Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My Vitagen Ad on I-Weekly


My New Vitagen Less Sugar Advertisement is out NOW on this week's I-WEEKLY!!

这个星期, 也就是 NO.511的 I-WEEKLY!

我总共拍了2组照片: 一个穿红色裙子的,另一个深蓝裙的.
Which is nicer?
Personally, i like the red color dress one coz it is more vibrant.
But the dark blue color dress one is more suitable for the Vitagen Less Sugar Advertisement as a whole.

这就是较底糖维他精的最小支持者: Pacific Chia!
在这篇特辑报道中, 还登了一些我在促销较底糖维他精时,和忠实听众一起拍的彩照!
赶快去购买一本 I周刊来看看吧!
: )

Monday, August 13, 2007




: )

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Bryan Laoshi On Board!

Today, we got Bryan on my <<好爸爸好妈妈>> program, teaching parents and children how to calm down, not so worked up, not so stressed up.

Methods include:
1) Herbal Tea:
Drink herbal tea 2 times a week. You may get 夏枯草 ($1), separate to 2 sets. Then cook 1 set with water for 1/2 hour. Then off the cooker and add brown sugar. This will help you not to feel so frustrated often, reduce acne problem, cure skin problem and piles. Once or twice a week will do, not everyday, if not will be too

2) Fruit Aroma Therapy:
Get the skin of grapefruit, add with hot water or get sweet smelling (not sour) grapefruit aroma essence. This aroma therapy will make you not get heated up easily and let you remember happy things. The oil can also help you to loss weight and able to make kids calm down.

3) Absorb negative ions:
Go to Botanic Gardens especially the Orchid Garden to enjoy nature and absorb natural negative ions.

4) Blue Colour Therapy:
Get anything that is blue and breathe in and out in front of the object. For kids, you can get a blue pen for them to draw anything. This will help to relax your mind, when you have fever or get , to help you recover faster, cure insomnia, and have better skin.

5) Yellow Colour Therapy:
Place any yellow objects on your table and do the breathing therapy. This can help in your digestion, detox, help you to calm down, and those who has depression to feel happier.

6) "EEEE......" Tone Therapy:
Breathe in and say "eeeeeee........" till the last breathe you will recharge yourself and will not feel too tired. So if you dont have enough sleep, you dont have to take coffee just do this. But not more than 2 mins.

7) "O........" Tone Therapy:
Breathe in and say "O........." till the last breathe and this will boost your confidence and you will not get nervous easily. Can work for kids or adults. And not for more than 2mins.

Hope all these can help you and your children.
To learn more about these therapies, you may go to Bryan's blog at http://www.bryanomhealth.blogspot.com/

Next session with Bryan Laoshi is on 20 Aug 2007.
Stay tuned.