

另外,还有Betty, 勇勇,家人以及Dr Chong也各别买了蛋糕。
第二天一大早,我和老公儿子就到飞禽公园去参加Feather Run!
另外一家还在幸运抽奖中,赢得一台i-pod!! 真是幸运呀!
Hi feng ying n addy,
addy u very funny leh, if u on air har, my bachside stick to the chair leh.
have a question to ask addy. my girl has little hair ut is very very soft. i worry that when she go up little hair so i share her botak. heard from a lot of ppl tat tis way the hair will grow more, is it true? bt the way my girl is 2and a half years old. and my eldest girl who is 11 years old has very oily hair. morning wash the hair and afternoon hair look so oily liao, and she got dandruff also. may i know how.
fengying i just went to see ur new hair style at ur blog, ur new hair style really look very nice and look younger. suit u very much. after seeing u, i than know that even wide face also can have short hair. my face is also quite wide, never cut short hair as worry that it will make my face look very big.
hi violet,
Wow! i envy you got so many birthday cakes. can tell you really had an enjoyable birthday. i love your new hair style very much, you look very pretty! very nice..
pp : )
Wow!!! Got so many activities on your birthday this year. :D
BTW, how many Birthday Cakes u received this year?
Cheers!!! :D
hi fenying,
your new look is marvellous! the new hair style looks great on you. it also makes you look younger. it's a good change.
Cheryl ; )
Hi fenying,
you received 6 cakes & flowers too. that's a fantastic birthday! i like your new look very much. i prefer you with short hair.
Lynn : )
Yest heard you and Andy online...so humerous...feel so happy when listening to your program.
Good job. Keep it going.....
Btw, i wanna ask abt the new Huiji product. May i knw what is it English name ? Cos i cant seem to find it on their website. Interested to know more information...on that new product since you mention it can help to break our fat cos we tend to sit down right aft our lunch break..and that of course help to increase our fat easily.
Hi all, thanks for your compliments and comments.
Actually, having short hair saved a lot of shampoo, cinditioner and time. Looks neater without styling too! But I also miss my long hair lor....
Thanks to joyce and carol for enjoying yourselves during Addy and my show.
As for the Huiji product I am endorsing for Huiji is called Huiji Fruity Lite. Can be bought at Watsons, Unity etc....
Enjoy the drink.
: )
Good Afternoon, Violet and Winnie
I have a question to ask, My sister in law son,now in Primary 1,
he does'nt want to go toilet for the 6 hrs in school, because got one time his urine drip on his shorts, from there is dont go to toilet. I know is no good to control unrine.
Anyway to solve this problem
Wishing all a wonderful day
Tks and Rdgs
Hi Fenying and Dr,
One question to asks Dr and hope that he can help to answer. If we do SO-IUI, may I know how many time maximum should we try before proceed to IVF?? And if do too many time of SO-IUI continuously (without rest), is it ok? As had been trying for two times so not sure should i continue SO-IUI or go to IVF straight away??
Thank you very much.
Confuse gal
Hello Dr Chris,
Like to check with you that after m/c, my monthly cycle had take longer to come than last time. It is 46days last month... may i know is there any way that can I shorten the days to my usual 28-30 days cycle? Today is my 4th day of menses.. As I am trying to get pregnant so does not wish to waste too much time to wait for every new cycle to come.
Thank you very very much.
Hi Fenying and Dr Chris,
May I know how long can we leave the puregeon injection in the fridge if didn't open it yet?
I understand that maximum is two months but I think that is refering to opened puregeon. How about if it is a new bottle, not open yet?? Can keep for maximum how long? Thank you...
Hi Dr Chong and Violet
I am 36 this year, had been trying for the 2nd child for about 1 and a half year but still no chance. I had did all the check required. What else can I do?
Dear Doc Christopher,
I just had a miscarriage 4 months ago, recently, I notice my leg quite itchy in certain area and when scratch it, there is a lump. Sometime it change location.. Some people say that this is "Feng Mo". And it happens means hormone inbalance. Is it true?
Some say that it will recover only when you get pregnant again. And can't eat chicken, egg and seafood.
Some TCM doc say is due to anemic. May I know what is true and what should I do to cure it? Get pregnant again only? It is mild case for me as one patch at one time in one day so far but very itchy... is there any way to cure it??
Hope my query will be answer...a million pls and thanks...
Hi Feng ying & Dr Chong,
If the FTS show that one size of the nasal bone and thick neck, is there any medication or food to take to let the nasal bone grow. is it possible that the nasal bone cannot be detach because the baby still very small,will it grow?
after ammio test, do i need to on bed the whole day, wat thing do i need to take care of, eg rest/food etc.
pls advise.
fr. Miracle
Dear Doc Chong...
My gal cmg to 3 years old.
I breastfed her for 6mths and my nipple seems to deform after that. When I asked my gynae she said it's quite unusual and said maybe I was too skinny. My nipples are like sleeping and does not protude like before. Till today it's still the same.. Its kinda of affecting my intimacy with my hubby.
Do you have any suggestions or solutions?
Hi Feng ying & Dr Chong,
My son's urine very smelly,may I know is that allright for him.
Thanks n regards
Hi Fenying and Dr,
This is the 3rd time asking my below questions... kindly advise me... please... thanks a million..
One question to asks Dr and hope that he can help to answer. If we do SO-IUI, may I know how many time maximum should we try before proceed to IVF?? And if do too many time of SO-IUI continuously (without rest), is it ok? As had been trying for two times so not sure should i continue SO-IUI or go to IVF straight away??
Thank you very much.
Confuse gal
Dear Violet,
My query not answered, guess there's not enough time.. Is there any link or email that I can ask Doc Chong directly?
Hi Dr Guo and Fenying,
May I know if just use hot water pour on "Gou Zi Zhi" to make Gou Zi Zhi water and let children drink it daily, does it help to ease his myopia degree from increasing??
Thank you.
Dear Dr Guo and Fenying...
Where can we get good quality walnut and sesame powder? Medical shops?
Hi Doc
Can you teach us some drink that our children can drink daily and is good for their eye degree reducing?? Thanks a million..
hi fengying and doctor
my son is 9, eyesight okay but recently always blink (about 2 wks already), must see doctor or just leave it.
Hi Fengying,
Can I have his contact no, coz I tried to call in but can't get through. Please. If not convenience to give me his no here, would you pls email to me at ancely_2000@yahoo.com.
Thank you,
Hi, Ancely,
Ernest's contact is 91730613.
: )
Thank you so much Fengying.
Dear Violet and Dr Chong,
May I check how old then a woman don't have to do the mamogram and pap smear test anymore. (Checking on behalf of my mother)
If I gave birth last year, when should I start doing my pap smear test again? I am 34 yrs old this year.
Thank you very much.
Hi Dr Chong & FengYing,
I miscarriage 2 months ago, after 3weeks I went back to my gynae for checkup, but how come my gynae never do uterus scanning for me ?
Pls advise?
Hi Dr Chong & Fenying
I would like to enquiry for old woman ie 38 yrs old or older, whether there is a higher chances of having a healthy baby if get pregnant through IVF as compare through the normal conception.
I am now 38 years old, already have one 4 year kid, I am thinking of having another kid.
Appreciate your kind advices. Thank you very much.
Mrs Wu
Hi Dr Chong & Ms Feng Ying,
When I was preg.. give birth my son on 2007. I was on C-Section and the gynae did not manage to see my "FIBROID" when doing scanning for my baby.
They only manage to detect it when they carry out my baby...say is whitish tissue measuring 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.1cm.The report stated is Smooth muscle tissue, consistent with leiomyoma.
还没拿掉那肉瘤之前,我总是觉得下面重是感觉痛.拿掉过后。。再也不同了。这几个星期, 我的痛又来了。。会不会肉瘤在重新在生?I havent done my pap smear after giving birth my son...now my son already 28mth..
Can i go to your clinic for pap smear ? And how much would the cost be ? Can i have the address, pls ?
Hi Feng YIng,
Oh guess Dr CHogn no time to answer my question.Maybe you can email me Dr CHong address cos i guess you cant publish over here.
And here's my email :
Thanks you so much.
Dear Violet and Ms Chang,
Good Afternoon,
Asking a question on behalf of my sister in law, her son in Pri 1 this year but he can concentrate on his study, each time tuition he will run anywhere, is there any method to help? And the exam is round the concern.
Thank and Best Regards,
在此祝你卫塞节快乐和在母亲节快乐!!! :D
Cheers!!! :D
sry..hi violet,can u pls help me ask yong mei a few Q.
2)和拉耳朵30下(for eyes)
3)why from after lunch onwards i had bloated stomach,but don't feel uncomfortable.Then,between after lunch & before dinner,the stomach is alittle out of size (for teenagers age)
4)油泡和double下巴 怎么消除?
Hi, joyce,
Dr Chong's contact: 64743031
You may look for his blog on my Guest Link along the right hand side of my blog for more details.
: )
Thanks L5.
Wishing everyone
Happy Vesak Day and Happy Mother's Day too!
; )
Hi, Eddy and feng ying,
my daughter who is 37 yr old, her hair keep dropping. may i know how to prevent it from dropping and can she grow new hair at this age.
pls advice
my son is 7yrs old as he swim twice a wk, his hair is abit dry..
can he use adult shampoo? What do u recocmmand??
Cindy.lots of thks.
Hi Addy & Fenying,
My daughter is having very oily scalp and even after having treatment at the hair consultants like Beijing 101, her oily scalp is still there and the hair loss did not seem to improve. Any good recommendation on scalp mask or shampoo? She is currently 26 years old.
你的发行不是合你。我还是喜欢你以前的发行。I HOPE YOU DONT MIND.
Jia Hui
Hi Violet, like your new hairstyle look fresh and younger. Regards Diana
Thanks Jia Hui and Diana.
Regarding my hair, I think it is a matter of whether you like womanly or young feel.
My husband who used to like my long hair, now says he like my short hair wor... He says I look younger, neater and fresher. Long hair, though more sexy and more woman but I look older wor.
Hmm.... for me, both i also like leh...
: )
Dear Violet and Mark,
I have a question, my son is 42 mths old. Currently we will teach him on English alphabets. Somehow, sometime he is unable to differentiate the small letter "c" and "e" clearly.He tend to say that the letter is "c" when actually we asked him on "e". I wonder whether is there any problem with his eyesight. What should we do?
Hi Fenying,
I'm also interested in the Childcare.
DO they cater Infant courses ?
As i'm quite keen in taking care those young infant but may i knw what is the requirement as I dont have high qualification.
And heard from some of the care taker, the salary for the infant care seem to be just abt 1K plus only..is that true
Any age requirement as I'm only 29 y/o. Am i eligible also ?
Before entering, i need to have the cert first ?
Could you tell us more on the infant care centre...as I'm love infant alot sohoping that i can work in the infant care centre.
I have 7 credit for my o level but my eng is c6, can i directly enter to the dip. are they under NTUC grant. is there any requirement for the susidy. can i have the sch name and phone no
Hi Fenying,
Do you have any idea will Michelle & Shawn wedding TV program will be repeated as I have miss yest program ?
Thank you.
Hi FenYing,
You looked sooo.. pretty, I like your new hair style... and you really slim a lot lei....
How did you slim down? Can share your secret...? I am frustrated with my figure, no matter how hard I on diet still unable to get rid of the fat.... aiii.....very updset... Can u teach me how did you do that....? pleaseee...
J&J mummy...
Hi FenYing,
hi Dr Chong,
May I know what food to avoid during pregnant and what is the best food. I read some article saying that do not eat chocolate as it contain cafine. is it true. can pregnant woman eat chocolate or drink milo or coffee. how abt peanut. my friend told me that pregnant woman should not eat chili, is it true. can we take chili during pregnant and can we eat misian or lesi lenmak.
pls advise.
Hi fengying,
can u cut down the no. of song so that dr choong can ans more question otherwise every time he got not enough time to ans all the question, i think this is part of the reason. too many song. this section, we are not keen on listening to song, that is y we tune in 97.2 at this hr, if we want to listen to song, we might as well tune in to 93.3 which ahs more song
hi Dr. Chong,
听说怀孕7个月 if give birth, bb can survive but if 怀孕8个月 give birth, bb cannot survive, is it true?
hi Violet & Dr. Chong,
I am 36 year old, already got 2 kids, any good method to control (avoid)pregnancy !! Currently I am using calender calculate basic and my hubby don't like to wear condom.
Please advise ! no side effect method. Thanks.
Mrs Toh.
Dr Chong... waaaiiittt...
no choice.. wait for another 2 weeks.
Violet, like your programme, very informative.. Support u!! JiaYOU!!
I heard from my Mom that you have natural remedies for gastric pain.
Could you please help me?
Thank you.
Hi fenying
Kindly help to ask the principal that if my kids dun like to 称呼relative.. Which means he kept quiet when see his 姑姑etc,jus dun want call.. Wht shd i do to teach him is a manner and must call? He is 6 yrs old this yr..thk u very much..
Hi Fenying/Yuzhen,
NiHao! I've been telling my girl bedtimes stories for quite some times, she become addicted and cannot sleep if there is no story. Can you recomend some good websites to check for good stories? Thank you!
第一层,体贴!!! :D
第二层,关怀!!! :D
第三层,浪漫!!! :D
第四层,温馨!!! :D
中间夹层,甜蜜!!! :D
Hi Dr Guo and Violet
My son is having alot of phlegm and pro to cough and running nose. how can i improve his condition. He is 4 this year.
Hi Feng ying,
When is Dr chong on air?
Thanks & Regards
Hi fenying & Dr Liew,
My girl is slightly more than 2 years old. She is constantly having rashes around her neck area especially during hot days and after playing. Previously was so bad that we applied medicated cream on her and we have tostop using it cos it cannot be used for long term. Then we now applied QV cream on her everyday as my sis-in-law say is better.
Is there any better way to solve this?
Appreciate your advice.
Hi Violet, like your new hairstyle look fresh and younger. Regards Diana
Hi FenYing, You looked sooo.. pretty, I like your new hair style... and you really slim a lot lei.... How did you slim down? Can share your secret...? I am frustrated with my figure, no matter how hard I on diet still unable to get rid of the fat.... aiii.....very updset... Can u teach me how did you do that....? pleaseee... rgds, J&J mummy...
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