她非常感激我,而且很开心!因为她一直想设立网站, 可是由于太忙了, 没时间花钱请人帮她做, 所以就一直搁住到现在.
我告诉她:哎喲! 不用啦! 设立Blog就可以了, 又简单,又不需花钱!
昨天,这间服装店的老板,Edwin还SMS我说, 店里又来了新服装,
有空可以去看看.... (服务非常好!)..... 得到如此的对待,非常感动!
♥ 嗨! 我是Violet粉樱! 在此与你分享我生活中最美好,最快乐,最值得记录和回忆的事. 希望你能留言留名,以表对我的支持与鼓励! 感谢你的到访! 想联络我,可以电邮到:djfenying@gmail.com.......... Hi,I am Violet Fenying! Just wanna share with you some of the most wonderful, happiest and memorable moments of my life in this blog. Hope you can leave some comments to show your support! Thanks for visiting! If you wanna contact me, my email address is djfenying@gmail.com. Chëërs! ♥
3 July 2010 (Saturday) 11am-1pm
粉櫻 will be doing roving reports for Giant's 10th Anniversary Celebration:- Venue is at Giant Tampines. You will stand a chance to win FREE Groceries for 10 years – Equivalent to $24,000 worth of Giant Vouchers. There will be FREE popcorns, caricatures & balloons to be given away. You will get to enjoy greater savings with Giant's weekly offers as you shop for your needs at Giant. So bring your family down to shop at Giant and join in the fun. Stand a chance to win Ginormous prizes too! Hope to see you there! :)
11 July 2010 (Sunday) 3pm - 7pm
粉櫻 will be hosting Hong Thai 25th Anniversary Carnival :- Venue is at Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre, Level 3 Concourse. Admission is FREE!! Participate in exciting games, savour delicious Asia snacks and catch performances like International Kids Parade, Hip Hop Street Dance and Magic Show!! You will stand a chance to win Premium Grade Rice, Cash Ang Baos worth up to $688 and Air Tickets to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan! Get GREAT TRAVEL DEALS :- 5 Days Bangkok and Pattaya Tour Packages from $199 ONLY!! Dont Miss!! Hope to see you there! :)
Parents who wanna join "Violet Parenting Club", please email your personal particulars to: violetparenting@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, topics you wish to learn or know more). Should there be any gatherings, activities, talks, seminars or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit parents by sharing our experience and learning new things. Join us to better ourselves as good parents! Cheers! :)
Cooking lovers who wanna join "Fenying Kitchen Club", please email your personal particulars to: fenyingkitchen@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, types of dishes you wish to learn). Should there be any gatherings, activities or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit cooking-lovers by sharing our experience and learning more dishes. Join us to better our cooking skills! Happy Cooking! :)
violet, i am shuxian u wear this few dress very nice leh
morning violet,i like the pink on you.u looks young on this.all the best.
a person who support u
shu fen
Hello Violet, may I like where is the shop you get all this dressess, I like the black one very much, can you tell me.
You look sweet on those dresses.
Hi Violet,
I need some help from Dr. Christopher Chong, my daughter 12 years old, just have her first period in early Feb and have her second period within 14 days. Is her period normal? If not what treatment is available? Thank you.
hi Violet
u look pretty in the pink and black tops. good taste!
hi violet
Hello FenYing
I had been listening to your radio station via internet www.love972.sg. Having connection problem lately. Can you kindly advise?
Thanks n Regards
Mdm Ong
嗨粉樱,Dr Chong,
想请问Dr Chong 关于我的女儿月事的问题。 她今年12岁,第一次来月经是在去年12月,从第一次到第二次的月经时间还好(28-30天),但从第二次到了第3次的时间就不正常,差不多每两个星期就来一次,量不多(可说是很少),但拖差不多一个星期才完,到现在还是一样的问题,不知这样的来法是否正常? 请问她需要治疗吗?谢谢!
hi violet,
i like u pink colour dress very nicer and look very sweet. where u buy for this cloth. very beautiful... hee. look young.
hi violet,
i like u pink colour dress very nicer and look very sweet. where u buy for this cloth. very beautiful... hee. look young.
Hi Violet,
You seem to be very popular and hard to get your help nowaday! I try my luck again. Sometimes ago, I have sent in my problem ie, my Gucci bag has not used for years and white patches on the it. Any solutions? Thank you.
BTW, I missed your programme regarding the sticking on rice cooker. Pls repeat on air again if you can. THANKS......,
Hi Violet,
I have two questions for Dr Christopher Chong. I am a Hepatitis B carrier and a mother-to-be. Can I breastfeed my baby?
I have checked with my Gynae. He said I would have to check with the baby doctor after I have delivered. Under what circumstances I cannot breastfeed my baby?
Mei Ling
Hi Violet & Dr Chong,
I have endormetrosis, my period cycles had always been 21 days. But this month has been delayed for 10 days now. Can you please advice what may be the problem. (my age is 46) is it menopausing? thank you & appreciate. Pauline
Hi Violet,
Very nice suits that you have, can share the shop details?
Rdgs..sweetie mummy
Hi Violet and Dr Chong,
I am 29 years old but when period is come only come around 4days. It's normal? Some time will come 一块一块的血块izzit ok? pls advise.
Thank you Dr Chong & Violet, is very informative. May I know where is Dr Chong clinic or clinic number? I may wish to consult him. thanks again. Pauline
Hi Violet n doctor chong will mediciation affects the amount of bai dai?
Hi ,
my son getting cought for 2 weeks and had been consult dr but still not receover well. Did you have any idea? my son already 4 year old. thanks in advance.
Hi Violet,
U look best in the black dress. Kekekeke.
I found 三轮车 :) and 客人来 :), will email u shortly.
There is a Will, There is a Way.
Hi Viole
all the 3 dresses are nice, but if ask me to choose 1,will prefer the the black dress, it makes one looks slim, heehee...
Happy working!
Hi Violet,
To the hair topics,
Need to brush yr hair before u bath and after.
If not, need to trim the tip of hair.
thanks..Sweetie mummy
hi, Violet,
I read fr yr web re $200 disc for bookings on SQ flights for 2 for trips to Jiang Nan & Huang Shan and overheard from your radio too that the $200 applies to SQ bookings. However, I went down this morning & was rather disappointed as I was told that the $200 applies only to the Jiang Nan trip not the Huang Shan's. Travel Links claimed that the radio & web reported wrongly. This was rather misleading. In any case, I have booked family of 4 for the Huang Shan trip on 24 May since I have already made my way to the travel agent office & do not want to disappointed my family. fyi & hope clarification be made so that others interested would not be misled.
Thanks all for your compliments.
I also love the outfits very much.
I bought them at Ang Mo Kio, AMKhub, 3rd floor's boutique called Sianeder.
Not expensive at all.
purple blouse: $59
pink blouse: $38
black dress: $59
Sally, they got outfits suitable for dinner too!
Mdm Ong, will help you to inform our internet dept.
All those who got questions for Dr Chong, hope we have answered them on-air for you. If not, Dr Chong will be back on 17April.
Dr Chong's clinic and details can be found at my links area on the right banner of my blog.
Agnes, maybe can try this recipes if your child's cough is with phlegm.
1) 1 green pear, cut one third
2) dig out the centre part
3) put inside one third of 10g of chuanbei and some rock sugar
4) steam for 20min
5) let child eat the pear
do this for 3 consecutive days (10g of chuanbei, divide into 3 days)!
Then the cough might be cured.
Thanks L5 for your help!
Anonymous, thanks for joining my tour, i will check with the agency once again. Coz the instructions and information i have is to say $200 discount for 2. Thanks and c u in China! : )
hi violet
oops! sorry, Sianeder is on 2nd floor of AMKhub, it's #02-31.
Paiseh! Happy shopping!
Hi Violet
Good day to you.
Understand you'll be inviting the Nutritionist to talk about Food for Baby. My 26 month old boy like to eat processed food like fishballs and hotdogs. His favourite is Fishball Kuay Teow Soup. Personally, I think all these are "junk" but he'll always be requesting for it. Twice a week we'll try to give him. Recently, he has also been saying he wants the big "M" hotcakes and french fries....
Please advise is it okay for his age to consume such food???
Thank you and have a nice weekend with your family.
Hello Fenying & Bing Zhong
Really a headache to know where to eat especially with the kids around. Always worry the food served are too salty and are bad for their health. Really apprecaite if can share where/ which Restaurant served food that is ideal for little children. This will enable us to have more variety..... :))
Thank you.
Hi Violet,
The discount $200 for 2, meaning to pax right? not both (2) trip...
Guess is some communication...
Kaypo listener
That makes more sense... How to join 2 trip when they goes to some of the same destination??? unless husband go trip 1 and wife goes trip 2... kakaka...
I bet is two to go, just like the airline ticket offers...
Kaypo listener
Hi 粉樱 ,
Thanks for your reply. i will let my son try. Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Would Shawn be able to provide you the list of awarded Restaurant to allow you to put on your blog. Otherwise, we will need to spend time to look for the Certifictae. It's so troublesome. With the list, we can plan our route to where we're going. U agree?
Thanks for your help.
Shi Shi
Hi Violet
Meaasge to Shawn: How do we know if the Restaurant/Stall really keep to their standard?? If the food served are still Salty and Oily, can ask for refund is it? Or we can lodge a complaint.
Please advise
Hi Violet
Like to share with you that 黄明烈教授 having a forum website for parents, http://www.happyjuniors.com/parenting, i think this forum is useful for all parents.
Thanks & regards
Hi Fenying
I have already solved the radio connection problem. Just downloaded the latest Windows Media Player 11 from Microsoft website. Thanks for your help.
Regards to you and your family
Mdm Ong
Hi Mdm Ong
Could you share the website, I used to have problem connecting also.
Thank you
Hi Li
Just go to the link below and download Windows Media Player 11.
Hope it helps to solve your problem.
Happy Listening
Mdm Ong
Fen Yin will u go with bryan lao shi for his talk at media corp, we miss u and his combination , uboth very funny. I hope u can come and he will demo VW exercise.
Hi Mdm Ong
It is working now, thank you so much for your generous sharing.
Have a great day and happy listening!
Hi Li
Glad to know that problem is solved. You are most welcomed.
Mdm Ong
Hi Violet
My son 29mths, can sing whole sing of 客人来. SO HAPPY.
Do you have the song for the show which xiao Bing Bing starring in?
Hi Violet,
Take care...
Hi Violet,
Heard from radio that u are no feeling well, take care, drink more water and rest more. Hope to hear ur voice on air tomorrow. :)
Dear Violet,
Glad you are back today. Do take good care of yourself.
I have some questions for Dr Low later. Could you please help me to ask him whether is there a need for parents to dig ear wax for toddler? My boy is currently 28 mths, is there a need to dig his ear? Or as long as he is able to listen to us when we call him, meaning his ears are working fine?
Another thing is that how many "growing spurt" are there for bbs/toddlers? My boy, 28mths everyday, he will have 3 times 240ml of milk (AM, late afternoon and before he goes to bed at 9pm) is this too much? Heard that best not to exceed 600ml milk per day and 1 meal lunch (porridge) and 1 meal dinner (porridge or rice). He has been waking up during the middle of the night and is asking for milk.. sometimes wakes at 230am, 330am and 430am. Is it normal? He used to sleep from 930pm till 7am after drinking his milk.
For Dr Low's advise, please.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Violet,
Would like to ask u abt this
Roadshow on 19/Apr at Singapore Botanic Gardens - Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
What is the organiser for the health talks ?
Do we need to register for these events?
Hi Violet
Does a child who has high IQ, usually has low EQ?
My son is 8yr old, he don't seem to bother about other people's feeling before doing anything. Even after I explain to him, he still thinks it's not any big deal.
Is it normal for an 8yr old?
Mrs Tan
Hi Violet
I would like to ask Dr Chong whether how can I tell whether my daughter is a hyper active child. Anyone who had in contact with her will say that she is a very active child including her teacher in the child care centre and all the uncle and auntie's.
She has very short concentration on whatever she is doing especially when it comes to doing of homework. She will keep fegitting around or walk around. When in the car she can never sit still either she will stand up move around or lie down just can't sit still.
If I want to bring her to doctor or specialist to see whether she is those hyper active child or she is just been too active. She is my only daughter and she is six year old this year.
Do you have any recommendation ?
Thank you
Mrs Chua
Hi Violet
Will the goat milk will help children in less constipation?
Thanks & regards
Mrs Lai
HI Violet
I am Mrs Chua, who had drop the earier comment.
I meant to ask Dr Low my question on air now.
Sorry for the confusion.
Thank you
Mrs Chua
HI Violet
I wish to ask Dr Low about my 6 years old daughter.
I realised that whenever she plays "too hard" or run too much she will start to cough. And it will take a while to stop.
Is there anything wrong with her ? Maybe lungs? She don't have asthma.
Thank you
每天在家对小孩COW PAI COW BU吵死人。。。。
Hi Angel7155
Y u still keep this kind of maid!!!
I think u better send her back. Yr girl is so poor thing has been bully by her.
Angel 7155
This is child abouse and it should be a police case!!!
You should gather enough evidence then report to the police!!
Please email me your contact number then i will guide you what to do.
My email address is violetparenting@gmial.com
Sorry my email shd be violetparenting@gmail.com
Can you talk about teenager's problem in your programme?
I had found out that many of the teenagers had joined in gangs and are being used by those people who are the head of the gangs, but when they wanted to quit from the gang, they are not allowed to. And the worst part is that my friend's child had also joined a certain gang and his gang head has been caught by the police and as and when there is spot check, he will be asked to report to SSB in cantonment. And her kid has decided to stay away from those people but recently he is still been screened and has to report to SSB again.
Is there anyway to help her and what are the ways to help her child.
Hi Violet,
I would like to have Dr name & clinic add that you mentioned yesterday (10/04) regarding the child white hair. Your attention is very much appreciated.
Regards to you & yours family.
Thanks/Best Regards,
OK.We will be arrange for something dealing with teenagers problems.
Chris, the Dr is Dr Low Kah Tzay, you may find his contact from the links on the rgt side banner of my blog.
Hi Violet
Happy to hear that you will be arranging something dealing with teenagers problems. Last week, when my son is on his way to tution, a teenage boy came to him and ask him for money. My son didnt bring money as the tution centre is near my house. How should I teach my son to handle this kind of problem.
麻烦您帮我问问Dr.Christopher Chong如果每个月给bb扫描对胎儿的成长会有影响吗?
Hi Violet,
beside teenage's problems, we'll be most appreciated if you can move the age up gradually? e.g. 8-9, 10-11, 12-13 etc? me n my friends hving children of different age group, we waited every week, hopefully other age groups will be touch, however, had been stuck @ early age group for quite sometime!
P/s now's the exam periods, more & more problems crop up.
possible arrangements will be most appreciated.
thx & regards
Dear Violet,
I would like to ask Dr Christopher
Chong a question, Can I Know how to conquer menopause? And for pass
six months
I dun have my period, is it that means it won't come already?
Thanks & Best Regards
Hello Violet,
Can you pls ask Dr Cheong. My daughter is coming 12 this year, will puberty hair appear before she will have her first period?
Thank you.
Mrs Tan
Hi Violet,
would like to ask: my son already 7 years old. most of the time he still confused with 'b' & "d". Several methods had been tried, failed. Sch spelling (written) & tests (written) affected. Pls advice.
Thx & regards
Worried mum,
Mrs Tang
Hi Violet,
I need some advice fr Professor Ng Ming Lek. I have 2 girls aged 10 year old & 12 mths+. My little girl started to hit us when she's about 11mths. Almost everyday she will hit us suddenly (for no reason)and also when you take away the things that she's not suppose to hold/take. She hit her sis a lot. I have beaten her hands back and scolded her but it doesn't works. I believed she saw me beat her elder sister a few mths ago cos my elder girl has misbehaved & rude to me. I have tried to stop this action infront of my little girl. I am worried that she's not able to change this terrible action. (I can only listen to your programme after 2pm cos i need to fetch my elder girl back from school.)
Thanks & regards
Worried mum,
Mrs Tai
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