前个星期五,我和先生带着儿子去看Disney On Ice.
我们在演出的一个星期前,就预备他说会带他去看Mickey Mouse,
有Mickey Mouse等,美人鱼,101 Dalmatians,非常可爱!
孩子最怕这团怪物,一直讲"scared scared".....
Ha! Ha! And that is MY SON!!......
到今天还念念不忘Peter Pan 飞天的一幕.
不过,我们也告诉他,Peter Pan会飞,是因为他绑了钢线,所以我们不可以学.
他便回答说:"If not, fall down!"......
最好笑的是,第二天早上,他睡觉醒来后,突然问我: "Got Mickey Mouse, No Hi-5!!"....
violet: i am shuxian. boy boy very cute
violet: i am shuxian. boy boy very cute
Hi Violet,
From certain angle, I also found our boys look alike, I think bcos of their hair leh, hehe....
Hi Violet,
Enjoy ur holidays!! ;)
Hi Violet,
I spoke to my nephew about question on Sex, taking care of their private parts... He told me that they were taught in secondary school liao!!!
I find it difficult to start the topic but once the barrier is cross, the communication is smooth...
Hi Violet
Where's your HK trip picture?
Fenying, c that quite a no. of people asking questions in 厨房笔记, y not invite Aunty Irene to your program to answer listeners questions and also that we get to hear Aunty Irene voice on air?
Can I know the Jenny who is looking for Rahim From Telok Kurau Sec is studing in Telok Kurau from which year to which year?
Violet, Can I check if the school conduct chinese lessons for secondary school students or only meant for primary school. Especially for Sec 4. Thank you, appreciate ;) Mabel.
Hi Violet,
I heard abt the puppet session tat is conducted in Bedok Library on 26th Apr, these are the programmes that I very much would like to see more conducted in library.
I will also like to have more parenting programmes from those counsellers that I used to attend.
I would also like to feedback that there are limited table and chair available in the children section.
Can u pls help to feedback to the library board?
Thanks..sweetie mummy.
Hi Violet,
My son now 28months, at 18mths he already can recongnise & name all shapes like square, circle, triangle & heart shape. He
Hi all,
Thanks for your comments....
: )
I also think that little oink look and my son look alike. That's y when i took photo with your son, it's like he is my second kid! : )
L5 and june, I reaaly enjoyed myself in hongkong but i never take any photos there so nothing to post...
KD, thanks for listening to my program and your feedback.
Judy, i dont think irene wanna go on-air. She is very shy one leh....
Jenny never say Mr Rahim is from which year, so i also dont know wor.
Sweety mummy, just saw your message, so next time then i feedback to Library Board ok?
Wow, 28, your son very clever leh!
i ask yuzhen already, her school also teaches chinese for secondary students. You may call her school at 67483863.
Hi Violet
Playing Dough is for child, they can create their own things, will you buy for your child. I went to TOY "R" US, but dont know how to choose......
Hi Violet
Playing Dough is for child, they can create their own things, will you buy for your child. I went to TOY "R" US, but dont know how to choose......
About the earing case, mine ear hole was done 30yrs ago using those old method (needle), and I can only wear 916 gold earing. whenever i wear others, the ear hole will swell and end up like big pimple in it for 1 week!
let's see if anyone can provide help today!
Hi Violet,
Thanks for your reply to my feedback to NLB.
I'm sharing my experience on the earings.
I'm not able to wear any types of earings except 916 or those plastic types.
Feeling kind of restricted. Currently, not putting on any earings, but 6 to 1 yr period, will try to wear for 1 day to make sure the pierced hole do not close up.
2nd problem that I have is always the stud at the back of earings will gone missing after a while.
Kindly advise good solution. Really envy those ladies wearing nice earings.
Rdgs..sweetie mummy.
Hi Violet & Prof Huang,
I have a veri troubled problem wif my 4yrs old son. Recently, my son is probia abt going 2 school.
Whenever he goes school in the morning, he will crys n throw trantrum keep saying there friends will bully him n aunty will scold him. This never happen last time.
Has spoken 2 teacher, they says he is ok after sometime. But they have 2 spend longer time to calm him down.
Wat shld I do 2 make him overcome the probia? Pls help...
Thanks a lot
Hi Violet & Prof Huang
My son 28months, got probia abt pass motion, due to last time always hard stool & bleeding. Now, totally dont want to sit on potty and dont want to tell us whenever he want to poo-poo. (to pass urine he will tell. My son dont takes solid foods & fruits cos of his oral sentivity, he is undergoing therapy, but i need to solve his constipation problem immediately. Pls help.
Hi Violet & Prof Huang
My son 28months, got probia abt pass motion, due to last time always hard stool & bleeding. Now, totally dont want to sit on potty and dont want to tell us whenever he want to poo-poo. (to pass urine he will tell. My son dont takes solid foods & fruits cos of his oral sentivity, he is undergoing therapy, but i need to solve his constipation problem immediately. Pls help.
Hi Violet & Prof Huang
My son 28months, got probia abt pass motion, due to last time always hard stool & bleeding. Now, totally dont want to sit on potty and dont want to tell us whenever he want to poo-poo. (to pass urine he will tell. My son dont takes solid foods & fruits cos of his oral sentivity, he is undergoing therapy, but i need to solve his constipation problem immediately. Pls help.
Dear Violet & Prof Huang,
How to control a kids when using a Mobile Phone ?
1. I giving my son (10 year olds) a h/p(hi-card more than 1 year already) so far no problem. He well control their usage. We always monitor him. eg : In/ out Sms or call in/out.
2. Recently, my son received a SMS from his Causin (9 year olds - just carry new H/p 1 week ago) Sending my son a few " F " language words. My Son complained to their Parents and my Hubby too. Yet, their Mother very angry to us.
Haiz...Thanks. For your feeback.
Hi Violet and brother 007,
May I know got 青春舞曲?
Have you got the song for smurfs cartoon show?
violet ;
bye !
Hi Violet
Hope can persuade Aunty Irene to your program, m sure those 厨房笔记 supporters will hope to have chance to interact with Aunty Irene also...
厨房笔记 supporter
Hi Violet and Prof Ng
My girl is 8 yrs old (P2) and she had been crying in sch after our Chinese Lunar New Year Celebrations. Everyday She will call my husband or me to tell us (during sch recess time) that she miss us and she wants us. When we asked her why did she cry. She will said she dun knw.
Teacher also feedback to us that she will cry badly especially on Mon to wed. (Normally after weekends)
Please help me. I really don't knw how to help her.
Helpless Mummy
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