一位是陈女士,另一位是Mdm Tng.
由于Mdm Tng是以方言与我谈话,所以不能播出我和她的交谈,
而且我的方言又不好,所以有些听不懂她说什么?? 不过, Mdm Tng说会寄药方给我!!
陈女士就在空中提供了药方. 之后,很多听众都要求我放上BLOG.
我真是感到很抱歉. VERY SORRY.....
现在,解释一下为什么到今天才POST药单, 因为:
1) 陈女士是用说的,我得找出正确的草药名称才可以打出来
2) 想等Mdm Tng的药方才一起放上BLOG.
1) 白花益母草 (5钱)
2) 香附 (3钱半)
3) 木香 (1钱半)
4) 荆芥 (3钱)
5) 茯神 (2钱半)
6) 水一碗
- 煮成6分,趁热喝
- 一星期,2次
- 见效后,减少次数.
- 陈女士说, 最好是在当时,也就是月内,一患上就服用才有效
注: 当然,各人的体质不同,有些人适合,有些可能不能服用或不管用。
Hi Violet
I like you to delicate a song for Biyu Because today its her birthday.
I wish her find her Prince Charming Andy Soon and be a Piggy Bride. Haha
Your Ms Piggy successful?
Hi Violet
I just heard you announcing on the radio that if anyone want to look for staff can go thru your blog or call 97.2. How long will this program last because i will be looking for a suitable sales executive to join my newly setup limited liability partnership company. I hope to have a chance to go thru your program in the near future to help us look for one before we go thru newspaper to advertise.
Hi 粉樱,
很喜欢你的"管家有话说"的新预告。很可爱,那个老追着你买东西的老板很 cute!
April 3, 2007 (Tuesday)
How to store green beans to prevent 长虫:
1)Put garlic
2) Put in glass container and tightened
3) Put in the fridge
4) Put Charcoal
1)Soak in water for 10 mins, drained, sun dry and put in air tight container - can last up to 2 years
2) Cut some dried chillies, put green beans and dried chillies together in plastic bag, tie up and store in a cool and dry area - can last up to 1 year
April 4, 2007 (Wednesday)
How to remove the smell of new car:
1)Put charcoal with tea leaves in the car
2) Wind down the car window to allow the wind to blow away the smell
3) Put pandan leaf in the car
1)Wrap some charcoal in a cloth bag and put in the car boot, the charcoal will absorb the smell. Must change regularly
2) Becos of S'pore weather, put some cutted lemon slices or put one or two apple in the car, when the sun shine, the fruits would release nice fragrance
April 5, 2007 (Thursday):
How to make ball point pen ink flow freely again after not using it for some time:
1)Light a candle, burn the tip of the pen for a while and ink will flow again
2) Soak in warm water
1)Soak pen tip in a glass of hot water to melt the harden pen ink at the tip and ink will flow freely again
April 6, 2007 (Friday):
Yeh! Happy Birthday To Biyu!
Eileen, you are most welcome to go through my prog to look for your staff. You may call 972 hotline or Fax 62505972 or leave message on my blog with your contact number, then i will get back to you. :)
So happy to see you, doreen, yesterday at my vitagen roadshow and thanks for your greatest help!! Well done!! :)
Thanks Kelly!! Jia you!!..... We will learn more goodies to surprise your mother more....
Hi Violet,
my mum enjoy your "ying er ri ji" programme, but too bad she was not able to absorb all your info on the "zuo yue" tactics.
Do you mind to post your "zuo yue" tactics on your blog to share with us? Many thanks!
Hi Violet,
Can you share with us some recipe for BBQ items as I am planning a birthday for my child and I do not know how to marinade.
I need your help in searching for 2 of my secondary school friends as we will be having a gathering in 2 weeks time.
They are Lin Yanling (Used to saty at Lor Liew Lian) and Cai Ming Gang Edmund (used to stay at Kembagang) from Telok Kurau Secondary School.
Kindly contact Eileen @ eileen10_chua@yahoo.com.sg
Hi fenying, I wonder you can help me on the following 2 issues
1) I need to find a school or an art teacher to teach a 11 years old girl purely on pencil and charcoal sketching. email : cheesecaketey@hotmail.com
2) some time ago, you mentioned that a woman must 补 the most critical 3 times in her life. I am interested in 1st time mensus come and the next one monopause.
Thank you
Hi Violet
I think you make a mistake , the one you meet at vitagen is Dorene and not Doris Soh for short(ds)I'm actually the one that told you i wanted to buy 1/2 white coconut at jurong west to make ondeh ondeh but the shop tender say cannot buy 1/2 must buy 1, can you remember.
Hi Violet,
After your BB comes back from the injection, give him some fever medicine 1st, bcos some jabs may cause fever, this is what the doctor told me, just 1 time is enough, but u must obsever his temperature. For me, I will make sure that my sons is not heaty n make sure his well b4 i bring him to jab, den afterthat just feed him the fever medicine will do.
Hi Violet,
I gave birth six months ago, but until now i do not have any menses yet. could you help me to ask Dr Wong whether this is normal? i have not seen a doctor on this. thank you.
Hi Violet, may I know today 10/4/07, abt between 4pm to 5pm, there was a song played 月亮代表我的心, who is the singer ? Its guitar + R&B version. Thank you
Hi Violet,
I am writing on behalf of my sis.Linda, she want to rent out her master room to any foreign except from China at Blk 518 Serangoon North Ave 4. She can speak Japanese.Her hp 93697517
My e-mail: sales1@jascompo.com.sg
Thank you very much
Pelvic Floor Exercise is very simple only... It can be done at any time anywhere as nobody actually can see it while you are doing it.
The description is a bit disgusting, but if are interested, then read on, otherwise...
Well when doing pelvic floor exercise, the feeling is just like when we want to stop the urine flow, where you use the strength at 'there' to stop the urine coming out...
This exercise is learn from those Antenal class, some call it the Angry Cat style...
Oh ya, forgot about this...
Got to hold for about 10 to 15 sec each time 'pulling'. Then do 10 times each set and 10 set each day.
Hi Fen Ying, I'm an 18 year old girl suffering from some spine problems. I remember watching a health tv programme which featured you in it, and you actually have this device which is like a round plate, and you mentioned in the show that you use it to exercise your spine every day while watching tv.. Id really like to know what product that is, as i hope to try it out and help my spine regain wellness.. really appreciate your reply :)
Hi Violet,
My son is 5 year old. He eat rice very slow. I need to spend one and half hour to feed him. Violet can help me to slove this problem. Thank you.
Hi Violet,I loved listening to your program, however, I really hope you guys will play more slower numbers, where are all the evergreen songs? Some of those modern pieces played are really "noise" to me, it really drive me crazy. I have to turn the volume of my radio up and down and very disturbing. There are some oldies remix that you guys sometimes play,they are very nice, Really grateful if the station will consider putting more of these range of songs esp at 972 which target at more senior pple. Any of our local talent Peter Chen's new CD on your list? Thanks a million. Sorry if I am too direct.
My name is Cashew.
我是他的小学同学。其他还有尔瑞,世锦, 淑妮, 紫冰。我们希望在麻坡举办一个小型的集会。我的电话是 012- 7218838。 少梅。已在 batu pahat 二十一年了。 希望有好消息。
Hi Violet,
I've some issues concerning pregnancy to ask you. Is it possible for you to call me? Hui Nee 97747463
Hi Voilet,
I really like your program. May I know what's the no. to call in.
I actually have a question for the my children.. how to stop my children from grinding their teeth when they are sleeping? Is it bad for them in the long run.
Hi Fenying,
I've just finished my confinement recently however I din do well during tis period though it's my 2nd time. This confinement is the worse experience cos I did engage confinement lady but last minute she play me out. I have no choice go back to my mom's place. Now my stomach still got wind which I can't get rid of it even after I take ginger & do the jamu massage. I also encounter feet & hand nump, stand up frm sitting/bend or wake up I feel giddy & vision blurred. I'm on maternity leave now. Is there any remedy to cure the above problem? Please help... Thanks vry much. By the way, my 2nd girl is 7 weeks old & myself is 29 yrs old.
hi violet
i'm from JB listener.i have a baby girl for 8 mths, she has dark circle around her eye like panda. how to train her sleep well at night until morning?and she has to drink milk at midnight if not she move until wake up.recently her skin has many red spot & itch,doctor said is bited by "ceng man".i try many way but also same situation.wat can i solve it?my baby is take k by my mum on weekday
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