At last, after getting “suaned” by Addy,
♥ 嗨! 我是Violet粉樱! 在此与你分享我生活中最美好,最快乐,最值得记录和回忆的事. 希望你能留言留名,以表对我的支持与鼓励! 感谢你的到访! 想联络我,可以电邮到:djfenying@gmail.com.......... Hi,I am Violet Fenying! Just wanna share with you some of the most wonderful, happiest and memorable moments of my life in this blog. Hope you can leave some comments to show your support! Thanks for visiting! If you wanna contact me, my email address is djfenying@gmail.com. Chëërs! ♥
3 July 2010 (Saturday) 11am-1pm
粉櫻 will be doing roving reports for Giant's 10th Anniversary Celebration:- Venue is at Giant Tampines. You will stand a chance to win FREE Groceries for 10 years – Equivalent to $24,000 worth of Giant Vouchers. There will be FREE popcorns, caricatures & balloons to be given away. You will get to enjoy greater savings with Giant's weekly offers as you shop for your needs at Giant. So bring your family down to shop at Giant and join in the fun. Stand a chance to win Ginormous prizes too! Hope to see you there! :)
11 July 2010 (Sunday) 3pm - 7pm
粉櫻 will be hosting Hong Thai 25th Anniversary Carnival :- Venue is at Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre, Level 3 Concourse. Admission is FREE!! Participate in exciting games, savour delicious Asia snacks and catch performances like International Kids Parade, Hip Hop Street Dance and Magic Show!! You will stand a chance to win Premium Grade Rice, Cash Ang Baos worth up to $688 and Air Tickets to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan! Get GREAT TRAVEL DEALS :- 5 Days Bangkok and Pattaya Tour Packages from $199 ONLY!! Dont Miss!! Hope to see you there! :)
Parents who wanna join "Violet Parenting Club", please email your personal particulars to: violetparenting@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, topics you wish to learn or know more). Should there be any gatherings, activities, talks, seminars or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit parents by sharing our experience and learning new things. Join us to better ourselves as good parents! Cheers! :)
Cooking lovers who wanna join "Fenying Kitchen Club", please email your personal particulars to: fenyingkitchen@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, types of dishes you wish to learn). Should there be any gatherings, activities or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit cooking-lovers by sharing our experience and learning more dishes. Join us to better our cooking skills! Happy Cooking! :)
Your new hairstyle very nice leh! Now u look like 青春美少女!比以前更漂亮了!4 hours - time worth spending.
Hi Violet
Not bad leh, your new hair style makes u look even younger. Normally straight hair makes a person look younger no matter what. Yours is rebounding, straightly rebounding or intensive rebounding? I believe the later 2 are the latest rebounding that will not give our hair the very straight & rigid look. I will try this perm next time.
Is it yr 1st time having rebound straight hair? If yes, u will find that it is very easy to maintain, no need to tie or clip the hair with any accessories liao, no need to style the hair, save time & money! One disadvantage is that u may find it bored if u wear it for too long. hehe..
Hi Fenying,cant recongize u in yr next look lah.So beautiful.
Hello Violet,
Not bad. A brand new look. Suits u rather well. BTW, can yr son recognise u when u go home ('cos u look like a young lady)?
Really nice hairstyle for u!
Jia you!
Hi Violet,
Your new hairstyle very suits you. Very nice n looks young. Is your son keep on looking at you?
wow.. Violet.. u look so Kawaii.. 很漂亮.. 4hrs.. 非常值得!!
So i look 10 years younger liao....
Margaret, I went to ask Addy and he says this is Bodily Straight rebond.
ds & wendy, i agree with you, the 4hours is worth it.:)
Yng and Eileen, my son really cant recognise me for a day man!! Kept looking at me and never call me mummy until the next day. Then he tried to pull my hair when i slept with him that night, maybe he thought i was wearing a wick.... hahaha....
Hi Violet, Bryan,
Can u talk about depressed teenagers topic on yr ying er ri ji next time? Thanks.
true...my boy also can't recognise me too when i did this rebonding last Dec...but after 1 day...everything back to normal...
As for the today topic, nowsaday kids are very different and they keep saying about "freedom". Not like last time kids...Just to share, during my school time...the moment the bell rings, I would quickly pack up my bag and walk straight to bustop and take the first bus back home.(no turning of head to school. hahaha..)
Mrs Small...
This new hairstyle looks younger but the previous one which i preferred cos you look more feminine. Anyway, ultimately you happy can already
I think u looks more elegant,more classical n prettier in yr old hairstyle.
BTW what did ur hubby said about ur new hairstyle?
Does he like this new one or the old hairstyle?
Did he say, "Charm ah, my wife looks so pretty, wait another man goes after her how??????"
Open your blog tot i click the wrong people blog , when i see clearly is was u.....Violet !!!hehe
Hey , u looks different leh...100% looks younger !!!
By the way i also like straightly rebounding hair !!!
Open your blog tot i click the wrong people blog , when i see clearly is was u.....Violet !!!hehe
Hey , u looks different leh...100% looks younger !!!
By the way i also like straightly rebounding hair !!!
Wah! Nice Hair! Got Discount?
Hello Violet..
I watch the TV show last nite.. just 1 min.. too short lah... You look so pretty, even my mum also say 阿粉樱为什么越来越年轻... My mum wants to know how u keep until so pretty haha...
Violet 加油!
Hi Feng Ying,
Could you pls ask for me to Dr. Joseph something regarding is my niece now pregnant 25 weeks and the doctor said her urine had some protein so ask her to doing further urine test. Because she was worry about this. I want to know what is the reason like this & whether is danger or not? Also what kind nuetrious foods she should supply in during pregnancy?
Hi Violet
I only managed to reach home last nite ar 8.25pm, by that time I believed u hv already appeared on TV, hence, I missed watching u. Do u know when is this show repeating, usually in the afternoon the following week Monday right?
Hi Violet / Ryan
kids usually started to become disobedient when they are between 14 to 16 age of odolences during which they will get easily influence by classmates and friends. So must watch out the people they mix with. My 2 nephews dropped out of school during Sec 3. They engaged themselves in dragon dancing and the company there not very good, learnt smoking, crude behaviour, gambling & drinking. In school, the disciplinary master always marked them so they lost interest in studying & gooding to school, eg. they cut if his fringe gets longer.
I think school teacher or disciplinary master also play an important part in educating them.
My bro-in-law way of child bringing is just leave it to them and let them learnt the hard way, saying that they will grow out of it as they grow older. Maybe that's how he was brought up. Now my 1st nephew is 22 and he is becoming more sensitive & mature in his thinking than b4, the change started during his NS. Maybe he is lucky to have met good pals. He also quitted smoking and became a Christian. I'm happy my sis, she has suffered so much when the children were small.
Nephew's Aunt
Hello Violet,
you can take 1 tsp of Manuka Honey with UMF20+ every day. It's good for your throats.
Good day.
Hi Ma Li ,can u help me please, i have runny nose n my voice is weird due to soothroat,Is already 2 days, what u suggest i can take to improve the condition.Thanks. Heard something like take lemon with coke and boil them right?Please advice.
Hi anonymous,
Runny nose must consult doctor lor.
Yah,already take medicine but still like that.
Then gotta rest voice.
Like me today, sorethroat after eating heaty things last night.
Then doctor ask me to rest voice, i refuse, coz gotta teach oreo cheese cake....
now... you see... voice become hoarse liao....
Thanks Ma Li n Fenying ,I am resting my voice at home today n hope it will soon recover.Fenying, take care of yrself also.
Having runny nose must rest more and drink a lot of water, at the same time you can take 1 tsp of Manuka Honey daily too.
Get well soon.
Hi anonymous above, i am much better now.Thanks 4 yr concern
Hi Janice,
You get well within half an hour, very funny hor.
Hi Violet,
Tot the recipe for oreo cheese cake will be post 2nite, but no leh, very eager to learn. hehe..
Btw get well soon. :-)
This hairstyle looks like Japanese Xiao Mei Mei.
你太心急了!As long as it is b4 12 midnight, it's still considered tonite. Hahaha.... FYI, sometimes blogger experience some technical problem and i guess Violet/Irene have problem posting it up.
Hi Mali, i did not say l am well, just feeling a bit better after drinking lots of water.Do u misunderstood the sitution? Dunt jump to conclusions when u do not know the sitution well n until today, i am still on sick leave.
What is gelatine make of?
Hi anonymous,
Gelatine is made from the boiled bones, skins and tendons of animals.
Pls advise do we need to wash the Chrysanthemum before boiling?
Pls advise do we need to wash the Chrysanthemum before boiling?
Hi SC, i think it is better to wash them before boiling.
Hi Fenying, welcome back, hope u are better now.
I have no problem cutting my son finger nails since the day he was born. Now he's 11 months old. I used to bring him to void deck sitting on the bench asking him to look at the car, bus,motor cycle etc.. keep talking to him then i start cutting his nails and he quite enjoy it.
Wow, u really have a way with kids n look like the other mummy can learm from u.
hi Fenying
you look really alot younger with the new look...kawaii...hee
i like listening to your programme very much and can't help holding back my laughter at times. Oh..i listen to you programme from computer at work but it always distrupted (pek cheh) think due to the heavy traffic of listeners to your programme. jia you!
wana ask you where is Addy's hair salon and how is service pricing huh?
heard he has moved out of bugis junction on fri but didnt catch where he has relocated.
Hey Violet, read from Xiao Ying's blog that u are on MC again tmr. Sorethroat huh? take good care of yrself oh.
Oh so sorry, so u are taking over Biyu n Jianbin programme 4 the whole wk. Is both of the djs sick or what?
Hi Violet,
So who is taking over your programme this week? Is there any "chu fan bi ji" this week?
Hi Eileen, Xiao Ying will take over Violet's programme this wk. There is "chu fan bi ji", Xiao Ying introduce a dish n if u wants to take a look, go to her blog. There is photo of it n recipe as well.
Jade Chan
Hi Jade,
Thank you for your info.
Wow! So many messages liao.
I will take note of all the possible topics to talk about in my prog. And will invite suitable speakers to come in too... just keep listening in ok?? :)
Thanks to wendy for watching me on TV... and thanks to your mum for her compliment. :)
How to look younger??
I think i am happier now, never think you are old, eat well, drink Vitagen for better digestion. :)
Also gotta dress young and do hair that make you look young. :)
As for those who missed the TV show like Margaret, i also dont know when they will repeat leh. :)
Maybe i try to work out how to put it on the blog coz i got it recorded down..... one day you may see on my blog.... :)
Thanks to all who are concerned about my throat and voice. I am trying to get the Manuka Honey to drink. See whether can help.... :)
The answer to what is gelatine powder made of is answered in my Kitchen Recipe blog by Auntie Irene liao. :)
pe, Addy's salon is now at Novena Sq 3rd floor, you may call 1st to make appointment:6333 5586
If wanna do my hair called Bodily straight costs $299 and above.
Veron and eileen, i will be hosting morning show this week coz Biyu is on leave and all parttimers are not free so i will help to cover. And Jade is right, Xiaoying will cover my shift and there will still be chu fang bi ji.
Hi Eileen, u are welcome.
Hi Violet
thank you for the info.
yu ren sheng got a ready pack tea called kai yin cha, good for sore throat..need to brew think a while will do...
quite nice...gan bu gan bu that kind of taste
u may want to try.
last time i have sore throat, i drank it..it helps for me.
take care leh...
Thanks pe!
Hi Violet,
Rest well,know that there's a kind of herbal tea which has picture of farmer plouging in the field on the front, quite good 4 the throat n heatness.Do try.
ok. thank you Venus.
Hi Violet,
Happy Holidays!!!
Hi Judy, Violet went on holidays mah.... do update me can Thanks.
Hi Violet, u r welcome.
Hi Violet,
After I heard that you have done a new hairdo so called bodily straight perm, from your photo I have seen, er not bad...but honestly I still prefer your former style as it looked more faminine. Once again it proved that the famous hairstylist does not mean the good hairdo, another poor design, I personally think, just like Fann Wong's 'nerd look'style wasn't accepted by most audience. New does not mean odd and different, to me at least.
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