Methods include:
1) Herbal Tea:
Drink herbal tea 2 times a week. You may get 夏枯草 ($1), separate to 2 sets. Then cook 1 set with water for 1/2 hour. Then off the cooker and add brown sugar. This will help you not to feel so frustrated often, reduce acne problem, cure skin problem and piles. Once or twice a week will do, not everyday, if not will be too
2) Fruit Aroma Therapy:
Get the skin of grapefruit, add with hot water or get sweet smelling (not sour) grapefruit aroma essence. This aroma therapy will make you not get heated up easily and let you remember happy things. The oil can also help you to loss weight and able to make kids calm down.
3) Absorb negative ions:
Go to Botanic Gardens especially the Orchid Garden to enjoy nature and absorb natural negative ions.
4) Blue Colour Therapy:
Get anything that is blue and breathe in and out in front of the object. For kids, you can get a blue pen for them to draw anything. This will help to relax your mind, when you have fever or get , to help you recover faster, cure insomnia, and have better skin.
5) Yellow Colour Therapy:
Place any yellow objects on your table and do the breathing therapy. This can help in your digestion, detox, help you to calm down, and those who has depression to feel happier.
6) "EEEE......" Tone Therapy:
Breathe in and say "eeeeeee........" till the last breathe you will recharge yourself and will not feel too tired. So if you dont have enough sleep, you dont have to take coffee just do this. But not more than 2 mins.
7) "O........" Tone Therapy:
Breathe in and say "O........." till the last breathe and this will boost your confidence and you will not get nervous easily. Can work for kids or adults. And not for more than 2mins.
Hope all these can help you and your children.
To learn more about these therapies, you may go to Bryan's blog at http://www.bryanomhealth.blogspot.com/
Next session with Bryan Laoshi is on 20 Aug 2007.
Stay tuned.
Hi Violet, i have fun today while listening to ur programme, and with Bryan lao shi, so funny.
Thanks for your effort always invite different people.
Enjoy alot....
Mei Yi
I love the flower breathing method is so simple and fun, will definitely try.
All our company people tune in to yesterday programm is so lovely. And we are quite happy bryan lao shi is back again. LAst time can only hear him 5 mins or less, now it seems longer time with so many information. And i think both of you quite fun and can attract we all young aunties...
we are a group of workers from
Jin li Kallang sector pte ltd
Hi violet, i really enjoy this programm, also i tried to call in but cannot get thru. may i know what flower is blue color... I cannot find in market
I just visited bryan's blog, he draw a color picture of you very nice.
hi Violet,
For the topic on whether water melon to be consumed bf/after meal?
My understand that all fruits shld be consumed before meal.
Is there a difference on the type of fruit? What abt grapes, banana, strawberry, kiwi or apples?
Thanks...sweetie mummy
Hi violet
My younger son only 2yrs old...
he likes to bully his elder brother & cousins...he likes to beat & use toys to hit their head.
sometimes he also like to scold people...like i dun wan mummy...etc...
Any advice??
Hi Violet
My daughter 4 year old like to bite his brother and anyone who snatch her toy or touch her thing.
Any advice to stop her from biting people.
Hi Violet can you ask Bryan lao shi to explain ways to control hyper active children.
Your program is of wide variety and very fun than the morning one.
kim chin
Some fruits may not be consumed before food because is (cooling)Han and cooling and may injured stomach Ki, which may cause bloated stomach. It also need to depends on ur body type. I learn this from Bryan lao shi in cold storage fruits vege talks
Hi Violet,
For the Herbal Tea, u say separate into 2 sets.
1 set boiled with water, the other set, u didnt mention what to do with it.
Pls advise.
Hi Violet,
For the herbal tea, do we need to wash before boiling? thanks
Hi Violet,
I have have wonder what the different beween EQand IQ. If possible you can get expertist on these subject to explain the difference between these two and how to control and improve EQ and IQ
Thanks... Cindy
I am having some problems regarding the custody of my child as my wife and I were seperated for more than 3 years but we did not sign any seperation papers. But I do not have money to engage a lawyer, so how can I prove that all along my child is under my care and what could I do to gain sutody of my child without having to spend too much money.
Mr Chan
My baby is very active. He is only 1 yrs old and like to join in what i always do. Like when i use computer he like to anyhow hit my keyboard. When i say no he still do it. I cannot stand him and put him to the playpan and he start to get angry and cry out loud. No matter what i do or say he still cry until i put him down to floor than he stop crying, may i know how to teach and control his temper and behaviour. This problem has been making me stress everytime he like that.
Please help me.
Dear Violet,
Please help me to ask Dr Low next Thursday, my son 20mths old, whenever he crys, his nose will have some sinus (aka bi2 ti4" in mandarin). If cry too long the sinus will drip out too. He is not having flu or runny nose though. I wonder is it normal? My boy is 20mth old.
Thank you very much.
Dear Mr Chan
Regarding about legal, some of the CC has a legal clinci which is free. Perhpas u can check with them.
All the Best
Hi Violet,
I would like to know abt:
effective Temper tantrum methods and other mummies' experience.
like Time out, reward system
any help for daydreamers?
thanks..sweetie mummy
hi violet, can ask bryan lao shi to talk about health improvement for kids with cold hand and cold feet. I enjoy ur show alot
shen lian
Hi Violet & Dr Chong
Dr Chong, can u help me wif a few doubts. Isit if a woman had her zi gong taken out at mid 40 due to cancer problem, will she still have the normal menopause, if so when and hw do we know?
Another thing is, its already few years after her op, she's 52 this yr, how come till todae she still told her husband she had phoebia & avoid her husband, her character, temper etc changed from bad to worse, isit it due to the op or menopause.
Thanks & Rgds
Hi voilet,
I had a bad flu for the past 2 days. Suddenly I realised that I lost my sense of "smell'. Pls help. I hope this is only temporary. Hv anyone encounter this before?
Jacqueline Teo
Hi Voilet,
Regarding your program with Dr Chong this afternoon, that a lady mention about the cod liver for her
menopause. Do you know what is the brand?
Thanks and regards
Happy listener
Sorry to trouble you. Can you help me ask Billy to fax me the recipe and method of making "vinegar milk" and "vinegar onion", as my husband have headache quite regular and I hope that "vinegar milk" will improve his headache.
Have faxed to Billy this morning but afraid he didn't see it. Please help me. Thanks!
Appreciate 972 listener can help me too if you know the recipe and method. Thanks!
Hi Violet, i tried the method on the flower breathing and also bring my family to botanical garden last saturday. Is really good, i feel so well for the last few days. Thanks to bryan lao shi method. I hope to learn more.
Kath i heard from Yong mei bryan lao shi method for headache, many people headache and maigraincan better after using his method . may be u can find from his blog.
cheng hui
we were trying the eeeee method in the office, guess what, we find it effective. thaks
Hi Violet
Yesterday during Dr Chong's programe i heard a lady mentioned she took the cod liver oil and she said very good.
May i know what is the brand.She said ever advertised on 972.
Dear Violet,
I used to have very serious headache & migraine. i suffered for several years before i find out its actually due to my cervical spine being concaved (jing zui gu wai). hope this can be a reference to those who always have headache.
How did you know that your migraine is due to your spine? Did you consult a chinese doctor or normal doctor?
Ms Chua
I always had problems with my stomach as I always felt bloated and somtimes I would vomit after eating due to discomfort in the stomach, can you ask the listeners if they could offer any help.
Dear Ms Chua
i went to consult a chinese physican, he told me all the symptons (eg blur vision, high blood pressure etc), followed up by an x-ray. got a shock after seeing the x-ray film, the doctor tot i had an accident b4.
Cheng Hui,
Thanks for your info. Will go and see Bryan lao shi's blog.
hi violet, can you help please!! my son now about 2 years old, still cant speak well.may i have the doctor contact number please??
Hi Violet
祝你国庆日快乐。 :)
Hi Violet,
By the way, I posted on the "881" Gala Premiere, feel free to visit and comment. Thank you.
bryan lao shi method for backpain is effective, attended his class at yamaha. My husband back now better so much.
Hope bryan lao shi can share with us more
Hi Violet,
Congrats for breaking ur 300000 visitors to ur blog mark. :)
Hi Jace
Regarding yr son now about 2 years old, still cant speak well. You can bring him go to KK hospital for doctors advice, if u want a subsidised rate can go the polyclinic, the referral abt 3-weeks, with the subsidised rate is v reasonable.
Hi Violet,
I think around May or June there is talk regarding testing baby's mecury level. I went to Guardian Pharmacy to ask asn they say there is no such test kits. Can you kindly tell me where to buy it from as my 1 yr old son keep scratching himself and often leave scars.
Thank you
Hi violet can I know how much water to boil for half an hour for the 1st half of xia ko cao.I have piles.Do I have to use low.median or high heat to boil.I missed this interesting programme that week.
Thank you.
hi love your programm, i really miss bryan laoshi section, because i was one of the morning listeners where my depression has improved using bryan lao shi method. Hope can invite him more to the programm.
Hi Kai n Fenying,, can share the methods to improve depression, thanx.
bryan laoshi use grapefruit pink oil and with water do facial steaming and hand batth, then he taught us to put hand at our waiste for 3mins, very good.
Hi fenying,
Today, pls clarify the white vinegar with expired milk can it be used for wood and/or leather texture? By the way, can you pls post the method with regard to expire milk(include the advice from some listeners too)in your blog? Thanks you so much.
Hi Kai, thanx, where to get grapefruit pink oil. And can u be more details in how abt doing it, thanks again.
Dear Violet,
Pls advise where can I find in your
blog, regarding the cures for the migrain headache and bad flu (morning sickness,
can flu for whole day and using
box of tissue papers.) Very irriatating and suffering.
many thanks
w/rdgs, rainbow
Dear Violet,
Today Brayan recipe can you show on your blog.
just visited bryan's lao shi blog, is so informative, thanks violet for introducing us, i am new listener to 972,
Hi Violet,
Can you give me the contact number of the chinese doctor's that went on air on 29/8/2007?
Hi Violet.
Love your voice and laughter & all ur programs ;p I also love to tune in to your program with Bryan Lao Shi! Always so informative & funny. Lucky for us, its an 1 hr program now but time past by so fast!! Before I knew it, 1 hr is over! I really hope to hear more of your programs and together with bryan lao shi. U guys can really create so much 'sparks' in the program and bryan lao shi is always so entertaining & patient ;) Twice a month is such a long wait!
Jia You Violet!!! Jia You Bryan Lao Shi!!!
我错过了有关9月12日的广播: 有关"如何让孩子长高"的节目. 希望您能够把资料 UPDATE 在您的 BLOG. 非常感谢!
祝: 工作愉快!
Dear Violet,
I miss the part of How to help children in learning better chinese. My son's is Pri 2 this year. I intented to register him for tuition class few months ago but he refuse. I'm able to guide him for his chinese but I'm afraid my method is boring. I want him to show interest so that he can write well for his chinese composition. So far his chinese result is average. But I notice everytime comes to test or exam, I notice he tends to forgot his previous spelling words. But he assure me he can do well. So I have to repeat all the words to him again. I wish I can use some interesting method to teach him.
I need your advise.
From. Michelle
hi violet=)
dunno when the gynae will come again to ur programme. i have been having this problem for more than two years already. i have done pap smear tests for alot of times already. test report always show vaginal candidiasis-infection(i'm not sure if its the correct name). this problem always occurs after my menses. it comes with yellowish vaginal discharge and itchiness. please help me to check with the doctor if there is any cure for my problem. pls send me ur reply in the form of email as i don't think i'll be able to hear the doctor's reply. thank you so much=)
Hi violet,
I have missed one of your programme about kid problem.if i,m not wrong shd be under Bryan laoshi's talk. If child is not able to concentrate on study and feel very sleepy, you have mentioned that to place something on the writing table or into pencil box, let him smell it , he will feel better, can remember fast and can even grow taller faster. Can you email to me what is the object to be placed on the writing table?
Hi Violet,
My son is very skinny.Can help to ask Bryan is there any way to grow fat ?
Thanks in advance !!!!
Hi Violet,
I want to ask you how to get rid of gallstones before being operated by surgeons.
Hi Violet.
I started listening to 97.2FM recently because I seldom tune in to Mandarin programs. I happened to come across your program with Bryan Lao Shi. It was a very informative program. This program really keeps me awake after my lunch. Otherwise, i will feel extremely sleepy after my lunch. I enjoyed the program very much because u and Bryan Lao Shi are so humorous. I am amazed by Bryan Lao Shi's knowledge because he looks so young from his picture. Keep up the good work and I look forward to both u & Bryan Lao Shi's program.
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