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♥ 嗨! 我是Violet粉樱! 在此与你分享我生活中最美好,最快乐,最值得记录和回忆的事. 希望你能留言留名,以表对我的支持与鼓励! 感谢你的到访! 想联络我,可以电邮到:djfenying@gmail.com.......... Hi,I am Violet Fenying! Just wanna share with you some of the most wonderful, happiest and memorable moments of my life in this blog. Hope you can leave some comments to show your support! Thanks for visiting! If you wanna contact me, my email address is djfenying@gmail.com. Chëërs! ♥
3 July 2010 (Saturday) 11am-1pm
粉櫻 will be doing roving reports for Giant's 10th Anniversary Celebration:- Venue is at Giant Tampines. You will stand a chance to win FREE Groceries for 10 years – Equivalent to $24,000 worth of Giant Vouchers. There will be FREE popcorns, caricatures & balloons to be given away. You will get to enjoy greater savings with Giant's weekly offers as you shop for your needs at Giant. So bring your family down to shop at Giant and join in the fun. Stand a chance to win Ginormous prizes too! Hope to see you there! :)
11 July 2010 (Sunday) 3pm - 7pm
粉櫻 will be hosting Hong Thai 25th Anniversary Carnival :- Venue is at Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre, Level 3 Concourse. Admission is FREE!! Participate in exciting games, savour delicious Asia snacks and catch performances like International Kids Parade, Hip Hop Street Dance and Magic Show!! You will stand a chance to win Premium Grade Rice, Cash Ang Baos worth up to $688 and Air Tickets to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan! Get GREAT TRAVEL DEALS :- 5 Days Bangkok and Pattaya Tour Packages from $199 ONLY!! Dont Miss!! Hope to see you there! :)
Parents who wanna join "Violet Parenting Club", please email your personal particulars to: violetparenting@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, topics you wish to learn or know more). Should there be any gatherings, activities, talks, seminars or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit parents by sharing our experience and learning new things. Join us to better ourselves as good parents! Cheers! :)
Cooking lovers who wanna join "Fenying Kitchen Club", please email your personal particulars to: fenyingkitchen@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, types of dishes you wish to learn). Should there be any gatherings, activities or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit cooking-lovers by sharing our experience and learning more dishes. Join us to better our cooking skills! Happy Cooking! :)
Hi Violet,
The second skirt looks nicer.
The black dress also looks good.
Are they cheap?
Hi Violet,
I prefer the Skirt A
Hi Violet,
U look so sweet & gorgeous. Where can we get the long blue skirt and what is the cost?
Thks KK
Hello Violet,
I prefer Shirt B... Actually both Shirts also nice leh..
Your new look like YES 933 DJ Marie, twin sister.ha..ha
Hi Violet,
Both skirts & black dress are nice. Is AMK Hub nice to shop? I haven't been there yet. How much you buy altogether?
hi voilet,
just now never see clearly, i thought dress and nail is same la! ha ha... i leave wrong comment la!
i like the 1st dress, the 2nd dress is too long la! i like the black dress, look like very 高貴大方﹗
Hi Violet
I prefer skirt B. The pattern is very attractive & bright. But have to wear it with high heels as the skirth length is long.
Hi Violet,
I prefer shirt B looks more outstanding if go with white top.
Hi Violet
I like the floral skirt (B) better and sweeter, matches your top better.
Hi Violet, 4 the hosting of 'shou zu' preview, think u should wear the black dress. Sorry to say but i think only that dress is apporiate 4 the event. The above two blue skirts n shirt a bit auntie lah. There will be a lot of actress, so think u aso want to look nice nice right.
Hi Violet, 4 the hosting of 'shou zu' preview, think u should wear the black dress. Sorry to say but i think only that dress is apporiate 4 the event. The above two blue skirts n shirt a bit auntie lah. There will be a lot of actress, so think u aso want to look nice nice right.
Hi Violet
I love your skirt B. Nice colour & is very sweet. But not your top, it doesn't match your skirt at all.
p/s : All my colleagues like to listening to your programme and your laughter. Keep up the good work.
Hi Violet,
Gd to have holiday break, but, will end up busy w bb and shopping. You sound so energetic after the break. I think I shld plan for one.
The black dress is suitable for the preview.
For the 2nd skirt, I agreed with the other that is a bit long for u.
Miss your laughter and your sweet voice. Welcome back.
Keep up the good work. Laksa is yummy. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Rdgs...sweetie mummy
I prefer the first skirt, as I do not really like floral patterns. haha!~
The other time I went to AMK Hub, it was SUPER CROWDED! I couldn't believe the number of ppl tat went there! (",)
Wasn't it very cramped when you went there? LOLZ, it was a nightmare, shopping there.
What do you think? Did you like shopping at AMK Hub? :/
Hi Violet,
This is my sharing. My son do not like me to compare him with the other kids.
So, he is witty, so he compared me with other mummy.
End up, I said u cannot compare me with other mummy. He asked me, then why do u compare me with my friends?
This is how I have learnt my lesson not to compare him any more.
HEeeheeee...Sweetie mummy
Hi Violet,
This is what I have to share about 'comparing'.
My son has quite good results. In his class, most of them compare their results. Haiz...they stress THEMSELVES.
Hi Violet, know that u didn't go to the U. Y dont try to go as u did so well in Poly?
Hi Violet,
skirt B is nice and sweet...
Dear Violet,
I think skirt B look nicer.
hi violet,
the black dress is nicer i think.
By the way , the guest Ryan is a very nice guy but we really cant stand his 'fake' laugh...
I think you look taller and more proportionate in Skirt B. :)
I think Skirt A more suit you b'coz Skirt B you wear look quite short n not very suitable for that event & not match the pedicure.
B is pretty for you. JT
Hey, not able to the laksa receipe, where is it?? JT
i think may is foot A , Violet u is foot C and the luid is foot B . Am i right? my I/C no: S***2074I
Ming Siew
Hi Violet,
I prefer & u look nice in skirt B.
hi violet
in my opinion - skirt b looks more fresh and brighter. trust it'll be more suitable for you.
All the best to you.
Hi Violet,
Let me see, skirt A with the shirt looks boring, dull and dead. If you choose this, you need some accesories and a great looking pair of shoes. I would prefer skirt B, although very unwilling, it looks fresh and full of life but it makes you look short.
Hi violet
I prefer skirt A and the black dress.
hi violet I prefer skirtA and the black dress is very nice.
Hi Violet
u will look nice in Skirt B...'
trust me ah...
Hi Violet
Pls help my mum to find anybody want to find babysitter in Bedok North ??
contact me @ summer_tweety@yahoo.com
Hi Violet,
I think skirt B suits you & match with high heel shoes.
Mdm Goh
Dear Violet,
Surely I will choose Skirt (B),
because Skirt (A) looks too plain
and you see the picture the pose
you put, SKIRT (B) with the pattern
looks better/nicer. Trust me ... ok
Dear Violet,
Surely I will choose Skirt (B),
because Skirt (A) looks too plain
and you see the picture the pose
you put, SKIRT (B) with the pattern
looks better/nicer. Trust me ... ok
Hi Violet,
Looks like Skirt B received most votes :) The choice is actually very subjective, some people like it plain & some don't like it too long, etc. Now you have a headache which one to chose liao. Think ultimately u have to see what blouse & accessories you are going wear to match.
Cheers, Margaret
Hi, all.
Thanks for your feedback.
Wow! Like what Magaret says seems like more poelple like skirt B.
As this is a station event, gotta wear our station T-shirt.....
so the skirt will be rather important lor....hmmm.....
Now reply to some of your questions:
Your fans: the skirt and blouse are not very expensive.
Skirt A, i bought for $37
Skirt B, $39
Blouse for $35.
Got othet colors too....
Kk: I bought from the shop called Sianeder. It is at AMK Hub, #02-31.
Janet Wee: Some people also say Mary and I look alike!! Sometimes, when we go out, people call her Fenying and call me Mary.... hahahha.... that's y she went to cut her hair short so as to differentiate ourselves....
GCH: AMK Hub very big, got many many shops and the NTUC very big too.....
Diana: Thanks to you and your colleagues for liking my program. I will work hard. :)
Sweetie mummy and June: Thanks for your participation in my program. Really appreciate it greatly coz by leaving these comments, i know you are listening in. :)
Coryl: Yap, AMK Hub is very crowded, so i shop during weekdays mah..... kekekeke.....
Venus: I wanted to go University after poly but my parents cant support. And by the time i save enough to go, i got my favourite job: which is a Radio DJ.
Then now, no time lah..... got kid already. Must take care of family. Dont think can cope!:)
Ming Siew: cant tell you the answer yet.... but good try!
Hi Violet,
You have been such a fastastic DJ. I like listening to your voice especially during the morning section, it's really wake me up.
Anyway about your dress, try the blue one it's really beautiful and it suit you. Hope you would Happy everyday cause only when you happy you would make all people happy.
Hi Violet, thks 4 yr reply. For what i know, u can get bursaries or any other government loans to support yr Uni.study if u do well. My grandparents aso cant support my uncle on his U education, he gets loan, not sure what's type of loan n completed his University education.
gong hei gong hei, already reached 200174 babies visited by today, no need to wait till weekend lor... :)
Hi Violet
I think skirt A is better although is plain. But if you go with matching accessories you will look good.
Anyway we are just giving suggestions but it all depends on yourself which is more comfortable for you.
Hi Violet, just went to yr chu fan bi ji post. Y not pics of yr chicken rice n laska dish?
Hi Violet,
I will support u all the way. Keep up the good work. Really enjoyed listening to all the programmes that you have put up.
Rdgs...Sweetie Mummy
This is wat I hv to share abt sec sch students travelling on their own.
I feel that it depends on the child's attitude; whether or not he/she is responsible enuf to look aft himself/herself.
Hi Violet,
I have the same problem, I'm just a diploma holder. My father used to say, "u are a girl, just study to a level will do, find a husband and have a family, no need to study so hard".
Never mind lah. Like u Violet, is an outstanding DJ now, right?
Experience counts.
Rdgs..sweetie mummy
I have a suggestion on the shrimp paste chicken. Instead of deep frying the chicken wings, put them into the oven to grill (which means ingredient D and oil for deep frying should be omitted). It taste equally good plus minus the guilt feeling of consuming too much oil!
Too bad, u wore neither of the skirts to 主持“手足”的首映会. kekekeke. Go to my blog to find out more..... ;P
regards & cheers
Hi 粉樱,
Aiyoo, Violet, u ask people to choose skirt 4 u, then u never wear. The respond of the choosing skirt is overwhelming, think they all will feel a bit disppointed.
Hi Violet,
How are u? Heard that you are on Medical leave.
You take care and I will miss u.
Thanks...Sweetie Mummy
June 14, 2007 (Thursday) 管家有话说
Food that cannot be mixed for consumption:
Listerners/Tong Li/管家:
Basically these food when consume together, may cause food poisoning , vomiting and diahorrea
List of food as follows:
1. Cucumber and tomatoes – may even cause cancer
2.Persimmons and crabs, seafood and fruits rich in vitamin C – may cause lost of nutrients, Eggs and persimmons - may cause 肺结石
3.Watermelon and milk
4.Banana and yam – may even cause death
5.Spinach and cheese/toufu – spinach contains high 草酸 whereas toufu/calcium contains high calcium – may have chemical reaction and cause kidney stone 肾结石
6.Durian and hard liquor like brandy/whisky
7.Raddish and carrots
8.Celery and cucumber/chrysanthemum
9.Laksa and milk
10.Mangosteen and coffee
11.White raddish and mandarin orange – may cause 假装腺重 (thyroid)
12.Soya milk and eggs
13.Tomatoes and crabs
14.Chicken with glutinous rice/prawns/turtle/rabbit meat
15.White raddish and persimmons/chillies – may destroy vitamins
16.Cucumber and food rich in vitamin C like persimmons/chillies – may cause lost of vitamins C
17.Vitamin Mango and garlic
what happen to Biyu blog? how come no comment box? is it she dont want people to leave any comment?
Hi Voiet, so nice to hear yr voice on this cool Sunday evening.
U said on air just nw that u feel cold on the shou zui preview, saw photos at 1-5 blog that u dont not put a jacket on. If cold, think u shld put on jacket n u will not get ill so easily.
Do take care, enjoy the rest of the weekends.
Yahor. u also dont think the cinema so cold. Anyway, take gd care of yrself ok? Hope to see yr reply here.
Best regards
Hello Violet, y there is not pics of yr chicken rice n laska dish in yr chu fan bi ji post.
Auntie Irene already explained that using rice cooker to do dishes is a last minute arrangement. The time does not permit to have pictures, so every wednesday's recipe, there will be no pictures.
Hey anonmymous above, people dont know mah. Think miss Aunt Irene explaination, why u talk so impatiently? Not happy then dont bother to explain lah.
wow, anon 1118, very hungry hah ? dun yell on fen ying blog. thank you.
U dont then yell, rude poeople. Thank You.
to violet,
wow, your voice today is very sexy le! hee hee...
how are you? go to see doctor already? must take care!
Hi Violet Fenying
Your voice sounds terrible today and I'm afraid if you continue to use it, you will lose it in no time. You should be resting your voice when it's so hoarse. Go see a doctor and get an MC for the next few days. Take care.
Hi alfie, think Biyu deleted her comment list due to yr critrisim on the morning call thing.
Hi Violet, Refering to the laska recipe coiunm section in yr chu fan bi ji post. People fighting over ther, threaten wif police, think quite chaos, please go n hv a look. Think it's all started with the teaching of dumplings.
Hi violet
I am trying to do a blog for my baby also.but i got some problems n need your help or any other kind ppl out there help me please.
I seems like cant post.whenever i click 'new post',the page will hang while in 'transition' on a blank page.i ask my fren to help me post,n she can post with no problem.think its something wrong with my PC.Can help me ask what should i do with my PC? Coz i not that PC-savy.
Xie xie!
can contact me at ange_jal@hotmail.com
frustrated ..... past 2 days including today not able listen Love972 .... i thought my PC got pblm but when switch to other station , no pblm and can listen .... i listen to yes933 until i want to slp .... my colleague past 2 days oso did not on the FM radio coz she oso can't listen ..... How violet ? What went wrong hah ...... my location at bukit batok .... haiz sian .... dun knw got to wait for how many days .....
can listen liao .... kekeke so hapi ...... waited until neck like giraffe lol ......
Hi! Violet,
Could u pls help me to chk wif Dr. Ng, I give birth abt 3 yrs ago, but up till now, if i squeeze my nipple, there is still a little bit of milk come out, may i know is that normal?
Need your kind assistant. Knowing that 97.2 has lots of listener could I trouble you to make an anouncement on air. My son and his friend took a taxi from Orchid Country Club. His friend align at Castle Green in Yio Chu Kang ,while he align at Lentor Vale
on 20.6.2007 at around 11pm . The taxi driver went off with his bowling bag with his wallet inside.
Could the kind blue comfort taxi driver call me at 96821826.
Thanks in advance for your help.
hi violet,can you post some of ur son's picture.
Hi Violet
Can u pls invite some of the parents talk about the children having the problem autism/sensory intergation disorder. Hope they can share how to take care & through therpy whether is treatable.
Hope u can help some of the mother their child having this areas of concern.
Thanks & regards
Hi Violet
Can u pls invite some of the parents talk about the children having the problem autism/sensory intergation disorder. Hope they can share how to take care & through therpy whether is treatable.
Hope u can help some of the mother their child having this areas of concern.
Thanks & regards
Hi Violet, can u please discuss n talk abt teenage depression when u r bk from leave. I had asked b4 but not reply, it will be best when doctors r in the studio to discuss. If not, it still ok, please kindly help, thks.
Hi Margaret, think u should post the comments in DeJiang's blog. He is in charge of this segment, Violet is on leave, so may not see yr comment.
Hi Violet, hope u enjoy yr leave. Put more pics of u n yr son when come bk ok.
can u translate the steamed radish cake u teach on jan 13th into english? if want to make pumpkin cake, is it replace with pumpkin?
Hi Violet
Can you teach us how to make agar agar. My son like to eat but i don't know how to make.
Thank you.
i like your shoe. where to buy ?? all blue blue,very nice .
blue blue
Hi Violet, where u bought yr black dress, very nice very classical.
Oops, i mean classic.
Hi 粉樱,
My email : digicaliper@yahoo.com
粉樱 :
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