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: )
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Finally... The photos!!! :D
Thanks for sharing!!!
Cheers!!! :D
hi violet,
after seeing all the photos, you really look very nice in all the different styles. Wow! the more i see you, the more you look like a star! those sunglasses really suit you.
pp : )
hello fenying,
i like your photos very much. your hair styles all very nice. you look great!
Joanne ; )
Hi Violet,
i really love the different looks that you got. wearing the sunglasses made you look like some superstar! my favourite is the one you wearing brown top.
: )
Hi violet,
Can help check with dr that if my son got myopia, and yet dun like to eat gou qi zhi, can i put hot water to the gou qi zhi and let him drink the water instead.. Is the effect the same? Oso, is there any gd and easy to method to boil some water that is gd for eyes to drink? Is gou qi zhi heaty?? Thank u
Dear dr guo,
My hubby occasionally make red dates drink for me to bu my blood count as am planning for pregnancy, like to check with u if after ovalution, is it ok to drink red dates with
北芑and 党参 add in?? Is these two ingrident save for pregnancy?? Thk u v much.. Beside this, wht else and wht other food can i make/take to increase my blood count??
Hi Violet n Dr Kwek,
Last wk my son 12 yrs old has fever n feel cold. After taking medicine no more fever but now having cough and running nose. Now like keep on sweating. Is there any chinese medicine can help? BTW, when has fever, is it cannot eat rice?
Hi Feng ying and dr quek,
May I know those soup that dr quek recommend, it is suitable for pregnant woman children.
What kind of soup is suitable for the whole family ezpecially when the family consist of pregnant woman, children and old folk with diabetic. we love to drink soup. pls advise , thanks
Hi Violet,
could you please put the recipes that Dr Guo provide today (7 Apr'09) in your blog? Because I'm at work and unable to copy all.
Many thanks
Hi violet,
My daughter is turning two this mth but these few days she doesn't seems want to drink milk. She's not sick and not teething.I gave her cheese and yogurt. What should i do? If she totally cut off her milk intake at this age, is it OK?
Dear Violet,
Acutally humans are very ironical beings...
Even within your own families, mothers will gossip or talk back about their own kid to another kid, not to mention someone whom did not bring us up. Funny thing is when u dun stay together, still have things to chat, stay together become strangers... when I stay with my MIL I dun even face such situation. Basically she's someone who don't really bother...
Conclusion is dun stay together u'll appear more precious to the other party!
Hi Feng ying,
I would like to find out how much do we need to pay to join the "Kids Feather Run"? And the art competition is for how old? What time is the result annouce and what are the prices? my children have tution at 12.30pm so i need to know what time the result announce as i need to leave early at about 11.30am.
violet,i am shuxian. 18 of April is your birthday.happy birthday to u .wish u all the best at your work
Hi fenying
Can help me check with nutrition dr if my son at seven yr old, drink one cup of milk is it enough for his daily calcium intake?? How many cup shd this age group take then consider enough?? Thank u
Hi Feng ying n dr chong,
That day i heard that u ans one listener question of ammio test. u said all ur patient after the ammio test all normal. may i know
do u ever come across patient after the FTS, the result is 1:2. And after the ammio test is still normal
I would like to ask dr chong, i m 3mth+ pregnant and Tuesday nite, my leg cramp while i m sleeping, is very painful, until today when i walk is still painful. may i know is it the result of lack of calcium. i tot only in the late preganacy than tis will happen. pls advice how can i avoid tis to happen again. now i very scare when i sleep, i dare note move my leg, scare it suddenly cramp again
Hi Dr Chris,
Please advise if go thru IUI, is it ok to request doc to give more injection so that can have 5 or 6embryos to prepare for the IUI?? Or minimum only 2-3 embroys are allow for IUI only?? As I hope to have more embryos.. then chances are higher.. but not sure is it allow by all doctor?? Pls pls advise...
Desperate and disappointed mum
Hi Violet & Dr Chong
I am 40 years old this year, I had a girl 7 years old. Me and my husband is trying to have another kid and we had been trying for more than one year but still not good news. I had a miscarriage 1 years plus ago. Now my menses is getting lesser and lesser to the extent that it only for 2 days and totally no more.
We are thinking to try IVF, is this process very expensive ? Do you do this process or is there another other option that you would recommend to us ?
I had been trying to call your clinic to make an appt. but can't get anyone on the line. How should we go about arranging appt with you or we just walk-in, do you take walk-in patient ?
Thank you
Mrs Chua
Hi Dr Chris,
I am very confuse. May I know if we measure temperature to test for ovaluation. Are we ovaluate when the temperature dip for about 0.3degree or Ovaluate when the temperature suddenly at the highest level?? Some say at the lowest and some say ovaluation occure when temperature is at the highest. May I know what is right??
Thank you for your help.. as I am planning for a natural pregnancy so is trying hard.
Hi Fenying and Dr,
One question to asks Dr and hope that he can help to answer. If we do SO-IUI, may I know how many time maximum should we try before proceed to IVF?? And if do too many time of SO-IUI continuously (without rest), is it ok? As had been trying for two times so not sure should i continue SO-IUI or go to IVF straight away??
Thank you very much.
Confuse gal
Hi Fenying and Dr,
One question to asks Dr and hope that he can help to answer. If we do SO-IUI, may I know how many time maximum should we try before proceed to IVF?? And if do too many time of SO-IUI continuously (without rest), is it ok? As had been trying for two times so not sure should i continue SO-IUI or go to IVF straight away??
Thank you very much.
Confuse gal
Hi Violet & Dr Chong
Is detailed scanning 100 accurate in the sex of the baby and also to determine if the baby is norman?? Can the doctor know the sex of the baby even w/o this scanning? Pls advise. Thank you.
hi violet,
tomorrow's your birthday.. Happy Birthday to You and wish you happiness and goood health always! Stay charming! i love your program very much. have an enjoyable birthday!
pp : )
Hi Violet,
Tmr is your birthday. I will like to wish u Happy Birthday.
Wish u all the best and good health.
Rdgs...sweetie mummy
顺顺利利!!! :D
hello fenying,
Happy Birthday! best wishes to you. hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Carol ; )
Happy belated birthday to you violet!
I love your program and I always learn so much from you. Thanks for sharing.You have become more and more popular and pretty. Keep it up!
I also like the outfits you wear. Where you get them? Coz may want to get for myself too.
Your Big Fan, Kailing
Hi fenying
Forget to tell u yesterday that thks to you and love972, my son had also win 3rd price in the colouring art contest at birdpark yesterday..;) thk u.
Hi Fenying,
Ni Hao. Heard you saying the eyes specialist is coming, I have a question to ask. Apology, I didnt get his name.
Ok, my daugther is going 6yo, she had her eyes sighted testing in the childcare centre and the readings say:
Log Mar :- Right: 0.00, Left: +0.10
Computed Snellen :- Right: 6/06, Left: 6/7.5
Hee overall result is normal eyesight. I knew that 6/6 means perfect eyesight, then what is 6/7.5 means?
I would appreciate if you can ask Mr. Expert for me. Thank you very much.
Best regards, Mummy Chua
Hi Fenying and specialist
May I know what is lazy eye?
One month ago, i send my son to those shops which make glasses, the person who do the checking say that he got lazy eye for both eye... and need to take note. After one month, I send him to do checkup again, this time is another optometrist, who says he only got myopia. No lazy eye as the result is 6/6. I was puzzle, how come can recover in one month time? He says maybe previously his eyes is tired. Is it true that lazy eye will happen and go away so fast? Now I am confuse whether my son got lazy eye or not? What should I do?? Kindly advise... Thank you very much.
Confuse mum
Hi Mark,
My son likes to write in a way that his eyes is very close to the book. We had to always remind him to raise up his head... but if he is at school/tution centre, no one will remind him at all. What should I do to stop him from doing that? He is wearing glasses when writing but still tend to go very near to the book. We keep remind him until had to keep look at him..
Is there any way to stop him from looking at it so near? He is having myopia of 200degree at only primary one, is it too much for a P1 kid?? I am very worry... Thank you a million.
Hi Dr,
May I know which one will be very dangerous if keep increasing? Is it Myopia or "Shang Guan"? Will it goes to a extend that get blind? Which got a higher chance of get blind? How can we stop the "Shang Guan" from increasing??
Thanks for all your birthday wishes and liking of my different hairstyles during my tour in Taiwan.
Kailing, my outfits I bought them from Sianeder which is at AMK hub, #02-31. Maybe you can go and take a look too.
Thanks to all who participated in my show and post your questions. We will try to answer them as much as possible. If never answered, maybe can post again on my latest blogpost when the speakers come to my show again next time.
Thanks so much...
: )
Violent,your photos are very beautiful!!!
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