好久没update我的blog了, 因为这2个星期来, 身体很不舒服, 根本没办法做事........
我想今天是时候与你们分享我的喜悦:) 我第二度怀孕了!今天新动网已登了我怀孕的消息, 若想知道更多详情,请点击新动网
好了, 不说那么多了, 我又不舒服了, 下次update再见!
* ~* 新年快乐万事如意 *~*

♥ 嗨! 我是Violet粉樱! 在此与你分享我生活中最美好,最快乐,最值得记录和回忆的事. 希望你能留言留名,以表对我的支持与鼓励! 感谢你的到访! 想联络我,可以电邮到:djfenying@gmail.com.......... Hi,I am Violet Fenying! Just wanna share with you some of the most wonderful, happiest and memorable moments of my life in this blog. Hope you can leave some comments to show your support! Thanks for visiting! If you wanna contact me, my email address is djfenying@gmail.com. Chëërs! ♥
3 July 2010 (Saturday) 11am-1pm
粉櫻 will be doing roving reports for Giant's 10th Anniversary Celebration:- Venue is at Giant Tampines. You will stand a chance to win FREE Groceries for 10 years – Equivalent to $24,000 worth of Giant Vouchers. There will be FREE popcorns, caricatures & balloons to be given away. You will get to enjoy greater savings with Giant's weekly offers as you shop for your needs at Giant. So bring your family down to shop at Giant and join in the fun. Stand a chance to win Ginormous prizes too! Hope to see you there! :)
11 July 2010 (Sunday) 3pm - 7pm
粉櫻 will be hosting Hong Thai 25th Anniversary Carnival :- Venue is at Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre, Level 3 Concourse. Admission is FREE!! Participate in exciting games, savour delicious Asia snacks and catch performances like International Kids Parade, Hip Hop Street Dance and Magic Show!! You will stand a chance to win Premium Grade Rice, Cash Ang Baos worth up to $688 and Air Tickets to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan! Get GREAT TRAVEL DEALS :- 5 Days Bangkok and Pattaya Tour Packages from $199 ONLY!! Dont Miss!! Hope to see you there! :)
Parents who wanna join "Violet Parenting Club", please email your personal particulars to: violetparenting@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, topics you wish to learn or know more). Should there be any gatherings, activities, talks, seminars or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit parents by sharing our experience and learning new things. Join us to better ourselves as good parents! Cheers! :)
Cooking lovers who wanna join "Fenying Kitchen Club", please email your personal particulars to: fenyingkitchen@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, types of dishes you wish to learn). Should there be any gatherings, activities or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit cooking-lovers by sharing our experience and learning more dishes. Join us to better our cooking skills! Happy Cooking! :)
Hi Fenying
You must be so happy.
I also happy for you.
Do take care.
: D
Hi Violet,
Wow! Very Good News! When I saw this post, it was like unexpected. I still open my eyes wide and read it again. Pacific must be excited to have a little sister or brother. Take care of yourself. ; )
hi fenying,
i'm so surprised! very happy to know this great news. Pacific wants a sister. i hope this time will be girl too. Jia You!
Hi Violet
Gong Xi Gong Xi! This is really wonderful. Finally your son will have a companion. Wish you stay in good condition for the next few months. Gong Xi Fa Cai, Wan Shi Ru Yi! : )
Hi Fenying,
Congrats! Having bad nausea? That time I also like that. No choice I just endure it. I'm really happy for you. Take care.
hi violet,
just saw article at xin.sg. it's good that you having another one. looking forward to the baby's arrival! gong xi! happy new year to you. : D
Hi Violet
Congratulations!! Wishing you get over the morning sickness soon. Wishing you health and smooth pregnancy.
Best regards and wishes.
Hi Violet
U can try to make some lemon enzyme for your morning sickness. May be able to help.
Hi Violet,
Gong xi...Gong xi tian ting fa cai.....must take care..leh!
jia you....it's ok to do a bit of sharing .....don't feel too upset about little complain...it's common there's no Mr/Mrs perfect in this world.
Greet you a very happy coming tiger year.....gong xi...gong xi!
Thankyou everyone for your well wishes. : )
This time the nausea is a lot worse than the 1st one.
Hope it will go away fast.
Will also try the remedy one listener told me yesterday during my show.
Maybe shd try Jas's remedy too.
Dont worry Anne, i will take it easy. : )
Hi Fenying,
Happy New Year!
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Shen Ti Jian Kang!
: D
Hi Fenying
I want to wish you Nian Nian You Yu, Xin Xiang Shi Cheng... All the good blessings to you and family! And stay healthy and take care. Can't wait to the birth of baby. ; )
Hi Violet,
Happy Tiger Year to you!
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Mdm Tan
hi fenying,
happy hu year. i've sms and vote for you. jia you!
Hi Violet,
Will sms and vote for you.
You have my support!
Happy New Year. : )
Hi Violet & Dr Chong,
Happy New Year to both of you!
please help to answer to my doubts:
I'm 43 single. Since last year encountered irregular periods over past months, like 1 month very dry to little (last 3 days) the subseuqent month moderate to heavy flow which can last for around 15 to 19 days. The blood is fresh red. Went for u/s no fabloid, but got small cyst at the side which doctor said quite normal can be due to ovarating, and womb is thicken to 16mm. Doctor prescribed hormones during 1st visit but I didn't want to start taking yet. 2-3 months later scan womb again thicken back to normal 8mm without medicatio. May I ask why is this so. My irregular menses still the same. Dr Chong please advise possible cause & remedy. Many thanks.
Miss V
Hi Fenying,
I vote for you as I love your program alot. Jia You! Happy Tiger year! ; )
Mrs Leong
Hi Violet,
Your blog is nice and I like the things you post here especially the photos. I'll vote for you. Definitely must support!
hi violet
i find your blog interesting. always come here check your latest news. keep it up! sure go vote this lovely blog. : )
嗨,Violet fengying
hi fenying,
can u help mi ask Dr Chong some questions, i have 2 daughters. one daughter age 16 have her last period from the 30th of jan to the 18 of feb.(her period was very regular in the past only this time her period was irregular) her period only stop after i brought her to see the doctor, the doctor also suggest that it would be best for her to have a scan of the womb. so i would like to ask if i can wait for her next period to see if it is regular first or to go immediately and may i know why is it the case? my the other
daughter 13 of age, her period is also very irregular, about 2 period per months each lasted about 10 days or so. may i know why is this so? and also even when her period stops, after i give her some chinese tonic to eat her period start again. is there an explanation for this?
my phone no. is 62931512
mdm ong
hi Violet & Dr Chong
I post my query last week 18 Feb but Dr Chong was rushing so didn't manage to read and answer my query, could you please get him to help clear my doubts. many thanks.
Miss V
Thank you for your support!
Thanks for voting for me.
: )
Hi Violet Gong Xi Gong Xi! This is really wonderful. Finally your son will have a companion. Wish you stay in good condition for the next few months. Gong Xi Fa Cai, Wan Shi Ru Yi! : ) Ivy
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