<<我的厨房笔记>> BLOG的到访人数已经破30万人次的记录了!
谢谢各位的支持和喜爱也感谢Auntie Irene的大力帮忙!
: )
结果接到很多听众的来电询问, 非常抱歉!
1碗红枣 (洗干净,去壳去籽)加1碗黑豆加3碗水.
: )
FenYing, 加油! can see, hear and feel your hardwork! Keep it up, CHEERS!!! - Kathy
Hi Feng Ying,
Thanks for posting remedy for uticaria. Appreciate it if you could translate it in english? cause my chinese is not too good.
Many Thanks.
Dear Violet,
Please help me to ask Dr Low about how much fish should a 19mths old kid be intaking per day. My kid has been eating fish and vege most of the time. (Intro of meat not that frequent yet. My kid's intake of fish per week approximate about 700gr. Meaning 1 day about 100gr of fish for 2 meals, fish that he has been eating so far is the "Ngor fish" (in hokkien). I wonder is he intaking too much fish? Will it cause him to be poison by mercury or what we call "mercury poisoning"?
Thanks a lot.
Mrs Tang
Hi Violet,
My hubby also have this problem, I also let him use the roll on deodorant. Frequent bathing is recommended.
Thanks...sweetie mummy
Hi Violet,
My son is 7 years old. Can u ask the doc how to stop kids from sucking fingers?
I saw him doing tat when he feel boring or deep in thots.
Does this sucking affect his teeth growth? His two front teeth are not growing after the bb tooth dropped last year.
Can he use normal adult toothpaste now or still need to use children toothpaste? At what age shld he switch to adult toothpaste?
Thanks...Sweetie mummy
Hi Violet,
my baby is 9mths old, has 2 lower teeth. 2 upper teeth have also started growing, but they are growing apart. is it normal, will there be a gap in future?
thanks for your help.
Hi Violet,
My baby is 11month. Previously has 7 teeth grow finish le now came the 8th teeth. Growing of teeth the appetite of baby will change or not. Will if somehow effect his behaviour and sleep. As he sometime up and down and not much weight gain.
Hi violet,
My son is in Pr 1 now, how come his front two teeth have not drop but grow new teetn n become 4 teeth instead of 2 teeth it means two inner n 2 outerner
pls help n thanks a lot
Hi Violet,
Thanks for the reply.
Is there any to stop him from thumb sucking? I've been trying a lot of methods, but not able to stop him.
Rdgs.sweetie mummy
Can u help me ask the doctor, my son is 20 months old n hv a decay on the inciser (front tooth) i can see a small hole, i wan to bring him to see a dentist to fill it up but how to get him to be cooperative to open his mouth n let the dentist do the drilling n fill the whole. Another question is son wan to suckle to fall asleep at night, how to i wean him off, he refused to sleep if he dont suck breastmilk. Tks
Can check with the doctor is it normal my girl already P4 (9+ yr old) but her some baby teeth still have not dropped off especially the upper front 3rd teeh. Is it normal?
我儿子在下个月三号就满九个月了可是都没有出牙症状,请问这样正常吗?? 还有一个问题我儿子他晚上睡觉老是睡下然后哭着醒来(不管是晚上,早上或下午情况都一样)可以帮帮我吗?
email add : sekmi_lee@yahoo.com.sg
Hi Fenying,
My son when sit upright always slant his head to the right side. How can I correct this? He is about 6mths plus.
Thanks n Regards,
for the 风膜 remedies, is it that you start drinking the remedy when you have the 风膜? or you can drink anytime without having the 风膜 working up again?
Hi Violet,
What is the best fish or vegetable for baby from 12month onwards.
Hi Violet
Wld like to take this opportunity to broadcast & hopefully assist us to pass the msg across to all yr friends.
World Breasting Feeing Week 2007 -
Pls come join the group in celebrating the World Breatfeeding Week (WBW) 2007 by making history. Be part of the group that will help attempt a Synchronised Breastfeeding World wide record where participants from different country will breastfeed at exactly the same.
Local time (10am) in their Time Zone.
Date : 8/8/2007 (Wed)
Time : 9 am - 11.45 am
Venue : Nanyang Community Club
60 Jurong West St 91
Singapore 649040
Registration fee : $2 / person
(include light refreshment, goodie bags and lucky draws)
Interested applicants, pls contact Nanyang CC at 6791 0395
Hurry up! Sign up now and give yr baby a wonderful present by playing a part in the making of a GUINNESS WORLD RECORD.
Jointly brought to you by :
Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group (Singapore).
Let's put our hands together & hopefully they will be able to achieve
Hi anonymous @2:42:00pm,
Ask yr P1 son to go to school dental nurse to have his teeth (front - baby teeth) extracted, it's free for school kids to extract, scale, check their teeth in school. The school dental nurse checks the children's teeth once a year.
Hi anonymous @2:57:00pm,
My daughter also in P4. Some of her baby teeth still did not drop yet. When the permanent teeth grows, the baby teeth will have to be extracted by the dental nurse. My daughter's teeth needs to be extracted every time a new one grows.
Rgds to both of you,
hi Violet,
For how long, if you never breastfeed, the thing will stop. As i only breastfeed my baby for 2 month after that i stop for sometime i can't continue anymore. And now he is 11month old. How you can make sure you can continously breastfeed for 2 years so long and best position is for that.
is it true that breastfeeding baby, the baby immune system will be those who never.
Fen Ying ,
Please post about the dengue fever information as I heard from my friends that they heard about this information but they also did not have enough time to take down informations about dengue fever.
Post as soon as possible..
Thank You.
Hi Fenying,
All the while, I have been listening to English station until one day I tune to Love972 and I am "stuck" to it now without fail very day especially the 1345pm where listeners gave valuable comments/methods to help those in need. However, sometimes is too fast for me to get/copy their advise. How can I get those past issues. Pls advise. Thank you and wish this programme would continue......
你好!我的车子有很多蟑螂,请问有什么办法去除它? 如可以麻烦e-mail告知方法.谢谢!
Fen Ying,
E-mail : sytheng@pd.jaring.my
Siew Yan
Hi Fen Ying,
I need your help, my menses came for 2 weeks with very heavy flow and then stop for 2 weeks and it started again with heavy flow. Appreciate it, if you could ask the gynae for me what should I do besides seeing the doctor?
Many Thanks.
Mrs Ang
Hi Violet,
when is Bryan lao shi coming to your programme.... my son and me attended his cold storage public talk on beauty health using vegetable and fruits.... now my son love vegetables , i hope he can share with us more tips .... He is so funny, it will be great that both of u can share with us more...
min yi
Halo, met u that day at Boy Boy's hse.... Just to let you know, my brother has been discharged from hospital and recovering from dengue fever..
Our remedial (one day before his discharge):-
@ ~1.00pm, I had given him 2x of 1000gsm Vitamin C tablets from GNC.
@ ~4.00pm, Boy boy's mother had given him 1 bottle of water mixed with ginseng powder from Bing Han.
Our remedial (on the day of his discharge):-
took 2x of vitamin C tablets after breakfast
took ginseng powder in d afternoon
These informations might help those who has dengue fever... no harm trying cos both the vitamin and ginseng powder are natural products...But might have to eat both seprately, at a few hours interval.
Catherine Chua
Hello Fenying,
My friends and I simply love your afternoon 'zhen mo pang gong shi" at 1.45pm. However, sometimes we missed the solutions from the listeners and the experts. Is it possible to publish a book or create a web/under your blog for it? Since it is so popular, I sure it would be well received. You know it is very frustration not to be able to jot down in time. Thank you.
what the website of your class that i can browse through so next time i can enrol my child as i just tune in if i miss the website .
Any age limit. what is the best age to learn all this.
Hi Fen Ying,
I want to know the wed site for "chang si li"
Thank you
Hi Kitty,
Hi feng ying,
I would like to hv the recipe of chicken rice, pls assist. Also how to get rid of mosquitoes in the room beside using mosquitoes spray any other natural way? like using Ting shiang? Thanks & rgds.
Dear Violet,
Don't scold me! I had missed the topic on how to take care of rough hand. I vaguely heard there are 2 methods a)soak your hand in the "Hei Pi jiu" and b)??? Kindly repeat, thanks.
hi fenying,
may i noe where can i buy a voice recorder?
Hi fenyin can ask bryan lao shi how to resolve sinus and cough for kids, i heard mothers use his method recover. but i cannot find....
Feng Ying,
Sorry to trouble you. Can you please help me to ask Billy what is his email address as I can't find in his website (maybe due to my computer unable to see full screen of Billy's website).
Appreciate you can update in your blog. Thank you very much.
Hi Choo,
Extract from Bryan lao shi website for sinus & cough for kids :
Aromatherapy Method (especially effective for kids):
For emergency applications: 1 drop Lavendula Vera and 1 drop Eucalytus Radiata on a piece of tissue paper and inhale deeply. Then rub the tissue on your upper back, and with a hairdryer, warm your upper back.
2-4 drops Lavendula Vera and 2 drop Euclayptus Radiata in a small jar of "Vicks" ointment (most convenient), or 30ml Aloe Vera gel. Mix well with a wooden toothpick and leave over night.
To use, apply some onto the chest and upper back area, rub gently, and with some of it still left on the fingers, apply a bit under the nose. Use a hairdryer to warm the upper back for a while.
Can find out for me how to "clear" out all the ants.
cause my house have alot of ants @ kitchen, dining area, toilet & bedrooms.
thank you,
Hi fenying,
Can find out for me from Dr Chong(gynae), that after I given birth, my meases for the first 3 days is always bright red. B4 I given birth, my meases is always dark red. It's been like that for around 4 cycles of my meases. There no pain at all & my meases always come for around 7 days.
Another thing, I want to know is that my son teeth is not straight his top & bottom, fouth & five teeth grow inwards not alight with his two front teeth. Will his adult be the same too when his baby teeth all drop of?
Should be 冬菇
Hi Fenying,
Help! Just wonder have the topic on how a child can grow taller been discussed in the programmer. If not, can you pls arranged. I really really need the information. Thank you and I always enjoy listening to your programmer. Not only full of good info but aslo your laughter with the rest of the DJ like GongLi, Bryan lao shi and Bryan phyiscian and etc. "Jia You"
请问是否能向你要Auntie Irene酵素的制作方法?能否email我:taldomail@gmail.com
Does it really work ?
Hi Violet
WHY, I can't find the recipes for Nasi Lemak I thought u teach B4.
Happy working
Dear violet,
Can Ask Doctor for me . My baby is now 8 months old, Normally she drink milk 220 to 250ml. These few days she drink more and more lesser. sometimes 30ml sometimes 50 ml and sometimes 110ml. and when want to feed her, she is like want to vomit. i bring her see doctor a few times, doctor said no problem. Maybe she is full. Want to ask doctor Is there any problem with my baby ?
Dear FenYing,
Can you pls arrange the topic on Sore Throat. As in the recent news, many Singaporean have this problem. Pls assist. Thank you.
Dear FenYing,
I missed few days ago regarding the method of how to handle liver to get rid of the toxic. Pls post it in your blog. Thanks.
Dear FenYing,
I missed few days ago regarding the method of how to handle liver to get rid of the toxic. Pls post it in your blog. Thanks.
hi Violet,
Will like to ask where to buy the urine test from toa payoh which area? to test the mercury poisoning??
Pls post on yr post.or
pls reply to jieqi66@hotmail.com
Hi Violet
My mum would like to locate her friend via your programme. How do she get in touch with you as we dont seems to get through the telephone number 66520972.
My mum would like to locate her friend via your programme.
The telephone number 66520972 seems to be engaged.
Would like to know how we can get in touch with you.
My email is pchewpl@gmail.com
Many thanks!
Mary Kay Cosmetics Natural Skincare Tips
There are a number of things you can do to improve the texture, elasticity and appearance of the skin. The first 3actions are an essential foundation to flawless skin.Regardless of how a lot you pay for expensive moisturizers that promise younger, more healthy smooth skin, if you do not do the threestep cleansing regimen (cleanse, tone & moisturize), it is not likely that these products will have any real benefit to the skin on your face.
1. Clean - Start your natual skin careregimen with a cleanser, by Mary KayCosmetics. That's it! No additives that can cause irritation to your skin especially if you have sensitive skin. You can use the Mary Kay Cosmetics cleanser by simply wetting your facial area to rinse. Remove the cleanser by using a MaryKay® Facial Cleansing Cloths.
2. Tone - Next, using cotton wool and Mary Kay Purifying Freshener to take off the last traces of cleanser and tone the skin. Have you tried Flower Waters? They areextremely helpful to the health of your skin as they are natural and contain anti-bacterial properties which stop bacteria growing which in turn prevents rashes and spots. Some also have astringent properties which close pores, and make the skin more toned. Some great ones to try are good old water - cold, rosewater (good for mature skin too), orange flower water andnaturalwitch hazel. Avoid toners with alcohol as these will dryout your skin which will skimp on your efforts.
3. Moisturise - This step is critical to wholesome skin. You need to replace lost moisture to the skin and this is best done with Mary Kay Balancing Moisturizer Cream to suit your skin type. The most common are sensitive skin, oily skin, dry skin and combination skin, so look out for these descriptions when purchasing creams.
4. Sun Cream - Stay out away from the sun - UV rays cause the skin to age, consequentlyuse a factor that is suitable for your skin type for optimum sun protection. Mary Kay Sun Care Collection is an exceptional choice.
5. Avoid Free Radicals - What are they? See our write-up on free radicals for further details, but in a few words the yare substances that cause the skin to grow older and crease. Use Anti-oxidants tofight free radicals that age the skin. Vitamin A, C & E are especially helpful in addition to coconut and olive oil. A handful of almonds are loaded with enough vitamin E to counteract free radicals.
6. Water - yes, drinking water really does help to remove toxins and re-hydrate your skin. Approximately 2 litres per day (8x 250ml glasses).
7. Serums - These are wholesome oils with an element to help carry the oils into the deeper levels of the skin so theyenhance the tone and elasticity. It is best to use the therapy twice a day, once in the early morning a few minutes before you moisturise and again before you go to bed so that it can do its work whilst you sleep. Mary Kay Cosmetics TimeWise® Replenishing Serum+C is an excellent choice.
8. Face Mask - Use a Mary Kay TimeWise® Even Complexion Mask as a weekly treatment.
9. Rest - Sleep is one of the best things you are able to do for your skin.
These suggestions ought to not be used as a one off, butincorporated into a regular skin care routine for best effects.
For more information on the Mary Kay Cosmetics Skin Care line please visit
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My parents have just called me and asked if i could "get rid" of their two tickets to some concert as they wont have the ability to make it due to an additional family event.
Besides asking close friends etc, i thought ebay would be a good place to sell them.
But whats ebay's policy on selling tickets? Ive heard alot about it about the news but ive forgotten what happened.
and if it matters, the concert is inside of this coming month
Thanks ahead of time for your advice.
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