结果,让我领教了这位 “烂医生” Dr E..... L... (Extremely Lousy)!
1) 他吓唬病人家属,让大家紧张操心,造成恐慌
他听了听孩子的肺部,就说孩子有些痰,可能是 “肺有病菌感染”! 如果星期天没好,要到医院做扫描,要抽血等等!(真是吓死人了!!所以,我连星期天的户外活动,有赚外快的机会都放弃了!因为要好好照顾孩子, 不能让他不开心, 不然病就不会好.)
而且要天天打电话给他,报告情况! (天啊! 很可怕,对吗?结果,全家上下都紧张了好几天!)
2) 没有接听病人的询问电话,却又嘱咐人家拨电给他
最生气的是:他竟然叫人打电话给他,他却从来不接电话!不是说自己忙不能听,不然, 就是通过护士把话传来传去!天呀!没有经过医生亲口解释,你说,你会放心吗? 再说,他诊所的护士又非常不友善,也很不耐烦,听了就火大!!
3) 对病人的药物反应没有理会,造成病人和家人感到不安
第二天和昨天都拨电给他, 投诉孩子服药后,
胃痛(孩子会掀起衣服说胃的部分pain pain),
心脏加速(孩子会说scared scared!!哎哟!!他的心跳是快到当你抱着他时,都可以感觉他的心是扑扑的跳,好象他小小的心脏随时会负荷不来一样,很可怕!!),
Dr E L 却说不要紧,继续服药!!! 这些都是退烧药的反应,惊吓是因为孩子做恶梦,斑点是因为烧退后的象征!(这是什么话嘛!!)
My God!他的药是很强的!吃太多,让人感觉软趴趴,冒汗后,全身冷冰冰, 很衰弱的!
4) 对自己所配的药物性质不了解,给错误的推测
请示过其他医生,他们对孩子药性反映的推测是因为他的抗生素引起的反应!Dr E L却说,这全是退烧药的反应!!结果,昨晚,得以证实了… 由于孩子 睡了,不可能吃那么多药,所以尽量减少药物,就只给他抗生素.马上服后,副作用就来了!证明医生根本不了解自己药物的性质和所带来的副作用!
5) 所配的药,造成病人和家人的不便
好象是天天喂他吃 “毒药”一样!
感谢Dr Ajith为我们解脱了痛苦…..
他说: “停止所有药物!! 如果该药物是带来更多痛苦的话,何必再继续呢?如果2天内, 孩子的烧没有再回来, 那就不是什么病毒感染… 从现在起, 由我接管孩子的病情!”
你是不是也曾经遇到象这样的 “烂医生”呢?
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

儿子看的Dr EL (Extremely Lousy)!!
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Hi Violet,
After reading, I know y u v stress for the pass few days. 天下父母心.
That was indeed not a professional. Making ppl worry, I think he want more ppl to fall sick so he got "more business".
Nowadays, the weather no good and furthermore CNY just over, a lot of ppl will fall sick. Actually, Sat I went to see doctor also, got fever 38.3. He's quite alright. But the medicine he gave me only make me drownsy and blurr. I managed to go down to Suntec on Sun, took some pics (see my blog) and went home to rest. Yesterday, I went to see my company doctor. He gave me antibiotics and some funny medicine .....which does not look like medicine....but very effective. I felt better after taking. Now still taking. Antibiotics must finish the whole course..... time to take medicine...... :P
Wish ur child recover soon. :)
Violet, u must take care!
Everything will be fine!
God will bless u and your family.
no wonder you don't sound happy, can sense you are not happy,moody/bad mood when you were on air.
Hello Violet,
I can fully understand how you feel when kids are sick ..both physically and mentally stress are tremendous. And such encounter with irresponsible doctor really make ppl frustrated. Luckily, you went back to your fmaily doctor for advices. For myself, I have stopped sending my kids to GP since young unless it is an acute situation such as sudden high fever or unknown stomach pain. Instead, I took the trouble brought them to recognise Chinese physician for treatment and massage.Although they usually took a longer time to recover, they do not fail sick as often as in the past. I strongly believe that chinese medicine is much gentle treatment to kids and even adults. Even my family doctor , he will try not to give kids antibotic unless necessary. For fever, i will use some 土方 on top of the treatments. And taking some 羚羊 before situation get worse. This is just an experience to share here. Please take good care of yourself !妈妈加油加油! 祝你合家六吉祥,四季平安!
hi feng ying
Dear Violet,
My son has been offered by a few 'famous' school to join them due to his excellence in badminton.
I'm quite hesitate for him to transfer school due to distance and also these students from good school are usually rich and spolit so it might be quite difficult for my son to join in their circle.
Hi Violet,
Understand the miserable days that you have gone thru. Unless my children could not recover from fever after few days of medications, I'll then consider antibiotic. It is always a good idea to encourage them to drink more water esp during fever time. Some children do develop rashes after fever while others don't. In fact, too close interval (less than 4 hours) then the fever medics will cause harm to the body. Sponge the children is another best alternative on top of normal medications. I also heard from one of my nurse friend that not necessary chinese medicines have no side effect.
As for Dr. E L, I do came across one last year. Is a she and a Chinese physician in Jurong area. For a common cause of uncomfort, she can make it sound like I'm in a big trouble with my body. She even passed a bad commends on other doctor and recommend a male doctor who is 'specialize'. After all the hoo ha, I manage to make an appointment and went back to my own gyne who revealed that a number of women had fall into the same situation like mine. As a mother, it is very common to have certain symtom like 'bigger womb' and so on and not as serious as what that Dr. EL has said.
It was indeed a very frustrating exp to have and since then, I believe not all Doctors have 'yi de' lor.
Take care
Hi Violet & Dr. Chong
My daughter age 12, has a lump in the breast.The lump is oval shape and about 23mm long. The doctor advise the lump to be removed although it is considered to be benign. May I ask Doctor Chong, whether we could wait for her to grow a bit older before carrying out the operation to remove the breast lump ?
Hi Violet,
What a "LAN" doctor! Maybe you should share with us where's the Clinic so that we will not happen to go.
Hi violet,
Understand your feeling especially when child with fits history(me too). I want to recommend you this product, which i found very useful...which i bght $60+ (bebe sound remote fever monitor).Go to www.bebesounds.com/products_remotefevermonitor_description.asp to have more details. Hope it help...
hi violet
can help me toask currently i am pregnant with the 3rd child...i planning to close factory already.
heard that if tied or cut the pregnancy parts can cause YOU YU ZHENG? itz true?
hi violet
can help me toask currently i am pregnant with the 3rd child...i planning to close factory already.
heard that if tied or cut the pregnancy parts can cause YOU YU ZHENG? itz true?
Hi Feng Ying, can u check with doc. I'm on "Mirena" for 3 years already. Since then I don't have my period and no more menus cramp too. Is this normal? Does this mean I can get cancer easily too? Thanks in advance.
hi violet
like to know address of dr chong clinic at bishan. thks
hi violet
Hi Violet & Dr,
last year Oct, when pregnant 2 month, but baby haert beat stop. so, i go hospital do abdoption. seen that, when menses come tummy will feel a bit 'chi tong', is diffrent with normal 'jin tong'. is that normal for a women after do abdoption? And also the menses colour is quit dark & quantity not much. Normal? And the doctor ask me to take 'ye lu shu' from now if i plan to get pregnant. is this a correct way? i am 22 years old.
Thanks & all the best.
Dear Violet,
When will Dr come on air again?
Hi Violet
I had come across a kind of illness known as Thyroid low / hypothyroidism in the magazine. And I hope that you will be able to get a specialist to talk about this topic on your programme.
Hi violet, i happened to hear your radio programme recently and particularly interested in the health topics discussed by you and Dr Chong. I had a rather unpleasant experience lately. I was so delighted to found out that i was about 6 weeks pregnant. But after a week, i began to experience some light bleeding. I went to see a gynae, he did a scan on me but did not give me a good explaination as to why i bleed. He just told me to rest and gave me some folic acid and hormone pills to stabilise the baby. However, i bleed even more after the scan. The next day, i went back to A&E, another consultant attended to me, the same scan was done but this time i was told they could not find the pregnancy sect and i'd a miscarriage. It was a nightmare to me since this was even my first pregnancy.I was very disturbed again because they only gave me many "maybe" why there is a possibility of a miscarriage but they did tell me the exact reason. Without knowing the exact reason, how am i going to take precautions to prevent such thing from happpening again? I would like to ask Dr Chong if doing a scan (ie. inserting a metal-like thing in the vagina) can causes one to bleed more and even results in a miscarriage? After my miscarriage and what i heard from the testimonials of others from the radio programme, i conclude that seeing a good, experienced and credible gynae makes a whole world of difference. Hereby, thanks to violet and Dr Chong in advance for answering my query above.
Hi Violet,
I would like to ask Dr Chong if in the recent few years, the volume of my menses has dropped rather tremendously from 4 to 5 days period to about 1 to 2 days. Do i have cause to worry? I have not gained or lost much weight since then. Would this affect the chance of getting pregnant? Would this result in some clots within? I'm 36yrs old.
Really need your help to seek adv fm Dr Christopher Chong. I really under great stress and almost going crazy.
Diagnosed in 07 : Adenomyosis
Remarks : Not really hv the symthoms (pain, heavy menses etc)
Other : A swollen uterus double
the size of a normal one
CA125 marker : 79.9 in Jul 07
35.7 in Jan 08
Jul 07 : Inserted mirena IUD udner the adv of gynae to minimise the menses flow
Feb 08 : Prescripted with Yazmin contraceptive pill to aid in the minimising of the menses flow
Ever since I inserted the IUD device, I'd been having period almost everyday though the flow is not heavy. Occasionally there's be a break of 3-4 days in a month.
Instead of having lesser & shorter period, I'm experiencing a longer or should I say non-stop period.
Before the insertion, my period is regular every month for the duration of abt 4-5 days.
Looks like the device & pill did not really works on me or does it require more time to adjust to my body? It's been almost 7 mths. Is it normal? Shall I continue or .....?
Can Dr Chong give me some advice? I really need a second opinion.
I've been living in great stress both physically & mentally.
Thks alot & wish you a happy working day!
Apologised for the long msg. I try to call in during your broadcast but to ano avail.
Mdm Lum
TO anonymous who having miscarriage at 7 month pregnant,
I also faced same case with you. When i found i have light bleeding i went to clinic to check, the doctor also scan using the metal scan you mention. Doctor tell me : THIS IS NORMAL. & also only give me folic acid..Never ever ask me to take more rest!! In that week, was bleed more & more.. In the end, i'm miscarriage!! Also my 1st pregnancy. But then, they only said, xx% of pregnancy will /maybe will miscarriege!! For me, i only can say my gynae may not so good enough, because she only keep telling me THIS IS NORMAL! & EVAN NOT ASK ME TO REST MORE!! Truely, i'll not go back to that gynae any more! & this time of miscarriege make me feel affraid to try for second pregnant. I can't forget the feeling when i in the surgery room..
Hi all, so sorry to hear your bad experience.....
Dr Chong will be on my program again next wed 12 March. If you wanna make appointment to see him, his clinic number is 6474 3031.
As for Professor Huang, to ask about kids behaviour or heavy metal test, can call 6552 5951.
Hi Violet
My son is 7 years old (pri one) and he is very active. I receive many complaint about him. He is inattentive and unable to concentrate and he is very hot temper too! We try to use soft method (explaination) and hard method (cane). All these don't work. Please help me!!I really shang nao jing leh! Must see doctor or not huh?
Hi Feng Ying
When a kid fall sick, parents are worried the most.
Some old folks said boy tends to have fever easily. It happened to my son when he was under 5 yrs old.
Next time you may like to try to send you boy to Chinese TCM for baby message if the fever is too high.
we always go to this TCM clinic at Kingston Terrence. the clinic name is Yuo Guo. location is behind the Kembagan plaza.
open daily except Wed. This clinic has a session especially for baby. they do massage to build up the immune system.
Hi Violet,
My daughter already 14 yrs old and have not got her mensus please help to check with Dr Christopher what actions need to be taken. Please help
Thank You.
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