
Hi, may i know why cant login to zigan blog ?
Dear Violet,
i know of a doctor who use natural herbs to treat skin problems, takes longer time, but has no side effect and can really cure.
can email me if your listerners are interested.
Hi Fengying,
Is it possible to ask Bryan Lao Shi about treatment for eczema and poarosis when he is on air tomorrow.
Hi Fengying,
I was recommended by other forum on this product Calendula Cream. Try out it work to elimate the redness as for the itche it works immediately when u apply but com back shortly. You can take a look on it. http://www.californiababy.com/calendula-cream-2-oz.html
Myself has this problem so listen to your program with great interest. Love your programme, jia yong.
Ya, Fenying, why zigan brother closed his blog meh? Or there's a new address?
hi Violet, may I know how to make the lemon water recommended by billy. Thank you.
Hi Violet,
tomorrow i our boss birthdayher name is mei lan.
Bryan lao shi has nice voice , can request him sing a birthday song please.
90 over of us will tune in and stay class because we waited foryou and bryan lao shi on air.
siao lin
hi miss fenying.. :)
There's a listener today call in and give details of the doctor treating skin problems is at Queenstown is it?
can tell me the details of the clinic where is it? i didn't really take note of it.
possible can post it on ur blog or email me at kelly_cheerysmoochy@hotmail.com
Hi Violet
My husband also has skin problem at his abdomen area front & back,
very itche, once he starts to scratch, it will turns into pink patches, just as big as those rounded "Roasted Pork". Consulted
many docs still cannot be cured.
This problem has been with him for more than 2 years.
Pls share.
Thks Goh
Hi Fengyin, i am very excited to listen to your programm today with Bryan laoshi, is so fun and enlightening.
I am also colleague of mei lan, we also want to wish our boss mei lan, happy and healthy.
Ahahaha hope can hear bryan lao shi sing a short birthday song, we will be very happy .
we really love your programm with different speakers.
Jonathan lim
Can ask bryan lao shi what to drink to reduce anger and be happy. Because i always lost temper to my husband for no reason. But everytime i feel happy listen to ur voice.
ai lin
Hi Violet
Can I ask Bryan a question.
My son 12 years comes back from school at 1 plus. After lunch he will start to do homework and he also feel sleepy. How can I help him to stay awake to do his homework.
Thank you.
Hi Violet,
I have a problem on my nephew that whenever he does his homework, he feels sleepy and always can't remember after he comes back from school in the afternoon.I have missed one of you and Bryan laoshi's programm that something that can put into his pencil box or on the writing table to let him smell the fragrant. Pls email to me asap at adelekyz@singnet.com.
thank you
Dear Violet,
I have question for Dr Low, could you please help me to ask. My son is 21 mths old. Whenever he crys, his nose will flow out some "sinus" aka "bi2 ti4", but the funny thing is that he is not having any flu or what. I wonder is it normal for kid to have sinus whenever they cry?
My son still don't really knows how to brush his teeth, so every morning I will use a clean cloth to clean his teeth. Is it sufficient? As I am worry he does not know how to spit out the children toothpaste, thus still dare not let him try brushing teeth with toothpaste. From Dr Low's opinion, how old should the kid start brushing teeth using toothpaste? Even though I know it is better to train a kid to start early for brushing teeth.
Thank you very much.
Hi Fenying,
Gotta know from your Opening Program that today will be discussing on baby's topic. Want to know, till how many months/ old we can stop sterilising the milk bottles?? I'm still sterilising my 20 months daughter's pacifier and milk bottles but some says they're old enough, dun need to sterilise anymore. Please advise.
Thank you.
Hi Violet
I have a question to ask Dr Low.
My son is 12 years old and he is very short only 1.4 tall. His weight 32 kg. He eat quite a lot and a balanced diet but he just cannot grow tall. He is the shortest in class. My husband is 1.7 and I am 1.5 m tall. How to help him grow tall.
Thank you.
Hi Violet
Can I ask Dr Low, my daughter who is underweight, how to help her to increase her weight. She only like to drink milk, and take 1 hour to finish her rice. She only like to vegetable and fish and doesn't like to eat meat.
Thank you.
Hi Violet,
I've got the same problem as Lily. My son 20 months old. Whenever, teach him to rinse his mouth before brushing his teeth, he will tense to drink the tap water instead. He still doesn't know how to hold a brush and put inside his mouth to brush. Please help us.
Thank you.
Hi Violet,
I was called up by boss when you mentioned about sterilising the milk bottles. Can you repeat again when can we actually stop or start to reduce the process.
Thanks for the time.
Mr Teo
Dear Violet,
my baby is going to 12 mths soon.. only managed to tummy crawl recently, she doesn't know how to crawl on her knees, also cannot hold and stand by herself, is it normal?
thank you
Hi Violet
Forgot to mention my daughter is 4 year and only weigh 12kg.
hi i find your bryan only appear once alternate week, is it possible to play less song ah when u with him, we want to list both of u wor....... more
Mr Teo,
Regarding your qtn, from 6mths onwards can start to reduce or stop totally on the sterilising of milk bots.
Hi Violet,
My son is 17 mths old. But he likes 2 drink is milk in the 摇篮. He dun like 2 drink on bed.
Is it ok? Pls advise.
Hi Violet and Dr Low
Thank you for answering my question.
Hi Dr,
I have a question, when feeding a children, we should sit at a proper place instead of allowing him to move around.
What about infant? I notice when i feed my baby (3months old) he likes me to carry him and walk around. But when he is feed by my wife, he will quietly allow my wife to feed him on her lap.
Should i allow my baby to 'make' me walk around when feeding him milk in my arm?
Mr Teo
thanks Anonymous at 2.58pm for helping to answer my question. Greatly appreciated.
Mr Teo
Your yellow top is very nice and striking.
Where you buy it?
Dear FenYing,
1.I missed few days ago regarding the method of how to handle liver to get rid of the toxic. Pls post it in your blog. Thanks
2. We will miss you when you on your trip. You are like my "daily meal", without it very uncomfortatble. Who will take over the baton from you and for how
3. Have the topic on sore throat or sore eyes been mentioned before?
Is very common, can you pls arrange for it if possible. Thanks.
Dear Fenying,
My child has the same problem as KH. He is 7yrs old, very active and well balance diet. Even with Pedisure. But he is still very short. Can you pls ask Dr Low whether calcium helps or arrange "zhen mo pang gong shi" any "pian fang" that can help? Pls help. Thks.
Hi Violet
When you invite the Doctors and Bryan on the programme can you play less song because I find that the song take up a lot of time. It is so hard to get them on the programme why not have more time to talk and discuss on the topic.
I find that 97.2 like to play a lot of songs and left with so little time to ask questions.
Thank you.
Dear Violet,
Pls help me to ask Professor Wang`:
My girl coming to her 5 yrs old in Dec '07
1) When I talk to her nicely to do
things eg. brush her teeth night time, she sometimes not listen.
Then when I raise my vioce, cane her (because I very angry she doesn't listen to me) and command her to brush, she will
cry and scream very loud and said
I scolded her until I have no choice to carry and hug her said
that b'cos you don't listen to mum
that's why mum scolded you. Mum loves you. After the hassle then she will go and brush her teeth. Many times she will said 'you scold me'
and said don't want to friend with you. I think if she knows how to use the word 'hate', she might use it when she is angry with me.
Always tell her you must listen to mum ask you to do so. Sometimes she
herself when good moods will said
she cannot this, cannot that ....
But sometimes also make you headache of her.
2) She is bold when she goes to people's hse after a few minutes
warm up. Even for shopping, if I
purposely hide from her, she doesn't cry but will walk around and find me,
i think if other children will crying for parents.
Pls advise what's should I do
and how to nuture her.
thxs a lot and rdgs
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