Monday, May 07, 2007

I am on Child Sick Leave
Sorry everyone that I promised I will provide the recipe for “yam paste” for today but could not do so, have to postpone it to a later date coz I am on child sick leave these 2 days.
My son is now in hospital as he suffered from fits attacks 3 times in a day due to high fever.
Yesterday was a very tough day for my husband and I coz our son got persistent high fever though we fed him with paracestamol faithfully and even sponged him frequently but the fever just did not subside.
It was really scary to see our son going through fits….
His body suddenly stiffen and did not seemed to breathe…. Having seen this, we gotta very quickly lie him sideway and pat him lightly so that he would not choked on his own saliva or vomits…… then he kept shivering and seemed unconscious….after that he suddenly coughed and vomited…. Then he slowly regain consciousness but still very groggy.
We really need to have a lot of courage to go through all these, and three times in a day is no joke! We need to stay calmed while saving him but deep inside us, we were so panicked and worried dont know when he would regain consciousness!! It was really very hard on us….
What made our hearts sink even more is his phobia of staying in the hospital.
He kept crying and wanted me to be around all the time, carrying him day and night.
He was so scared when the doc uses her stethoscope, when the nurses came in to take his temperature hourly, prick his finger for blood test, paste urine bag on his body to collect urine, tie his foot for blood pressure….. all these seemed to ne a torture to him!!
He rejects all food and drinks, he refused to sleep on the hospital bed and he wanted to go home… Every cry he made is like tearing my heart apart!!
Currently my boy’s fever is under control but we still gotta stay coz he still needs observation and gotta wait for the test results to be out!
This is the 2nd episode of fits attack. The 1st was on 23 sept 2006 which was on our wedding anniversary!! :)
Actually I did not expect he would get it the 2nd time coz I have duly followed what some listeners have taught me about a TU FANG recipe to get old chilli roots, cut into 7parts then boil it with lean meat to drink. My mum even went all way out to ask her friend to get the very hard to get old chilli roots here to get from Malaysia…… Really sad that it did not work….. sigh!!
Gotta really pray hard and hope that this will never happen again…..
My son is now in hospital as he suffered from fits attacks 3 times in a day due to high fever.
Yesterday was a very tough day for my husband and I coz our son got persistent high fever though we fed him with paracestamol faithfully and even sponged him frequently but the fever just did not subside.
It was really scary to see our son going through fits….
His body suddenly stiffen and did not seemed to breathe…. Having seen this, we gotta very quickly lie him sideway and pat him lightly so that he would not choked on his own saliva or vomits…… then he kept shivering and seemed unconscious….after that he suddenly coughed and vomited…. Then he slowly regain consciousness but still very groggy.
We really need to have a lot of courage to go through all these, and three times in a day is no joke! We need to stay calmed while saving him but deep inside us, we were so panicked and worried dont know when he would regain consciousness!! It was really very hard on us….
What made our hearts sink even more is his phobia of staying in the hospital.
He kept crying and wanted me to be around all the time, carrying him day and night.
He was so scared when the doc uses her stethoscope, when the nurses came in to take his temperature hourly, prick his finger for blood test, paste urine bag on his body to collect urine, tie his foot for blood pressure….. all these seemed to ne a torture to him!!
He rejects all food and drinks, he refused to sleep on the hospital bed and he wanted to go home… Every cry he made is like tearing my heart apart!!
Currently my boy’s fever is under control but we still gotta stay coz he still needs observation and gotta wait for the test results to be out!
This is the 2nd episode of fits attack. The 1st was on 23 sept 2006 which was on our wedding anniversary!! :)
Actually I did not expect he would get it the 2nd time coz I have duly followed what some listeners have taught me about a TU FANG recipe to get old chilli roots, cut into 7parts then boil it with lean meat to drink. My mum even went all way out to ask her friend to get the very hard to get old chilli roots here to get from Malaysia…… Really sad that it did not work….. sigh!!
Gotta really pray hard and hope that this will never happen again…..
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Hi Violet
U definitely have my sympathy. My nephew use to be like that too. In fact, it happened so often during his first 2 years of age. (He is 3 plus now). I can understand your anxiety as i have seen how my brother and sis-in-law went through it. Now, my nephew is a bubbly playful boy. However, my sis-in-law dare not take any slight chance. Whenever my nephew starts to develope the slightest fever or cough, she would bring him to the doctor immediately.
Don't worry, Violet, your son would out grow of it soon. U and your family have my blessings.
hi, u & ur hubby to do take care of yourself too. have some rest when u have time. :)
Hi Violet
Very sad to hear that, can understand how both of u go thru it.
But pls take care & May God Bless you. We will also join u in yr praying.
I know is tough for you and hubby to go through this. You really got to be strong and hang on there. Things are getting better and your son will once again be healthy again.
We do miss you on air but more concern of what your family is going through.
Wishing your son speedy recovery.
Take care and best regards
Hi Violet,
take care, i understand how the parents feeling.hope ur son get speedy recover. we want to hear his cheerful,loud and cute laughing voice again. May god bless him.
Hi Violet,
Do take good care of yourself. Hope your son will recover soon. All parents are the same , even the slightest fever will make us worry.
Hope to hear your voice back in the studio. May God bless all of you.
Dear Violet,
Sorry to hear abt your son. Will keep all of u in my prayers. take care & hang in there. cheers
Be strong ok ! He will be fine. Dun worried.
Ur boy will be fine...
Dun worry..My boy is also having fever too...
Mrs Small..
Hi Violet
Sorry to hear that about your son's illness. Be strong and take care of yourselves too, then can look after him.
Perhaps it will help if u could find out what trigger off this fit and find the right remedy/medicine to control it.
Don't worry about work for now, your priority now should go to your son. I'm sure your bosses and colleagues will understand your situation.
Take good care, Margaret
Hi Violet,
Is not easy to look after a sick kids, but not to worry everything bad will be gone.You will have all your fans blessing.
Do take care.
hi violet
u must really take good care of your baby give him drink more water and boil barley water for him.violet u must take good care of ur self too.dunworry too much he will be healthy boy
take good care
so sad to heard that your son has high fever,but don't worry,he will recover soon.hope he has a speedy recover.God bless him.:)
Hi Violet,
You definitely have all our support. At this point, it is natural for you as a parent to be worry of the kids. But please always remember that you need to be in good health in order to take care of anyone else. So do remind yourself and your husband to take care of both your health and rotate to take good care of your baby. Good Luck.
Hi Violet
Oh dear. Wish your son a speedy recovery. Take care.
Could understand your worry, I am a mother myself. I feel very sad and heart pain when I see my children sick especially when they have fever. You must really takecare of your son since he got fit when he has fever. I would suggest you bring him to see chinese physician after he recover for following cure. Normally, chinese physician is better cure for fit. Take good care of yourself too.
Hi Violet & Mister
Pls take veri gd care of urself as is a veri tiring thing 2 look after sick bb...
My son is oso having high fever since last wk. I so scare he has "毛丹", cos my father in law is having this sickness. Dun noe will this sickness spread or nt...(He came 2 visit him 2 wks ago n my son fell sick after dat)
So worri, dun noe whether 2 bring him 2 c chinese doc or nt... (My son is still on antibotic)
Actually wanted 2 ask u 4 advise, but I tink I shall nt bother u, juz take veri gd care of urself n stay strong ok.
mao dan do not spread. A person will have mao dan if the heatiness in the body is very bad and not able to realease the heatiness from the body then is deelopes mao dan. Drink more water and chinese herb cool tea. Recently weather is terribly hot. My son also ever developes fits and I was almost scared to death he also couldn't sleep and was crying every 10 to 15 mins waking up from his sleep.
Can bring him to chinese doctor ut make sure he got no asthma as chinese medicine can be to cooling that will develope asthma.
very sad to learnt that your son is having fits.My hubby's newphew oso have fits when he was very young,only recover after seeing the chinese doctor. The chinese doctor suggested to my sister-in-law that no fish for her son until certain age.
Now her son is 30+ and married with 1 son.Will check with her what actually the chinese doctor advise her.
So now you and your hubby must be strong and keep healthy cos your son still need both of you very much.
Sorry to hear that your Master was sick. After he recover, I suggest you should bring him to see Chinese Doctor. Promise me, U & your hubby must be take good rest & be strong. OK !
Note to Jessica,
You shd bring yr boy to see chinese Doctor. FYI,last week my son having high fever for 3 days. Seen GP doctor and with antibiotic medicine still not working. So I sent him to "Angsan Chinese Physician & Medical Hall" Dr Edward Ang. Address : Blk 635 Ang Mo Kio St 61 #01-5127 S'560635. Tel no : 64514511(Opposite Yio Chu Kang MRT) He very expert in Maotan.
hey violet.. i know both you and your hubby are worried but still must take care of your own bodies too.. otherwise how to take care of your beloved boy?
Speedy recovery!
Hi Violet,
Wonder your BB is alright now, I'm in the same boat last 2+ mths, I truly understand all those worries & effort that directly affected parents......anyway, fits will gets away as they grow but not so for epilepsy.
Hi Violet
Wish ur son hv a speedy recovery
Take care & be strong
嗨, 粉 樱,
希 望 今 天 下 午 会 听 到 你 在 节 目 中 开 朗 的 笑 声. 你 的 宝 宝 康 复 了, 对 吗? 像 你 的 忠 实 听 众 所 言, 你 和 你 先 生 真 的 也 要 好 好 照 顾 自 己.
祝 福 粉 樱
合 家 安 康!
宜 桦
Have to make sure you are in good condition then be able to look after your sick bb.. dun worry,this is jus the step to grow up to be stronger it ? Everyting will be fine, God bless you and your family.
hello 粉 樱,
祝你 的 宝 宝早日康復,无病无痛。
Hi Janet,
Thanks 4 the info. But my son is oni 1 yr old... Is it possible 2 c the chinese doc?
He oni has fever in the early morning(abt 4-5am) n will b alright after 7am...
Hi 粉 樱,
祝你 的 宝 宝早日康復.
Take care
From Jennifer
HI Violet
its so sad & sori to hear that you are going thru these.
i had a very bad experience when my son was only a few months old. he self spooned himself with a tablespoon of very hot porridge left on the table at my babysitter and he was very badly scalded
he stayed in KK for 4 days and i was with him for 3 nites wo any sleep. He cling on to me very tight and every moments. Temperature taking was alwaz when he fell asleep and crying will start till he is tired and fell aslp again. He couldnt eat nor drink so had to give glucose. Seeing the needles at his hand pains me. He pulled at the needle and blood start to flow and had to poke again. Luckily all these are over and he is 11years old now.
Its not easy to be a MUM, esp A GREAT MUM. So ALL DADs, Please Treasure Your Beloved Wife
Take care Violet and we pray for your son's speed recovery.
Fm Shirley Yeong
Hi Violet,
Hope everthing will be fine, especially your son..
I'm the one who met in KK hospital in ward 62, at firstsight of taliking to you, I got one feeling you looks familiar but myself very tiring to take care my daughter for the last two night,so cannot recognised it's you, Violet.
Nice to meet up and chat with you...
Carulyn See
我要租一套靠近义顺MRT的3+1的组屋,全家私,有无冷气不用紧,$1200左右,住7个学生,六月尾搬家。欢迎有意者联络我:Miss 关(Guan) HP:92230521
Hi 粉 樱,
祝你 的 宝 宝早日康復.
You & your hubby also must take care!
每天下午做工时,都会听你的节目,很开心,可是你的热线真的好热哦!每次偷偷打去都是busy line,我已经give up to dial。就只好找时间上网留言了。
打不通热线的无奈听众 :关紫舳
Great to hear everything are fine. Jia yu!
Reply to Jessica,
FYI, when my kids was 6 months old and only high fever during midnight. I also bring him to see and now he already 9 years old. No harm trying becouse this Dr. will "ta mai" and give him medicine powder.
the next time if your son is having fever again, boil a egg and peel away the shell and roll on his chest and stomach while the egg is still warm, it will helps to relieve the "hot" temperature in him, whenever my son is having fever even though is not high fever, i used this method it really helps. After that break open the egg u will see some dot on the egg yolk, the more and big dot means the body is very heaty. This was used by my mother-in-law since she used to looked after babies for more than 40 yrs already and now i am doing it......
hi fen ying,
yes i also agreed to it. last time my childern has got a high fever i too used to do this method boil an egg peel off the shell wrap it in a handkerchief roll it on the chest, back, stomach and also the legs and arms. this is to bring out the 热气 in the body it really helps. this is taught by my ah mah.
my children are now all big and now i am a grandma myself. i still use this method for my granddaughter. no harm trying it....
good luck.
Hi Violet,
Glad to hear that your son is fine and you are back on air.Hope everything is ok with all at home. My best regards to you.
Please take care!
Hi Fen Ying,
I have a Korean friend who owns a restaurant here at Telok Ayer Area.
She wants to rent a flat (private condo also can)somewhere in Chinatown or Chin Swee Road. Her present contract will be expiring in Jun 07, so she hopes can rent a flat soonest.
Thank you very much.
Mrs Chua
Violet, will u be able to invite professional on air to discuss about teenagers facing depressions two years or longer, unable to work or study and feeling restless more of the time.Please help to give some advice or suggestions of what to do to help?Thanks.
The sufferings of depressions is really hell. Hope that u can help. Thanks and my name is Janice. Wish that u can reply me as well. Thanks again.
My son do on and off got high fever. I think we got to take precautions, not to let them overheat. Which might damage their brains.
Hope your son speedy recovery.
I had wrote in my blog my admiration of this chay kway teow man dedication to his trade.
For forty years standing there everyday. From dark hair fried the kway teow until his hair turned white.
"Jacklyn Ker said...
Hey, I used to live in Circuit Road. For your info, that char kway teow old man is no more there. I miss his food since then...
April 30, 2007 12:18 PM "
Jacklyn wrote on my comment column that he is no longer there. I wonder is he running his business in some other area? Thanks
Dear Violet,
this afternoon, could you help me to ask Dr Low if a 8th month old baby could drink raw carrot juice. I am giving my child fresh apple juice once a week, can i give her every day or few days once?
thanks and my wishes to you and your son :)
Hi Violet
Heard your baby sick.can understand too.
Mine these few days body temp quite warm around 37degree..but she still got sweat n behave normally.usually her temp not this warm 1.Can feel the 'heat' on her foot,hands n heads...been feeding her water but still temp no go down.quite worried also.besides,the whole family r going for a cruise this sun.headache now.wonder is it normal?i ask Dr low liao,but he say is ok,so long temp dun exceed 37.8 can liao..any comments? btw,she just recover from fever,cough,flu last week.(virus)
Btw,can help ask Dr low this:-
My ger always pants alot(like a dog) whenever she crawls/run around in walker)My mum say its not normal...say she might have asthma...any comments?
HI Violet
Can you invite some of the professonal to discuss about those toddlers having the problem of developmental very delay type. And, advise the parents how to watch out when they children having those kind of symptoms.
Thanks everyone for your concerns and advice.
Actually, i wanted to reply you earlier, but could not bring myself to do so coz whenever i wanted to write, my tears will start to drop. When i can settle myself down, it's time for me to go home to look after my son.
I am really very touched and grateful to all of you for giving my all the care, love, encouragenments and courage to be stronger. Thanks for all your support.
These few nights, i did not really sleep, a bit paranoid coz every hour will wake up and check whether my boy got fever or not.... very scared indeed.....
Hi Fenying,
Can u pls help to ask is it advisable to wash our hair daily ?
Mrs Small
Hi Fenying,
Thanks Addy...
Actually i do wash my hair daily..cos i find it unbearable with the oily smell at the end of day...but someone told me is not good to wash daily which is why i like to seek advice from Addy...
Mrs Small..
Hi FenYing,
Can you help me to ask Addy, how much they charge for a digital perm? Where is the salon located? Thank you for your help.
Hi all,
Presenting this week's 管家有话说:
April 9, 2007 (Wednesday)
How to quit smoking?
1) Go for operation to remove air bag in the lung.
2) Divert attention by eating to forget abt smoking
3) Suck candy or mint tablets
4) Spray breath freshener
1) Must have will power, look for replacement like sucking candy
2) Look for something else to do, do something interesting to divert attention
3) Brush teeth
4) Place a bet with friends tat u would stop smoking, so tat when u are afraid to loose money, u will keep your promise to quit
5) Avoid smokers company, go out with non smokers instead so u would not be offer cigarettes
6) Exercise to divert energy, go for steam bath
7) Throw away all cigarettes, lighter, ashtray so tat u would not be tempted with the sight of them
8) Take long deep breath when there's urge to smoke
April 10, 2007 (Thursday)
How to choose good yam 怎样选松的芋头?
1) Light weight,heavy weight one are no good
2) Exterior no holes
3) Longish one, leave for 2-3 days will become more 松
4) Ask for "ping neng" yam or "ba tang" (long slim one) yam will be best
5) Got lines (纹路) one, got powder on the knife when cut will be 松
6) AMK Blk 459 market got one store sells one yam for $1, all very good yam. (I never advertise huh, just taking note only, kekeke…..)
1) Size which is even n light weight one are better yam, heavy one normally rotten inside
2) Cutting point which has white powdery juice one will be better
3) Yam tat float in water will be better one
4) Scrap the bottom portion of yam, powdery one are better one
April 11, 2007 (Friday)
Addy tips on hair care:
1) Shampoo hair with hot water, then put hair conditioner on hair ends only, avoid the scalp, otherwise will block up the hair follicles n causes hair fall, do not scrap scalp, only masage, otherwise may injured the scalp n cause more problem
2) Use the correct hair type shampoo, meaning oily hair must use shampoo for oily scalp, n dry hair use dry hair shampoo
3) Hair itself is not oily or dry, it's the scalp tat produces oil that causes oily hair or dry hair
4) For controlling hair fall, must use hair tonic to massage scalp for preventing hair fall everytime after shampoo
5) Lastly, have to wash hair daily as S'pore has a very warm climate, scalp tends to produce more oil n hair gets dirty easily
Hi All,
Oops! i forgot to mentioned, Addy also said, after putting hair conditioner, use cold water to rinse, so that your hair will not be frizzy.
U are really very sweet, helpful and hardworking, helping to jot down the points and type them out for sharing with listeners & bloggers.
How did u manage that? at best I can only listen with my phone discretly while working in the offfice. Thumbs up to u!
Hi Margaret,
Tks for the compliments. I just jotted down the pointer while listening when i'm not too busy, then i write it out after the program while trying to recall wat was being mentioned. Too bad, i didn't learn short hand, otherwise would be easier. Sometimes too busy then i used my phone to record. Currently looking for a MP3 tat can rec'd FM radio n record, then i won't missed out any important points. I'm only doing wat i can do only. Kekeke....
Hi DS,
I always try to remember, but always tend to remember some & forget some. Guess human brains have limited capacity. sometimes I just share with my family some tips so they can help to remember & apply.
BTW, the veg seller that called in about yam I think she mentioned AMK Blk 409 market not 459, I know that market coz lasttime my sis stayed near there.
I've bought half a yam at NTUC lastnite, going to make AwNi later or tmr. Will let all know if success or not.
Cheers, Margaret
Hi Margaret,
Tks for pointing out the error. I have to admit old liao. Listening power is not so good n so does my memory..... hahaha........
Hi Violet,
I am Janice who have made 2 comments above but have not seen yr reply.Quite urgent, hope u can discuss depressions in children n teenagers in yr programme and how to help them. Thanks.
Hi All
美绮 said
Hello every one, want to see Violet on TV, remember to turn to Channel 8 on May 21, 2007 between 8-9 pm. Don't miss orh!
Today mother day, how u celebrate mah?
Fen ying,
If u have time, please update yr blog. Tell us more abt yr son and how is he now.Thanks.
Dear Violet,
It must be tough time for both your hubby and yourself. I can really understand your situation.
My nephew who stays in Swisserland too had an attack some months ago due to high fever. Since then, the Dr said that they would be more "prone" to Fits. So please pay close attention to them whenever they run into fever. For us working mothers, it would be tough. If U can help it, never send them to the child care centres. You will have more nightmares. But a half day sessions can't be avoided since they have to go to kindergarten eventualy right?
I have similar experiences when my 2nd child was warded in NUH when he was almost 2, down with penumonia (7 years ago). Rather bad as I had to stay in the hospital for 14 solid days to ensure that he was ok. Besides the nurse's round, I too, slept on the mattress we brought to the hospital, so that I could stay close to him every minute. He recovered after many round of blood tests, injections, drips...etc...our hearts bled throughout those days! But GOD answered our prayers and he soon recovered.Now a health 9 years old, chubby and naughty also.
Work can leave them to your colleagues. We would not demand replies from you as we mothers need to attend to the needs of the kids. Replies can wait, trust all listeners could understand that right? What more important that our kids who are sick!
I trust GOD would also watch over your boy boy one....fret not!he would soon recover...all kids go thru this stage and becomes stronger.
I truely could understand your current suituation. Take care, stay strong and united...U can overcome all these!
Mrs Goh YP
PS: Sorri of the error in some spellings...cos no spell check, can't spell correctly! :)
I know Lim燕子is the 'pian dao' or producer for 'Xi You Ji' for the episode where she accompaning Belinda to travel to Iceland 'Ping Dao' to visit the Singaporean. so I think she must be a MediaCorp fulltime staff. I liked this programme very much as we can see why the Singaporeans want to work/stay in that unpopular country and how they live their life there. 燕子spoke about this programme very briefly when she covered 1 of the DJs some time back, after her return from Iceland, so I actually took notice when the episode was telecast few weeks back. If u hv missed it, have to wait for the repeat next time.
P.S. sori still hv problem getting the Chinese character on my PC so have to use 'han xu ping yin' for some words
Hi! Violet,
How is your son doing now? Hope can update his condition soon. We are so worried about him. Take good care of yourself and have a Happy Mother's day.
Not to worried, he will be fine by now."Tun"green pear(remove the seed only) dun remove the skin.Let him drink the water and take the fresh is very soft do it once a week it will make his immuse system stronger.
Cheer up
Hi! Violet,
How is your son doing now? Hope can update his condition soon. We are so worried about him. Take good care of yourself and have a Happy Mother's day.
Not to worried, he will be fine by now."Tun"green pear(remove the seed only) dun remove the skin.Let him drink the water and take the fresh is very soft do it once a week it will make his immuse system stronger.
Cheer up
sorry spelling mistake is immune system
Hi Violet,
Just heard from Yong Mei that u are sick. Do take good care of urself and if possible, do not handle yr boy for the time being until ur well. Do have more rest and wish u a speedy recovery!
Jia you!
Hi Violet
Just heard the radio that you are talking about "flat foot" in your programme today.
One lady listener who called in saying that her son got "flat feet" "tall and skinny"..has "curvature of the spine (scoliosis)"...just hope that her doctor did check her child for a condition call "Marfan Syndrome" because the above could be a few characteristics of a Marfan.
Those who are keen to know more about Marfan Syndrome, can go to
Good to check with your GP if you or your relatives seemed to have a few of these characteristics, to at least ask for a peace of mind and not asking later on why didnt we go for a check on this when the characteristics are there prominently. Agree?
Have a great day at work everyone!
Hi Violet,
Is it truth dat when bb is on antibiotic will feel hungry veri easily?
My son is 1 yr old, he has oredi stop his nite feeds since he is 1 mth old. But this few days he will cry 4 milk in the middle of the nite? Why is this so, is it bcos of the antibiotic?
Even if in the morning, the feeds is oso getting more abt 180ml every 2-3 hrs. Is this too much 4 him?
Pls advise... So scare will over feed him...
Hi Violet,
Regarding do not consume milk with medicine, then what about vitamin? Can Vitamin be consume with water then after about 10min drink milk? Reason why i ask is because pregnant women need to take vitamin pills, drink 2 cup of milk for calcium intake, so is it ok for pregnant women to take vitamin pills with water then 10 mintues later drink milk also? Does it reduce the vitamin content?
think to play safe always take medicine with plain water, and not with other beverages like milk, tea, coffee, soft drinks, fruit juices, alcohol & spirit as there may be some form of negative chemical reaction or reduce the effect of the medicine when consume together. Better also to have an interval of say at least half hour if not more between taking medicine & other beverage.
Also need to follow instruction whether medicine should take before or after food, as some medicine is quite acidic, no good to take with empty stomach will cause gastric. Whereas some medicine works before in empty stomach.
Hi Feng ying
Please help to say thank to Addy for introduce Raymond for hair cut... I m one of them who he mention in the Air few months ago... (Ah girl...)
Last week, my friend n I went down...Raymond choose a new colour for my friend. she like it
I would like to ask him, why after i do bodily straight, my fringe end still a bit wave... Is it normal??
Hi Margaret,
I've been listening to yr programme for a long time, but as I'm working, I may miss out some of the receipes and parenting topics.
I love these two programmes that you are hosting. Well Done. Bravo. Keep it up. Take care.
I've like to make an suggestion, can we have more expert on air to talk abt parenting issues and etc.
Next, I've tried to print the receipe from your blog, but for those not in current mth, the receipe will be printed together with the comments from yr fans.
How do I have the receipe printed from previous few mths without the comments?
Sorry, not so good in blog.
Contrary to Jackyn said the char kway teow man of circuit road is still around,I asked a lady stallholder behind his stall.
She said that he is still around but nowadays dun work so many hours because his wife is sick needed to take care of his wife.
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