, my friend told me to use cold tap water initally then slowly boil it for few hours. Is this the correct method?? Or should I use hot water in the beginning? Sorry... I just hear someone bring up this question but is not answer.. I will like to know too. Kindly advise... thank you.
Hi fengying and dr guo,
I have dizzy three yr ago when i have my 4th child druing the last trimester. after giving birth i also have dizzy on and off. last yr i got two miscarriage, after tat my dizzy getting worse. after the miscarriage i took a lot of 补。 is the dizzy the cause of over补 . now i m 6 wks pregnant, i have dizzy quite offend. also feel neasua. what can i eat to reduce the dizziness. pls advise thanks
Hi Dr Guo,
If we want to increase our blood (bu xue)..understand can drink red dates and dry longgan drink. If I am working, how can I boil a simple red date drink?? What's the ingredient , is it only red date and longgan? Can we drink using hot water soak in it or must boil?? Red date is quite heaty right? If 2days drink once, is it ok for a normal people? If pregnant, can continue drink it in 1st trimester??
Thanks for your help. You are very kind and detail.. learn alot from you. ;-) May I know where is your clinic too?
我想請問,因為某次去超市買雞燉中藥,有個aunte 說,燉藥的雞一定要是公的,讓我很迷惑,真的有這種說法嗎??
hi Fen Ying & Yi Shi
my son abt 5yrs old, since last year he always cough n got a lot of 'tan', i had consult 'zhong yi n "xi yi" acording specialist they said is " kuo mian zhi qi kuan yuan" after take the medicine can reduce the symton but after few dys come againt, until now i still give him "zhong yi" medicine, but the result not so good.
We oredi stop the cold water n some fruit, can ask yi shi how to take care n what to eat to let his' lung more strong not east to get sick?
sorry for my brokrn english.
thank you
jiao jiao fr JB
Hi fengying
My daughter 12 year old, 她还没来月经, can I cook any thing for her?
thanks very much
hi fengying,
7 mths pregnant already still can drink bai mu er, red dates and longan water??
hi feng ying, have u ans my question above as i went to toilet and miss some part, if yes do u mind repeat tha ans.I have dizzy three yr ago when i have my 4th child druing the last trimester. after giving birth i also have dizzy on and off. last yr i got two miscarriage, after tat my dizzy getting worse. after the miscarriage i took a lot of 补�?is the dizzy the cause of over�?. now i m 6 wks pregnant, i have dizzy quite offend. also feel neasua. what can i eat to reduce the dizziness. pls advise thanks. does dor guo specialize in pregnancy
Hi Violet
Can I have Guo Mei Ling chinese doctor's contact number and address.
Thank you.
hi fenying can u please tell me the address of doctor guo meiling? thanks!
Hi Miranda,
The Chinese phrase is 看图不怕根基浅,窍门就是天天练;恒心架起通天路,勤奋攀登智慧山。
Serene and Lay hiang, Dr Guo Meiling number is 65354881.
Hi Violet,
Good morning, my second son is in pr 3 this year everytime he did his homework he must ask his brother to check his work is this a sign of lacking confidence. I had tried to ask his elder brother dont check his work but he made a lot of careless mistakes.
How to build up his confidence without checking his work although he know how to do it.
Hi violet,
didn't catch the title of the storybook, can advise again? also is it available in all NLB??
Thank u...
Hi violet,
didn't catch the title of the storybook, can advise again? also is it available in all NLB??
Thank u...
The book titles are:
石头汤 and 玩具不见了
: )
Dear Violet,
Today Addy coming your show later right?
Just want to check, has he link Catherine (Mark Lee's wife's) blog to his? I cannot find it when I visit his blog just now.
Please ask him to advise later.
Thank you so much.
Hi Violet,
My son is left-handed, he is my first child, I would like to know how to teach him to write, use chopstick & brush his teeth.
My hubby & I are right-handed, none of our family members & relatives are left-handed.
Hi Violet,
Kindly check with dr if my son is in primary one and need to remove a tooth. Should I let him go to private clinic or school dental clinic?? As I worry if school dental may give him a bad experience compare to the dental outside. Somemore removing a tooth is very painful one.. kindly help... thank you very much.
Dear Emily,
Mark and Catherine blog as follows:
Hi Jeff,
Very disappointed that unable to listen to the station since 03 March from the internet.
Mediacorp had terminate the access from the internet for us to listen to the radio station...
Sad Sad Sad...
Hi Fenying and Dr Chris,
Kindly advise if we test OPK and also temperature,know that we did ovaluate as the temperature goes up at middle of the month and OPK test positive. But how can I confirm whether the ovaluation sure got embryo inside or Not??
As I understand that even though temperature goes up, it does not mean that you really got ovaluate properly.. if that's the case, what should I do to confirm that I am ovaluate properly?? Does using OPK helps to indicate we really ovalute properly or must we go to Gynea do a scan to confirm?? But if must go to a gynea, isn't that means we have to go every month to confirm?????? And we no longer can rely on temperature and OPK, is it?? I am totally confuse. Thought all females shd be able to ovalute, why may hv embryo and may have not?? Why?? Oh no.. HELP!! All these are so confusing and making all of us so headache..
Thank you a million.. hope to hear you answer to my questions, please... wish both of you hv a nice day.. ;-)
Can you tell me how to listen from internet because I oversea.
Hello Violet & Doctor,
Recently, I done an Ultrasound & found to have a 3cm cyst on the right side of ovary. Is it necessary to remove it? Pls provide some advise, thank you.
Hi Dr Christopher Chong,
If my mc is natural menses come, is it ok to try for pregnancy immediately the next month?? or also must wait for 3 months?? I didn't go thru DnC..
Thank you very much..
Hi Dr Christopher Chong,
If my mc is natural menses come, is it ok to try for pregnancy immediately the next month?? or also must wait for 3 months?? I didn't go thru DnC..
Thank you very much..
i am about 8 weeks pregnant, this is my fifth child. this time is different fr. the previous. I cannot fill my stomach dun know y. I just had my lunch abt 1.20pm (rice, 2 chicken wing, vege n ikan bilis) now i feel hungry. feel blooted but hungry. very unconfortable. and feel very tired and restless. is this common/normal.
Hi Chris and FenYing,
Actually my question is just trying to know whether everyone sure will ovalute properly every month?? As i understand people take clomid to make sure can ovalute. How can we know whether did we ovalute properly? Must we always go thru a gynea to confirm? Thank you.
Hi FenYing,
I am the gal who just fax over a long story... call Zhou tou wu lu..
Can you pls pls pls help me ask Dr Christopher chong at least a question?? I am really desperate and upset, now sure what to do now? IUI or natural?? ... ;-( Sorry for the long story, will cut it short next time...Thank you...
Hi Dr Chong & Violet,
I am 28weeks preg, my tummy is extremely big now, ppl thought I am due soon. My tummy is also very itchy now. 2.5mths b4 my EDD, how can I control tummy getting too big, I dont overeat and feeling tired and clumsy due to size and wt(13kg) increase.
Big Tummy Mummy
Fenying, HELP! no internet radio, so sad. :(
hi fengying
my name is elaine 我可以向你拿你儿子的录音吗?
因为听了什么烦恼都没了 so sweet if can not is ok lah thank you
n so sad u change to 2pm cos sometime need to fetch child hm fm school
tis is my email add:
thank you alot
Hi Violet
Please help to find out why the service for internet radio has been suspended. Will this be permantly or they're just doing so upgrading work and will resume again. I'm like everyday logging on with the hope..... for for 2 days, it has been a disappointment!!!!! I feel very handicap without the service while I'm working... really no mood to do work. Please find out why????? Really appreciate an answer from you. Thanks & have a great weekend :))))
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Dear Fen Ying,
Do you think that you would consider making a topic and invite an expert to talk on how can we help young children to manage/face death of a close relative. My dgtr is going 6yo, when she is 3, my mum passed away and she know what is death. Until today, she is very worried what will happened when I get old and die or when she's old. Will we become the same mother and child relationship again in our next life. She cried when she think of it, I find she thinks too far for her age. How can I help her to release this thoughts? She also asked will the earth gets old and what will happened. I would said she does thinks/asked alot at her age, is she consider more mature?
She is scared of being left alone, she is scared of bad guys taking her away. I did tell her to be wary of strangers, but not my intention to make her scared and worried.
I hope you can consider making a topic on the above.
Thank you.
Hi Fenying and Dr Guo,
May I know what chinese tonic to drink can improve fertility and tiao our body strong for pregnancy? Is it Bazhen?? Kindly advise any good receipe to advise... looking forward to conceive soonnn...;-( Thank you very much.
Hi FenYing,
Kindly check with Doctor, for Bazhen, can we make as normal drink to drink everyday (just like red date drink)? Or must always put Chicken meat in it? One week maximum drink how many days?? May I know the goodness of drinking Bazhen?? if very bitter, anything we can add to make it sweeter? Thank you thank you.
Hi Doctor,
May I know if I am pregnant, can I drink red dates drink with "Dang Sheng and Bei Qi" in it?? Or just pure red dates + Dry longan drink is safe?
What's the maximum number of year to keep the chinese tonic in the fridge i.e. dang sheng, pao sheng etc... so that it is still allright to consume? Thanks alot.
May we have Dr Guo's clinic address?
Hi Doctor,
Hi Feng Ying n dr guo,
i m 2 mths pregnant and feel dizzy, tired easy, and keep on hungry. may i know what should i eat to prevent all this. how many month than can start to take tonic. what tonic is best.
Hi Doc,
How to make a delicious porriage? As from boy's Age 1 till Age 6, I am still making the same porriage with carrot, fish, silverfish, vegi and some meat. And just put a bit of soy sauce. I feel the porriage tasteless.. so he don't like my porriage at all... may I know how... to make a healthy and nice to eat porriage??
Thank you.
Hi Dr Guo,
If my boy don't like to drink plain water and the weather is so hot.. how can I make drink that is easy and nice to drink for whole day (to replace drinking plain water)? And safe to drink everyday?
Thanks alot.
Can we have Dr Guo's contact number and address to make apptment to see her? Is dr guo specialise in kids problem or adult's fertiltiy problem?
dear febying ,
I'm 40 years old and thingking of being pregnant again . I've tried several times and failed ~ two MCs and one ectopic pregnancies . One no heart beat and the other one is unsuccessful pregnancy !! At the age of 35, I fell pregnant once by accident , but didn't keep it ~ abort lor, now I regret very much , after that I kept trying but things didn't turn out for me . In the end, my family members are against me getting pregnant again especially my mother . What do you and Dr think I should do ? is IVF the only solution ?
Hi FenYing,
Can you help asks Dr that if my son when wake up in the morning, always will have some flu. It last only in the morning.. Is it due to senstive nose?? What should we do to prevent him from keep having sensitive nose? Any medicine to take or what's the prevention? My house always got cleaner come and do the cleaning job. Thank you very much...
Hi Violet,
Your voice sounds a bit flu, must have enjoyed yourself with lot of eating.
Just want to ask abt kid's hair
He is 9 years old, have few spilt hair.
What kind of shampoo can he used? Does he needs to use adult shampoo?
He is still using Kodomo shampoo.
Thanks....sweetie mummy
Hi Fenying,
wow.. where u bought ur son's birthday cake from ? so nice.. i wanna get one for my boy too. Thanks
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