My New Vitagen Less Sugar Advertisement is out NOW on this week's I-WEEKLY!!
这个星期, 也就是 NO.511的 I-WEEKLY!

But the dark blue color dress one is more suitable for the Vitagen Less Sugar Advertisement as a whole.

♥ 嗨! 我是Violet粉樱! 在此与你分享我生活中最美好,最快乐,最值得记录和回忆的事. 希望你能留言留名,以表对我的支持与鼓励! 感谢你的到访! 想联络我,可以电邮到:djfenying@gmail.com.......... Hi,I am Violet Fenying! Just wanna share with you some of the most wonderful, happiest and memorable moments of my life in this blog. Hope you can leave some comments to show your support! Thanks for visiting! If you wanna contact me, my email address is djfenying@gmail.com. Chëërs! ♥
3 July 2010 (Saturday) 11am-1pm
粉櫻 will be doing roving reports for Giant's 10th Anniversary Celebration:- Venue is at Giant Tampines. You will stand a chance to win FREE Groceries for 10 years – Equivalent to $24,000 worth of Giant Vouchers. There will be FREE popcorns, caricatures & balloons to be given away. You will get to enjoy greater savings with Giant's weekly offers as you shop for your needs at Giant. So bring your family down to shop at Giant and join in the fun. Stand a chance to win Ginormous prizes too! Hope to see you there! :)
11 July 2010 (Sunday) 3pm - 7pm
粉櫻 will be hosting Hong Thai 25th Anniversary Carnival :- Venue is at Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre, Level 3 Concourse. Admission is FREE!! Participate in exciting games, savour delicious Asia snacks and catch performances like International Kids Parade, Hip Hop Street Dance and Magic Show!! You will stand a chance to win Premium Grade Rice, Cash Ang Baos worth up to $688 and Air Tickets to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan! Get GREAT TRAVEL DEALS :- 5 Days Bangkok and Pattaya Tour Packages from $199 ONLY!! Dont Miss!! Hope to see you there! :)
Parents who wanna join "Violet Parenting Club", please email your personal particulars to: violetparenting@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, topics you wish to learn or know more). Should there be any gatherings, activities, talks, seminars or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit parents by sharing our experience and learning new things. Join us to better ourselves as good parents! Cheers! :)
Cooking lovers who wanna join "Fenying Kitchen Club", please email your personal particulars to: fenyingkitchen@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, types of dishes you wish to learn). Should there be any gatherings, activities or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit cooking-lovers by sharing our experience and learning more dishes. Join us to better our cooking skills! Happy Cooking! :)
Personally think the red clothing looks very class in you. Your pose is also very natural.As for the other advertisement, the photo does not look like you leh.
Can you share where do you bring the red clothing
Mrs Chew
I need your help badly as my daughter has a case in MCYS and the MSYS counceller ask for my child birth cert and both my parents IC and marriage cert. Do I have to give it to them or I can object to giving it to them?
Please help as I can't manage to get info on this issue.
Mrs Guan
i more prefer the dark blue skirt!
pacific look very cute!
Hi Violet,
Wow...Elegant look in the red dress. Black look mysterious.
Pacific is very cute and loving.
Hi Violet,
can U help me to ask Ms Zhang that if my kids uses finger to pick up vegetables? How to correct him to use chopstick or fork?
Rdgs...Sweetie Mummy
Hello Violet..
两件裙子都很好看.. 还有Pacific好可爱哦....
Hi Violet,
Pls advise me whether is it wrong 2 let a 15th mth old bb drink 2 drink milk in his 摇篮. Cos recently he doesn't 1 2 drink it in his bb cot.
Hi Violet,
Thanks for the tips for Jaundice, yes my son has fully recover from it.
Many thanks :) and Happy working...
Daven, your 972 supporter
Hi Violet since Bryan laoshi is comoing to ur programm on Monday can request him to talk about family stomach digestive system thanks
because many parents has stomach bloated problem
Hi Violet,
I agreed to Dong li, I always wanted to train my son (7 yos) and gal (4 yos) to be independent as they have cgiver to help them.
I also tell my cgiver to let my kids when they are younger (from 2 yos)
1. bath and change to uniform or clothing.
2. pack his own snack to school
3. pack his own bag for school
do his own homework
4. to carry his own backpack, packed his own items like jacket, water bottles for outing.
5. help to carry all shopping bags when we go marketing.
6. make their own milk in their mugs
7. tidy up the toys or games after playing
8. Close the window when raining
I'm going to train them to
1. make their own bed
2. wash their own dishes
3. tidy their own tables after finishing homework.
My mother also said that why yr kids are carrying all the things but u are empty handed, they even help me to carry my handbags sometime.
My cgiver said very soon she will be out of job.
HEHEHE....Sweetie mummy.
how come u name yr son Pacific? sorry but it sound v funny leh
i think ur son,pacific,is very cute and loving,but i don't agree with that annoymous,who say ur son's name sounds funny,i don;t think it is funny,this is a very sweet name.i think evryone who read this,please reply.
hm..mm..i have to agree name Pacific sound abit funny lor,,
curious to know why choose this name?
I also think Pacific is a bit too grand to be a name.... it sounds better as in Pacific Ocean !!!!!
The name quite rare lor, why u choose this name?
How come all of u have so much comment about violet's son?u will hurt people's hurt if u say that,let's say if people say about ur son/daughter name sounds funny,will u be angry or sad?think before u talk next time!
Hi violet, love ur programme.
Today i will stay tune for u and Bryan lao shi topics, i find them very useful and fun.
And not heavy to absorb so simple. Can help me thank to bryan laoshi for his method of reducing coffee using eeeee sound is very effective
li zhen
pple r not commenting on her son but rather the choice of the name. I think nowadays parent choose name up to their liking and nvr bother whether their children will b the bully target of name calling..
Hi Violet
I have ever asked my daughter's doctor about brushing her teeth. He said that it is not necessary to do so when they are young but if you really want to brush their teeth, don't use toothpaste as the flouride will damage their teeth.
Anyway, my daughter is 3+ and her school has started to train them to brush their teeth without toothpaste.
sometimes too independent may not be a very good sign because the child will become so independent that they would not share their thoughts with their parents anymore if they think every thing also they can make the decision.
hi violet, your programm with bryan make our office people laugh till blur u and him is like ding ding dong dong but very very good and informative, keep up the good work
Hi Violet,
Could you please summarise what Brian Lao Shi has taught on 20 Aug? I missed some part of it. Thank you very much :)
Hi Violet,
My mother-in-law is a babysitter with more than 20 years of experience. If anyone in Woodlands area looking for a babysitter, they could contact her at 63634515 and look for Mdm Lee.
Hi Violet,
Can u pls help me my nephew is in Pr 5 this year n he is only 17kg.
Can u pls advise me how to help him grow fat n taller as he is underweight n height
Thanks n regards
Hi Violet,
Can you pls ask Huiling whether can kids age 3-5 yrs old eat eggs and fish everyday. Thanks
Hi Violet,
Dear Violet,
Could you please help me to ask the dietrician how many slice of wholemeal bread is equivalent to 1 bowl of porridge/rice for a 20mth old kid? If he is still eating 2 meals of porridge cooked with fish and veges a day, is it ok?
By now he still dont really like chewing chicken meat, etc.. how to train him to chew? Most of the time i find him swallow his porridge.. will see some carrot dice or bb sweet corn poo out from his poo.
thank you.
Hi violet,
my baby is 11mths old and is a vegetarian due to religion purpose. i heard that chick pea is a gd source for peopole who don't take meat. she also doesn't drink plain water, can i add more water when making milk. pls advise.
Hi Violet,
No I want to clarify this, bside eggs n fish i cook vegetables n soup also, fish n eggs contain protein, that y i dun cook fish n eggs the same day. If 2day i cook eggs then nex day i will cook fish alternate days, is it alright. I dun cook the same dish everyday. May i know How many eggs is the maximan that kids can take per week?
Hi 粉櫻
Hi Violet
Could u pls help to check wif huileng can I give brown rice to my girl who's 2++??
Thank you
Hi Violet,
Is it possible to publish what you and Bryan Laoshi said on 20 Aug 2007 just like previosly.
Thank you.
Hi Violet
A few days ago I heard you mention the programme on water retention. What are the food we can eat to help. Can you post it on your blog because I miss it.
Hi Violet
If anyone requires a babysitter in Woodlands Area, they could contact Mdm Lee @ 9692 2175.
Hi Violet & DR Cheong
Currently my son is 3yrs old..nw in N1 class...
sometimes when he cry or shout or scream...his voice will become different...like going to lost his voice type....
must he take any medicine or bring him to consult Doctor ?
any suggestions to improve his voice?
mummy angel.....
Dear Violet,
Could you please help me to ask Dr Chong, some are saying is best to do "ligation" straight after giving birth on the operation table if a woman have the intention not to give birth anymore? This would not cause as much pain as we do it after a few years later.. Is it true? Is it better to do "ligation" than taking contraceptive pills if we dont intend to give birth anymore?
Please advise.
Thank you.
Mrs Tang
To add on, what year is best to do the "ligation" opt. I am currently in my 30+, just want to ask for information.
Thank you.
Mrs Tang
Hi violet
b4 my menses come, i always had diahorrea until i cant tahan...
my temper oso very very bad
any advice...
Hi Violet,
My period had past for 3 months n I went to see doctor. He prescribe "sunolut" for me to eat. Can u ask the doctor that I must is to complete the whole course of medicine then the period will come is it.
Thanks n regards
Hi Violet,
I consulted a gynae when my menses just couldn't stop and is big loot clot. After microspoic, it was diagnosed to be endometrosis ane infected with HPV. But my pap smear appear to be normal, what should I do and I heard there's HPV vaccine. May I know where can I get it? Thanks
Hi violet,
Can I have Dr. Chong's contact number?
Hi Violet
Can I have Dr Chong's clinic address.
What's ur son chinese name?
Hi FenYing, need your kind help to find the title and singer of a song. It was played on 24 Aug between 10pm-1020pm on Love 97.2. It was sang by a male singer and the starting is in Hokkien, it goes like this "I have a guitar and I sing you a song..."
As I was driving at that time, I could not SMS 972 for the title. I love this song very much and I had been looking high and low for it, with no success. I'm sure you can help me, if you managed to find it for me, maybe one day I will play my guitar and sing you the song:)
Thank You
can we have bryan lao shi more on air we seems to lost him.....
his talk very interesting and very funny when he is with u...
quite different when he host with Yong mei
i enjoy alot but alternate week i can die waiting.
Hi Violet
I think that since your programme is well liked by the aunties, you should take this chance to educate them about who has the rights to get personal information from them etc as to prevent them from being cheated as I had just come across a guy coming to my flat and says that HDB had authorised to to the the dustbin in the house and my mum was alone in the house but luckily she called me to verify and I told her not to let this man into the house. And ask him to leave his contact number but he refused and just gone off.
I think we have to be very careful so as to prevent ourselves from being cheated as economy is very bad now and many people are thinking of ways to make money.
I start to listen your programm after introduced by Bryan lao shi in a NTU seminar, is a really good programm , i love it
NTU Jenny lim Admin block
Hi voilet,
I have a problem here but don't know which doctor to ask on your show. Can u help me to ask the most suitable person?
My 3 yrs old + girl start to hv dandruff, not serious but worry cos i myself is a serious dandruff mummy. I was wondering did i pass on the dandruff to her? Or she use the wrong shampoo?(I bought kids shampoo for her.) Or is it genentic or i spread to her by sharing the same comb? What should i let her or don't let her eat?
Need help urgently from u n ur speaker!!!
Million thanks
Worrying Mum
Hi voilet,
I hv 2 bottles of overdue cooking oil. I don't know what to do with it as i am not willing to throw it into the dustbin and hurt our wonderfull earth. Can u have me to find a way?
Plenty thanks
Hi Violet
Can u pls ask the Mr Huang that my boy now 21mths, due to having unhappies environment in the family last time, now he is lack of confidence in doing things, how to encourage him?
Hi Violet,
Can u ask the doctor on my behalf that my Pr 4 son's attitute in his studies, if he is willing to put in effort he can did very well but the problem is he do not want to do so n everytime he said he can't do it.
When I had to push him in his he can do very well n if I do not have time due to coach his brother's studies he will do badly in his excam.
Can u advise me what to do
Thanks n regards
Hi Violet,
Could you please help to ask Mr Huang, if we need to bring our kid to consult him (say 21mths+), on his attitude.. eating habits etc.. what is his clinic office hours, need to book appointment? What is his clinic no, please?
Thank you.
Hi Violet,
My baby now is 12 month he only know how to say ah ah, papa and kaka. When i try to teach him new words or things he seem not interested. may i know how to let him be interested in learning. how to correct his temper as whenever try taking something from him he will throw tantrum.
Is walking tiptoe right the correct way as he is 1 year old. I try letting him wear shoe he will take out to throw away always. H
Dear Violet,
My child 21mth+, sometime during the middle of the night, he will let out a short cry. We are still wondering is it because he is having bad dreams or what. Is there anyway to soothen his sleep at night?
He has got stomach flu 2 wks ago..
For Prof Huang's advise, please.
Thank you.
Hi Violet
Can you talk about ways to cure corns and warts on your programme.
我妹妹子宫有老化的细胞,做了D & C,医生给她逼孕丸。请问钟耀伦医生,她是否需要把子宫割除,以防止细胞变种。
please email to me 钟耀伦医生's contact at h.lun@hotmail.com. Thank You.
hi fei ying,
will you put up the ' he tao' herbal tea which bryan had teach last week?
Hi 粉樱,
Hi Violet
Can we have Bryan to come more often on air or sometimes you can also invite MC king to co host with you. Bryan can teach us a lot of thing or air. Everytime we hear the same people like Tong Li and Ryan on air a bit boring.
Thank you.
I find Bryan has many things that can share with us, please please please increase his appearance in cohost with you, we hate waiting so long. Because you two very funny, also u and MC king.
We are from JTC everytime after lunch we listenin group of ur programme,
lisa Ng
Dear Violet,
Could you please help me to ask Dr Low, my son is about 20mths now, I noticed he also have craddle cap (small area on his hair scalp). May I know what is the reason he will have have craddle cap during this age? He does have craddle cap when he is a few mths old. Is it ok if I used my fingernails to just peel them off? Will the craddle cap comes back again? How to prevent having craddle cap, if there is a way.
I would like to ask Dr. Liew, my daughter is about 13 months now, is normal that she poo poo 4 to 5 times a day? not everyday, but most happen every 2 or 3 days.
Mrs. Tee
Dear Violet,
my baby going is 11mth old. she's always having flu, running nose and cough, i'm afraid that it will become to asthma, is there any way to prevent.
Dear Violet
pls help me to ask Dr tat currently my son 3 yrs old...
he likes to wake up in the middle of nite to Drink Milk...abt 3 times
any way to reduce the milk for him?
U can bring your baby see Dr Chay at KK private clinic Tel: 62944050. She is very famous for treating flu, cough and asthma. She always appear in TV.
My daughter have been seeing her since yr 2000. When she was 3 yrs old she got very bad cough and was treated as asthma paitent at NUH. Some doctor treated their paitent like guinea pig, they give a lot of different medicine for every visit.
You will be surprised she don't give much medicine yet the cough can be treated.
Hi Violet, my baby is going 1 years old. r u able to help me check with Dr Liew, can he consume Isomil Plus EyeQ for long term ? I heard from my fren that, it is not suitable for baby boy to consume soya milk for long term. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks in advance.
Hi violet I wan to wish you and Bryan lao shi happy teacher's day, thanks for sharing so much with us.
Please let bryan lao shi know ifu see him that my husband mood has improve alot after we use the flower and botanical garden method. Thanks alot, and his blog is so cool. More people should visit.
I love your programm violet.
Gina lim
Hi Judy,
thanks for giving me Dr Chay's contact. i will bring her there one day.
gd day
Hi Voilet & Ryan
也要感谢auntie Irene和所有的Kaypo club members & 97.2 厨房笔记的blogger friends 的真诚祝贺!我也深深的祝福大家幸福美满,天天开心!
Wish bryan lao shi happy teacher's day, we love the programm of his useful tips. Also i find his blog very good, very clear acuprssure point that works well for my child on long term cough. Andhe has recovered.
Hi Fenying
Thanks for the tips and remedy on nose bleeding on Friday.
Best Regards
hi violet
pls help me to ask Doctor...my 1st & 2nd pregancy is thro Scissors...
can my 3rd one be Natural Birth?
hi violet
pls help me to ask Doctor...my 1st & 2nd pregancy is thro Scissors...
can my 3rd one be Natural Birth?
hey, i think Pacific is quite a cute name..!!! haha.. it's very unique.
May I know from which hospital does Dr chong work in?
Hi Violet
Is Dr Low appeared in your show before formerly worked in Singapore Baby & Child Clinic ? Full name is Low Kah Tzay ?
Our son is delivered by him, after 3 months, he left the clinic. We like to look for him.
By the way, our son since birth always has flam in his throat, noticable when he is breathing but he doesn't have cough. What is the cause of it and any ways to cure it ? Thanks
Mrs Seah
Dear all,
I believe every parents have their reason of why they want to name their precious children 'special name'. So, why bother so much. Just give them your blessing. Who know Violet son might like his name. So, don't jump to conclusion. Lastly, there are too many similar names circulating. Why not, give our children name that is different from others. It's cool.
From : Elisabeth
emm hi violet,
I want to ask you what is the hotline for the vitagen delivery thx alot
thank u,
hi violet,
what is the hotline for the vitagen the delivery number can u send me the number beacuse I lost it and no time to listen to the radio. thank you
thank you,
Jenny(u can sms me.Hp:91440349)
In my opinion you are mistaken. Write to me in PM, we will talk.
The excellent and duly answer.
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