Auntie Irene就建议我煮伊面.
: )
下个星期一到五,我将拿一个星期的假. 因为要为<<厨房笔记>>食谱而忙!
: )
Hi 粉櫻,
Wah! U very busy hor!
Must take care!
Thanks for sharing.
you are super mama!! can cook, host, model, entertain people... power!!
amns sorry ah, suppose to drop by expo... but i tyre punctured that afternoon from ice skating, forgot all about it. lolz...
when you on leave again leh?! bring your son go kai kai leh... =)
Hi粉樱… 每次上网看见你和你儿子照片 真的很可愛! 你儿子几岁上托儿所了吗?祝你事业家庭都坚顾好!
Hi Violet
Can you please teach us how to cook "yee Mee" as shown in your picture.
My mother has run out of idea what to cook.
Thank you
Hi violet,
You are really busy. Agreed..super mama that can host, cook, sing, entertain...
and also a super mama to 孩子.
Take care and will miss u on AIR this week.
BTW, will the recipe that Mei Zhu said will be in yr recipe blog?
hi violet
I heard about there are part time jobs in the spa company you introduced pass few weeks at around 1pm. I would like to know the details and the telephone number of the company if u have it can i get it from you by yr reply?
Hope to hear from you soon and thank you so much.
Hi violet, my grandma had this ear problem. according to my mum, it is known as 耳鳴. My mum remember hearing you talk a abit about the medication/treatment on the radio. i wonder if you can send me the information?
Hi Violet
You print the recipe calendar not a cookbook. I thought you publish a recipe book it will be better.
Thank you.
hi violet, my daughter said he is very professional and like him very much. my daughter is an adult liao. hi violet pls help me to ask addy how much he do a hair cut, rebond, perm and coulour. see before he helps others设计的头发. i feel tat really suit tat person. so i was wandering how much he charge. and does he only provide service to 艺人。and pls tell him tat he is very cute and i enjoy the way he talk very funny. pls invite him more offend. i like the way he tease you, it really make me laughter, my collegue tot i m 'xiao'
Halo Fenying and Addy,
wd like to ask if Addy's junior shampoo can use for my boy of 4 yrs? We go swimming once a week, so is it gd for washing off the cholrine?? the promoter say can use for kids 1yr and above...Can adults use the same?? Otherwise, have any gd reccommendation for shampoo meant for swimming??
Hi Fenying,
My mother age 72 recently keeps saying there are worms crawling on her body and scratch non-stop. Some GP has dignosed her as early "dementia". Can you pls invite some expert in this area or any listener to help. She has been hospitalised 1 week for full medical check-up but report there is nothing wrong with her and was referred to a psychiatrist which is Dec. By then, her skin would be swollen. "Tong Long", Pls help.
Depressed daughter
Hi Fenying,
Wanted to order calender cookbook but telephone number given 63597693 always mail box full.How?
Hi Violet
I had placed order via online, the transaction seems go thru' but how do we know that the order had been taken. Will we be receiving email or call to confirm our order ?
I just afraid that if we thought our order go thru' but end up didn't then how ?
Please advise
Thank you
Mrs Chua
Hi Violet. I am going to post a question about your 厨房笔记 book because I am not very sure how else to reach you. Hope you can advise:
I have recently placed an order for that book because I heard my mum talking about wanting it. However, upon my order, I was informed that I'll have to listen to the station for the collection venue. However my work doesn't allow me to tune in during the broadcast hours and my mum had difficulty catching the address. Can you please help?
Thanks a million, U'll be of great help.
hi Violet
i wanted to order a 厨房笔记 recipe book but i could not find the place too order it. could you tell me the place to order it?
mrs Ang
hi Violet
i wanted to order a 厨房笔记 recipe book but i could not find the place too order it. could you tell me the place to order it?
i have 2 miscarriage Dec 07 and may 08, really very sad. 1st one no heat beat when abt 2 mth. 6 wk scan doc said quality not gd, two wk later no heart beat so the fortus drop out when i went to pass urine, next day i went for surgery to clean. the 2nd one 6 wk scan got heat beat doc said 80% can survice. i have a bit bleeding so doc give me a jab at my tight. but few days later keep bleeding. the bleed become worse. 2 wk later went scan, no heat beat. both case i have bleed and both fortus came out by itseld when i past urine. may i know y is it so and can i get preganant again. do u think the chances of getting miscarriage is higher if i manage to get pregnant again. 1 have 4 children now 10,9,3 and 2. i have an obortion 7 year ago. pls advise thanks a lot. i love children. children is gift from God. I always keep telling myself tat is God will.
Dear Violet,
After we order the calendar, may I know how do we collect it? Will it be mail to us?
Thank you.
hi violet
i would like to order your recipe book but it says its already being wiped out. Would there still be somemore stocks? And how can i get it
Ting Huat Hon
Hi Violet
I would like to order your recipe book, if u have enough please reserve 2 booklets and kindly inform me once the book arrived, thank u so much.
violet,i am shuxian. these three day .i take leave to hear your programe .
hi doctor & violet
I let my son take Scott cod oil (yu gan yo) daily, since he was 1yrs old, he is now 3yrs++, i heard that the scott cod oil cant take daily cz it will caused poison. may i know is it true?
ling ling
Hi Violet & Dr Low
My son is 3 yrs old, he is prescribe with anti-biotic as the doc suspect of some infection. If the dosage is 3 times day and he mentioned should take 8 hourly. It is tough to keep the timing due to sleep time, if i had missed out one time and becomes 2 times a day, should I continue or stop the anti-biotic.
Hi Violet & Dr Low
My daughter is 6 yrs old and had been in the current child care centre since she is 2 years old.
Recently, I had decided to change her to a new before & after daycare centre from Dec'08 onwards and as she is going to Primary 1 next year. She is aware that I am changing her to the new centre.
Yesterday when I pick her from school, her form teacher told me that my girl had been behaving very "different" recently and even draw a girl with a sad face with tears on a piece of paper for the teacher (she usually will draw a girl with smiling face for the teacher). So teacher did ask her but she did not said much.
What actually happen to her ? I had tried to ask her but she refuses to all my questions. How should I approach her and understand what she is thinking and what is in her mind.
My girl is quite slow in adapting new environment and even any changes of teacher she will take some times to adapt.
Please advise
Thank you
Mrs Chua
Hi Doc & Violet ,
My ger is now 28mths .... i need to know how much water intake for a toddler if she weighs 12kg. How much plain water should i give her every hourly. Is 250ml ( 150ml milk n 100ml water ) too much if given in a hour?
Rest of the hour will be abt 50ml plain water ...
Pls adv
hi, fen ying,
hope ur kitchen club can teach how to cook some nutrious food for breastfeeding mom. TQ.
hello fenying .
i have already book the 厨房笔记 recipe book via online could i collet the book if my ic is different from the one on the list because it was my niece that placed the order for me
mrs ang
Hi hi Violet
Can ask teacher what age can kids start going for the class.
Good morning Violet and Dr Chong
I am mdm Ng and I am coming to 49 years old. I would like to ask Dr Chong the following questions:-
a) I had stop having mens for the past one year. Does this means I have reach the stage of menopause. b)And I have a cyst in my womb and had done the cancer scan fr the past 2 years and with normal result. Hence I would like to know whether I still need to do this scan if I am already menopause.
Thanks and take care.
Mdm Ng
Hi Violet & Dr.Chong,
I would like to ask Dr.Chong that what is corpus luteum? I 've suffered a great pain from my left abdomen , so I went for scan and result shown my both ovary are normal but got seen a 3.2cm corpus luteum of my left ovary.Is it normal, if I suffer the pain continously before & after my period? Do I need to go for another scan? What is the best way to reduce the pain?
Thanks & Regards!
Hi Violet and Dr Chong,
I like to ask Dr. Chong on the tests needed to be done for a first time check-up for women who are now trying to conceive.
I am trying to conceive my first baby but haven't been to any gynae checkup since married.
Thanks :)
Hi Violet,
Please may I have Annie
West and North Associate Works Fair
contact number and address.
my contact
Candy Low
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