今年的生日肯定过得很开心. 在这里也要特别感谢在road show时, 给我送上
礼物的朋友们, 谢谢你们, 衷心感谢大家的祝福, 有你们的感觉真好...............
♥ 嗨! 我是Violet粉樱! 在此与你分享我生活中最美好,最快乐,最值得记录和回忆的事. 希望你能留言留名,以表对我的支持与鼓励! 感谢你的到访! 想联络我,可以电邮到:djfenying@gmail.com.......... Hi,I am Violet Fenying! Just wanna share with you some of the most wonderful, happiest and memorable moments of my life in this blog. Hope you can leave some comments to show your support! Thanks for visiting! If you wanna contact me, my email address is djfenying@gmail.com. Chëërs! ♥
3 July 2010 (Saturday) 11am-1pm
粉櫻 will be doing roving reports for Giant's 10th Anniversary Celebration:- Venue is at Giant Tampines. You will stand a chance to win FREE Groceries for 10 years – Equivalent to $24,000 worth of Giant Vouchers. There will be FREE popcorns, caricatures & balloons to be given away. You will get to enjoy greater savings with Giant's weekly offers as you shop for your needs at Giant. So bring your family down to shop at Giant and join in the fun. Stand a chance to win Ginormous prizes too! Hope to see you there! :)
11 July 2010 (Sunday) 3pm - 7pm
粉櫻 will be hosting Hong Thai 25th Anniversary Carnival :- Venue is at Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre, Level 3 Concourse. Admission is FREE!! Participate in exciting games, savour delicious Asia snacks and catch performances like International Kids Parade, Hip Hop Street Dance and Magic Show!! You will stand a chance to win Premium Grade Rice, Cash Ang Baos worth up to $688 and Air Tickets to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan! Get GREAT TRAVEL DEALS :- 5 Days Bangkok and Pattaya Tour Packages from $199 ONLY!! Dont Miss!! Hope to see you there! :)
Parents who wanna join "Violet Parenting Club", please email your personal particulars to: violetparenting@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, topics you wish to learn or know more). Should there be any gatherings, activities, talks, seminars or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit parents by sharing our experience and learning new things. Join us to better ourselves as good parents! Cheers! :)
Cooking lovers who wanna join "Fenying Kitchen Club", please email your personal particulars to: fenyingkitchen@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, types of dishes you wish to learn). Should there be any gatherings, activities or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit cooking-lovers by sharing our experience and learning more dishes. Join us to better our cooking skills! Happy Cooking! :)
Wow, 好高兴哦!这么漂亮的蛋糕,我总于看到它在你的blog 出现了!Video 也做得很好,开心吧?Heehee.... 最主要的是,我是第一个在这里为你在两天后的生日献上祝福的人。祝你两天后的生日快乐,永远青春美丽,天天好心情!
永远cute cute (öö)
变成No,3 了,没关系,我还是提前呈上了我的祝福...
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To Violet
Happy Birthday To You.......
Hi 粉樱,
Then I became No 4. Actually, I should be No 3, something wrong with my password....so went to update....
All the best wishes to u on ur BIRTHDAY......
Hi Violet
Then I became No 5 lor,
Many happy return of day to you
Hi Violet,
The 6th Blessing...
Happy Birthday, Happy everyday...
All the best.
Happy birthday to you, cute 粉樱.
嘻嘻嘻... still fall within 10 huh.
Hi Violet,
I'm the no 7th hehehe
Here wish you Happy Birthday and all the best to you and your family.
祝生日快乐,forever 美丽。
Hi Violet
Happy Birthday! Many happy returns!
Wow!! I am really very touched....
Thanks for fighting to be the first few to leave your messages....
And you all are so cute!!!!
As I read, I am laughing....
Hi Violet,
Tomorrow is also my birthday.
Happy Birthday to You & Me.
Jane Loo
hello fenying!!
wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! happiness and good health always !!
may i ask someting not so related to your progs pl ?
can i check the song title of love 972 programme contest "zui ai dui dui peng" pl ?
sorry to trouble you , hope you dont mind to help me find out... thanks very much!!
cheers have a great day on and off-air !!
Dear Violet,
Happy Birthday to you!!!
Forever young!!!
From: Doreen
All the best to you!!!
Hi Violet
A toast to you for your belated birthday! Dont hv a chance to hear yr programme as at work.
Always go into yr blog and i really enjoy/learning all the receipes. They are really very easy to manage!
Hope to learn more from you. When u have a chance, pls teach us how to make Tee Kar Kou (Hokkien - fried red bean with flour) and fried crispy vegetables
Thks KK
I think the song in the "zui ai dui dui peng" is "THE LONELY GOATHERD" from "THE SOUND OF MUSIC". Am I right??? I Think so.... lol ...
DJ Violet 粉樱.
happy birthday to u violet.. (tats tomorrow!)
did u received my card? heh.. take care!
Tammy aka cheers
Hi Violet,
No matter how, also must come here to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY on your birth date itself. HAHA....... 我还是要抢第一个啦!所以,提早打好祝语,等时间一过 12 AM 就按 publish. kekeke.........
Hi Violet,
Happy Birthday to you!
Hope you always stay healty, young & happy. :)
We all love you!
Hi violet,
I,m first time go to ur blog.
wish you a happy...... birthday
Hi Violet,
Wish u HAPPY BDAY... All the best 2 u in the future no matter whether is bday or not...( as long as happy n healthy everyday is bday)...
Good Afternoon Violet,
很开心终于可以写留言了。 这是第一次在这里写给你。我以前是用传真点歌的现在没有了。因为工作太多所以只能用听的。
我很喜欢你主持节目的方式很特别。 谢谢你教了我们很多知识。
I wish you a Happy Birthday & all the best in your future.
您好! 在此祝您;
Happy birthday!
May you be blessed abundantly on your birthday :)
HiHi Fenying
Happy Birthday 2 U! Hope you will have an enjoyable evening.. Many blissing wishes to you!
By the way, I am not sure where to post question. So I post here. Hope you won't mind.
Nowadays, I found coffee shops have lots of houseflies (chang yin). Have to shoo them away while eating.. Very unhygiene. You know of any solution?
In the past never seen houseflies but now like very common.
Thank you!....ling
Hi Violet,
Happy Birthday to you.!!!
Heard you talking about the Indian
woman who cheat around housing estate.
She work with another guy and kid.
Meet her twice in Hougang.She ask me for money but I ignore her giving the same story.
But when I meet her the second time. I told her off that she have ask me for money before. But she claim she never meet me before and she just continue to ask from others at the Bus stop.She did not manage to get money out of me.
Thank you
Hi Violet,
Best Regards!
hi fengyi,
happy birthday,你的蛋糕好像好好吃哦!
Happy Birthday to you. Can tell today you are very happy. And wish you all the best.
Thanks everyone for all your birthday wishes.
Thanks to tammy for your card too.
About the song for dui dui peng, 1-5 has answered for me liao.
About the flies issue, you may try:
1)hang bags of water
2) light candles
3) hang chilli
4) burn coconut husk
5) hang ding xiang
6) rub orange or pomelo skin for the oil then hang them up
7) burn pomelo skin
Jennifer is right, gotta beware of these cheaters...
All the best!!
Hi lianflower,l-5,
The background song for "dui dui peng" was a new song where chorus similar to "The Lonely Goatherd". Its actually call Wing It Up by Gwen Stefani which U can easily get it fm any Music store. Happy listening to Violet's program orr.......
Thank you richard.
Coz just now i ask our music director, he says it's from "sound of music" soundtrack. But the one we used is remixed version.
Hi Violet & Lina
What's the best age gap to plan between 1st and 2nd child??
Thank you,
Fenying/ Agent 972
Any gynae to introduce? Wanna find out from you which gynae you go to and how much you paid for your package?
Hi Violet
I am looking for 2 of my secondary school friends whom used to study at Telok Kurau Secondary School. They are Hazel Lin Yan ling, born in 1976 &She used to Stay at Lorong Liew Lian and Edmund Chai Ming Gang , born in 1972,used to stay at Lengkong Tiga.
You could contact me at eileen10_chua@yahoo.com.sg
Hi, Val,
I think it is really up to the parents.
But i read somewhere that it is best to be 2 years, coz the womb will be more prepared and the age of the 2 kids is not so far apart. But of course, if age is catching, then gotta get over and done with the earlier the better....
I went to Thomson Medical Centre, my gynea is Dr Magdelene Tan. Her package is from 2nd visit onwards till birth costs $1800. If you want Zoe Tay's and other celebrities' gynea, she is Dr WK Tan. Her package is $2000. Both very experience but gotta wait very long for your turn.
Eileen, i will email you coz need your contact number.
HI Violet
My son is going to 17months still holding our hands or object and walk, he refuse to walk without holding anything, my doctor says he lack of courage (没有胆). Do you know how to encourage him or you have anyways helping him. Thanks
Hi Violet
Happy Belated Birthday.
Have a nice weekend.:)
Hi Violet,
Happy Belated Birthday...
So sorry for the last wishes, been very busy recently.
Need some advise & hope u cud reply here instead of on air as I might be out of town next week.
My bb's 5 months now. Preparing to start her with solid after 6months.
Any gd recipe?
P.s May I hve your email address? Wanna share my bb's photo wif you... Love your bb's laughter, tried to record my daughter's but everytime wanna record she'll jus laugh widely w/out sound, but when not reccording, she will laugh cheerfully! hahah
Hi all,
Thanks once again for your wishes...
My son also, now 15months, still dont dare to walk. My doc also says should not be a problem because every child has their own pace and takes their own time to learn. Maybe next time i will cover this topic in my show.
As for steph,
i agree with you, i really had a hard time recording my son's laughter too.... But at last, i made it. :)
Gotta start solid in 5months liao.
Can cook porridge with grind carrot or sweet potatoe or fish or ican bilis (of course, only give the porridge but carrot and potatoe can cook very soft, then press it up and take with the porridge).
My email is fenying@mediacorp.com.sg
Hi Violet!
Can you please teach me how to make chao shao pao(the mini kind)??? Thanks=)
Hi all
This week's 管家有话说:
April 16, 2007 (Monday)
How to remove fish bone stuck in the throat?
Listener's method:
1) Swallow rice ball,bread or 韭菜 to push fish bone down
2) Drink vinegar to soften bone
3) Use a torch light to check the position of fish bone and try to remove by digging out with the hand
1) Swallo orange skin slowly
2) Suck vitamin C tablets to soften fish bone
3) Drink water from the WELL if u still can find one around。 Kekeke...
4) Drink water with 甘囊壳 (not sure if this is the correct word used)
5) Get someone to use a long tweezer, find a bright area, or use a torch light to shine into the throat, and try to remove with tweezer
6) Try to vomit by digging at the throat
7) Stuck garlic pieces in the nostril and swallow a spoon of sugar to push down the fish bone
April 17, 2007 (Tuesday)
熬夜 keeping late nights is no good, everyone should sleep by 11 pm becos the metabolism of the body performs the best between 11 to 3 pm. However, if there's really no choice, then how to take precaution and make one less tired and 熬夜 less harmful?
1)Don't eat instant noodle, eat fruits, bread or light porridge (清粥)
2)Not to eat too full dinner on the day of keeping late nights
3) Keep stomach/body warm
4) Drink plenty of plain water
5) Can drink low caffine hot drink, or drink green tea is the best as green tea helps to remove 自由基。
6) Take deep breath often
7) Sleep by the next morning and have a full breakfast, avoid cold food
8) Must remove makeup to prevent pimples or damage to skin
9)Eat more carbohydrate food like break and rice, but avoid protein food like meat
April 18, 2007 (Wednesday)
Which are the fruits that cannot be consume in abundance?
1) Durian, longan and lychee as too heaty (燥热)
2)Lemon - may cause gastric problem
3) Mango/payaya - skin may turns yellow
Tong Li's
1) People with 慢性疾病 like high blood chlorestrol, diabetes and 肾衰竭 to avoid durian - 100 gm durian contains 5.3 gm fats, as good as eating 1 tablespoon of oil
2) Coconut flesh - not suitable for diabetic patients - 1 cm thick coconut = 15 gm fat, coconut water may be cooling but not suitable for diabetic patients as contains too much sugar
3) Star fruits - not suitable for diabetic patients
1)Pessimons - the juice when mixed with gastric fluid will thickens blood
2) 李 chinese pear - 伤胃
3)Banana - cannot eat with empty stomach - contains high potassium - may cause numbness of limbs
April 19, 2007 (Thursday)
Who to avoid chilli?
Listener's answer:
1) People with piles
2) People with 荨麻疹 measles
1)Piles patients - will cause pain and bleeding, should take more fruits and water instead
2) Eyes problem like soar eyes 红眼疹 - otherwise will slow down process of recovery
3) 慢性病 patients
4)Gastric problem's patients
5) 热疹 (heaty base) patients
6) Women in maternity
7) People with mouth uclers
April 20, 2007 (Friday)
How to prevent or cure mouth uclers?
Listener's method:
1) Avoid fried food
2) Drink vitagen - top up vitamin C
3) Drink ginseng chrysanthemum
4) Rinse mouth with salt water
5) Take more vitamin B
6) Rub salt or honey on uclers to help heals
7) Put 西瓜霜 on cotton wool and press against ucler for a few days, will helps to heal faster
Tong Li/管家 answer
1) Take more fruits and vegetables daily will prevent uclers occuring
2) Pound vitamin C tablets into powder form and apply on uclers
3) Boil green beans for a few minutes (would not cook), beat an egg in it (will form 蛋花)and drink this concoction, will helps to heal unclers
4) Hold water melon or tomato juice in the mouth for a while will helps to heal unclers
Happy reading!
Dear ds.Don mind can u tell me how to get ride of the lizard that Violet had early mention on air. Coz i'm so scard of it.
Tks in advands.
Lee lian.
Hi Lee Lian,
I didn't make any notes when Violet was teaching how to get rid of house lizard. However, if my memory never fails me, here are some way u may try:
1) Crush some eggs shells and place where lizard always frequent
2) Use orange/mandarin orange/lemon skin to place where lizards visit, the smell keeps lizard at bay
3) Place moth balls
Above are method to keep lizards away.
U can also trap lizards by sticking double sided tape on where lizards travel, or put lizard trap (available in s'market). Once lizard pass these tape or trap, they would be stick there then u can use a broom to sweep and throw it away.
I have also heard about using mock up of large lizard or cat to scare lizard away. There's also non toxic lizard repellent which can be spray on walls, however i don't know where you can get it locally.
Basically lizard are insects eating reptile, try keeping your house free from mosquitoes, flies and ants, they would have no food and eventually they would leaves.
Hope this information helps you.
fenying where do u bring yr son on weekends.
Hi Violet
Happy Belated Birthday!
I was actually down with gastric flu & MC last week. Was quite weak and missed some parts of your programme while resting.
Perhpas you could help to find out from doctors how to avoid getting gastric flu and what food to avoid during recuperating.
Also my brother is complaining he always spent a lot of time to get his office shirts ironed straight and shinning, and some clothing get crease/winkled easily after ironing. Can you or some clever housewives share the skills on how to iron men's office shirt in a quickly & effectively.
Many thanks,
Hi Margaret,
can u give me ur email add, got some question regarding ur gastric problem want 2 check with u
Hi Violet,
Must we really follow the direction for making the milk for my sons, because for 9oz of water I only put 3 scoopes of milk powder, because I heard old folk say that milk powder is very heaty, so I don't dare to put more, but they drink 4 times a day n my sons is 3 and 5 yrs old, is 3 scoopes enough for them or shd i put more, pls advise.
Thank u all, so from today on I will follow the direction stated on the can.
Hi Fengyin
my son is 17mths he is not eating solid foods at all. If you trying to feed him , he will turn his head away, or if you chance to put the food into his mouth, he want to omit it. I bring him to KKH, the doctor claimed that his problem is due to sensitive.
Hi fenying,
Pls help me ask Pauline whether will nutrition get affected if he takes abt 1hour to finish a bottle of milk?
Can we mix milk powder with milo for 16mth boy ?
Thanks Mrs Small...
Hi Fengyin
my son is 17mths he is not eating solid foods at all. If you trying to feed him , he will turn his head away, or if you chance to put the food into his mouth, he want to omit it. I bring him to KKH, the doctor claimed that his problem is due to sensitive. The therpy want to let him smell the cereal for 2mths which is immpossible everytimes when he saw i bring the spoon or plates near to him, he will run away or cry.
Hi KL - how about baby biscuits/bread, let him hold it by himself? wonder is yr boy active, if he is then dont bother meaning he is not ready to hv it.
Hi KK, thanks for your concern. We let him hold biscuits/bread he seldom put into his mouth, most of the times he just throw away except baby bites. You know being a mother it is sad to see my son refuse to take solid food.
Hi KK, thanks for your concern. We let him hold biscuits/bread he seldom put into his mouth, most of the times he just throw away except baby bites. You know being a mother it is sad to see my son refuse to take solid food.
Hi anonymous - understand yr problem I had gone thru as well.
Even took my boy to c a specialist
and he laughed at me. Initially my boy refused to eat anything not even milk or solid, so u can imagine but he was very active. And now my boy is already 18years old, strong and healthy.
All the best KK
The sucking of fingers problem is not too much of a problem as my daughter who is now 13 years old is still sucking her fingers when she sleep.
It has most likely become a habit and her thumb will automatically goes into her mouth when she has her small little pillow with her when she sleep.
Mrs Wee
Hi 粉樱& 素芳,
Regarding the topic on 吸手指. This is a VERI 棘手的问题.
My brother is oredi 36 n yet he is still having this habit, and both his daughters(3&4yr old) is oso having the habit...
I oso has this habit but I quit it when I was abt 20+, now my son oso the same...
My sister dun has this habit n her 2 daughters oso dun hv.
My mum was saying dat this is 遗传.
Do u tink this is truth?
Hi Violet,
I would advise parents to try to stop their children from this bad habit of fingers sucking as early as possible for many reasons. Firstly, it will affect the gum & teeth protruding, later have to spend a lot of money to do braces to straighten the teeth. Secondly, it is very unslightly and dirty. I once saw one secondary school boy couldn't control his finger bitting habit and he literally bit one finger after another and his 10 fingers all chip off. Fingers carry a lot of germs & baterias and the person will get sick easily. The person will also lose his self-esteem when he grow up.
我看过一个报导 ,不可以用盐来洗蔬菜, 这会把农药给吸进蔬菜里。
Violet, my baby is almost 9 months old now. He gets constipated easily. i tried to give him prune juice daily, but it still doesn't help much. Do you have any secret recipe? It depressed me alot seeing my baby suffering so much.
Hi Violet,
Steph here...
Heard fm radio u're speaking to Dr Low? Is he from Eastshore?
Anw, my princess is cmg 5mths this month end. I just found out she's teething... She has been drinking lesser milk recently & always like to boo boo all the milk out...my mom's & my face was always covered with her milk whenever we were feeding her.. hahaha..
Has this gotta to do with her teething? And she always 吐奶, even we've burped her? Why is it so? Any advise?
Thank You.
Hi Violet,
I have a water air purifier ( those required fragrance such as lavender , lemon ... etc to add into the water )at home. Is it okay for baby ( less than 1 year ) to inhale too much of these fragrance diffuse from air purifier?
Hi Violet
Pls help me to ask Doctor that my son 3 years old like to rub his both eyes until red & swollen..
Any advice?
Hi Violet,
need to check with Dr Low. Any supplement which i can give to my baby ( 10 months old ) to build up her immune system cause she is prone to falling sick easily ( every month since 7 months onward )such as cough & cold or flu itself. MY baby was not on breasfeed since birth and has been on FM. Furthermore she need to travel by public transport to her babysitter place everyday therefore would like to check with Dr Low any supplement which i can give to her E.g polyviso ... etc? Please advise
Hi Violet
I giving my son MultiVitamin everyday b4 he go to Childcare.
Is that good for him ?
Hi Fengying
Can you pls check with Aunti Irene that to boil soup is it use 砂锅 better than, so the soup will not easily evaporated.
Thanks from 厨房新手.
violet. will u able to invite more ming xing mama like pan su qing, xi qi,lai yi lin etc to yr progamme?
happy birthday to voilet!
wish u have a good year ahead and be beautiful.
family and u have a happy joyful years.
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