♥ 嗨! 我是Violet粉樱! 在此与你分享我生活中最美好,最快乐,最值得记录和回忆的事. 希望你能留言留名,以表对我的支持与鼓励! 感谢你的到访! 想联络我,可以电邮到:djfenying@gmail.com.......... Hi,I am Violet Fenying! Just wanna share with you some of the most wonderful, happiest and memorable moments of my life in this blog. Hope you can leave some comments to show your support! Thanks for visiting! If you wanna contact me, my email address is djfenying@gmail.com. Chëërs! ♥
3 July 2010 (Saturday) 11am-1pm
粉櫻 will be doing roving reports for Giant's 10th Anniversary Celebration:- Venue is at Giant Tampines. You will stand a chance to win FREE Groceries for 10 years – Equivalent to $24,000 worth of Giant Vouchers. There will be FREE popcorns, caricatures & balloons to be given away. You will get to enjoy greater savings with Giant's weekly offers as you shop for your needs at Giant. So bring your family down to shop at Giant and join in the fun. Stand a chance to win Ginormous prizes too! Hope to see you there! :)
11 July 2010 (Sunday) 3pm - 7pm
粉櫻 will be hosting Hong Thai 25th Anniversary Carnival :- Venue is at Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre, Level 3 Concourse. Admission is FREE!! Participate in exciting games, savour delicious Asia snacks and catch performances like International Kids Parade, Hip Hop Street Dance and Magic Show!! You will stand a chance to win Premium Grade Rice, Cash Ang Baos worth up to $688 and Air Tickets to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan! Get GREAT TRAVEL DEALS :- 5 Days Bangkok and Pattaya Tour Packages from $199 ONLY!! Dont Miss!! Hope to see you there! :)
Parents who wanna join "Violet Parenting Club", please email your personal particulars to: violetparenting@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, topics you wish to learn or know more). Should there be any gatherings, activities, talks, seminars or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit parents by sharing our experience and learning new things. Join us to better ourselves as good parents! Cheers! :)
Cooking lovers who wanna join "Fenying Kitchen Club", please email your personal particulars to: fenyingkitchen@gmail.com. Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, types of dishes you wish to learn). Should there be any gatherings, activities or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit cooking-lovers by sharing our experience and learning more dishes. Join us to better our cooking skills! Happy Cooking! :)
Hello Violet,
这两束花真的很美... 而且肯定不便宜哦.. 不过我相信送花者和收花者都会很开心...
Hi Violet,
I am your regular audience, your programme is very nice. I have a son P5 now and I looking for a responsible, patience and experience full time tutor who can really teach and help my son to improve in his study because my son quite weak in all subject.
I hope thru your programme you can help me to announce on air to find a suitable tutor. Parents who have good recommendation, pls feel free to contact me too.
I'm staying at Choa Chu Kang Blk 569 and contact no is 94795626.
Thank you very much, Voilet.
Best regards
Vivien Sim
粉樱, 花很美哦,好羡慕你们!
Hi Violet,
Can you help me to ask biyu, today she play the last song. I like it. I want to know who is the singer and the title of the song.
Violet i love ur programm alot....
Is there a way you can invite bryan laoshi weekly to ur timeslot. Because both of you very funny yet informative. And i can see Bryan lao shi put in effort in the show andhis voice very nice.
His voice is stable and man, urs is like water flow very soothing combination.
Just wanna say i tried the soup, is very tasty and my stomach feel very good. The Fo shou guo soup.
Violet i am in office now, will rush for lunch now... come back at 1pm to listen to u. Hope u enjoy ur batam trip.
Yea.... we wish bryan to come in more regular basis because once every 2 weeks is too long.
Violet ur picture taken very nice, where u take one...
sally lim
Dear Violet,
Please help me to ask Prof Huang on the heavy metal urine test kit. Had tested it on my son (21mths), the result shows that is a combination. So what is the next step that I should do, if any?
Please kindly advise.
Thank you.
Hi Violet
Can you please ask Mr Huang for me that my son now 21mths, he has a very sensitive skin, always scratch body and hair, especially at night. How to help him.
Hi Violet,
Can you help to cover some topics of fix/seizure on a baby/children.
What are the types of Fix/seizure. How do we detect/observe/tell that the behaviour on the baby/children when Fix/seizure attack the baby/children?
What should be the respond of the parent when fix/seizure is detected?
What are the result if fix/seizure is left undetected???
Why some children will experience fix/seizure but others don't? Is it something done/eat during pregnancy? Any possibility?
I think this is a very wide topic and there is many things to ask which i am not able to list down all of them, but would really hope to learn more from your program.
I believe as a parent, no one would like to experience this but i hope the parents should be more prepare...
Thanks alot...
Faithfully listening to your program... cheers
Hi Violet
Can u ask Mr Huang how to movivate the children to study cause my pr 4 son is very lazy. If u did not ask him to study he will not go n even he do it n I dont think he is fully concentrate.
Can u pls help me as the exam is around the corner. In his SA & CA exam, he did not do very well due to he did not work hard for it.
Thanks n regards
Hi Violet
Cam u pls help to ask Mr Huang, my son dare not to speak up in front of outsider, but he speak well at home. How to encourage him.
我的baby现在三个月大,由于工作地点的关系,我的baby交由家婆照顾,我只有周末才能跟baby接触.上周末发现家婆在baby面前说"你看,你mummy回来了,还认得Mummy吗?不认得了吗?",我听了有点伤心,也担心baby会听得懂,久而久之跟我疏远,或不喜欢我,觉得我不负责任,但我又不能不工作,我该怎么做?家婆的着翻话会不会影响baby的EQ发展?在这样的情况下,我本身该如何educate baby的EQ?
Ms. Teo
Oh ya, i read and hear that staring in the blank is also a sign/kind of Fix/seizure. Is there any way to determine(without going to doctor) that the staring is just a pure staring and not fix/seizure attack?
If this type of 'staring' kind of fix/seizure is not detected and what will happen to the baby/kids eventually??? Please help...
Thanks alot...
Faithfully listening to your program... cheers
violet, my baby's (almost 2 month old) anus is always very red.
This baby is rather 'smart', he always alert us when he want to pass motion, so he seldom pass motion on the diaper unless the caregiver is too late to detect it.
We did apply diaper rash cream near the anus, but it seems like still red and dont go away, please help.
Mr Teo
Dear Violet,
Please help me to ask Professor Huang.
My son, 22 mths, does not like to walk on his own (starting from house to taking the lift), always want us to carry him during the journey. But when he is at home, he likes to walk here and there. When he sees playground, he will auto wants to come down from our hands.
Whenever we are bringing him out, will tell him before hand to walk on his own, but once he step out of the house, he will cry and want me to carry him.
How to encourage him to "auto walk" on his own instead of just seating in his pram or depend on us to carry him?
Please advise.
Thank you very much.
我还有一个问题.我的baby好像很容易被'吓'到.For Example 她在睡觉的时候,会被一些小小的声音而四肢有很突然的reflection.有时我抱着她,一阵子不说话,然后我一开声说话,或其他旁人说话,她会突然尖叫哭泣,我该如何训练她的'胆子'?
Ms. Teo
Mr Teo,
May be you can apply the desitin cream on him? Can be found in TMC clinic.. there are two different type of desitin cream, it works wonders. I always apply the cream on my son when he have diaper rash. One type is light blue in colour, (smell also nicer), then other type is dark blue in colour can be found in guardian pharmacy.
Hi Violet
Thanks to Prof Huang for replying my query. If want to bring my son to see Prof Huang, how to get his contact and his clinic?
Thanks n regards
Ms Teo,
Sorry for the wrong address.
Hi Violet
My son is 21 months, i would like get help from Mr Huang how can i motivate my son to read.
He is not interested with books and each time i try to read to him, he will close my books.
Please advise.
Hi Violet,
Pls help me 2 ask Prof Huang 2 teach me the way 2 calm down crying children?
Thanks a lot
Hi Anonymous,
The diaper rash cream (obtain from his baby doctor) i use on his anus, i also use it on his other area like butt, tight... the rash goes away almost the next day, but on the anus it just remain red. Did you use the desitin cream on your baby's anus? is it mainly for anus? or is it a diaper rash cream right?
Thanks for the info :)
Mr Teo
谢谢Prof. Huang的建议,but to inform you that我本身在Singapore或K.L.工作,而家婆却住在Johor(2 or 3 hours journey from either here or K.L.).So any other suggestion than bring her back everynight since I can't make it?
Thank you very very much.
Ms. Teo.
Hi Mr Teo,
Hmm.. I observed that my son's anus is also red, but i thought that shld be the colour? I only use destin cream for diaper rash or area close to butt.. hmm.. maybe you need to double confirm with his PD?
Maybe my opinion on the anus colour is incorrect too?
I would like to know is there any way to get Prof. Huang consultation personally?Any contact number or which service centre to get his advice personally?And I would like to know how much is the consultation fee?
Please reply me in this blog or reply to my email address at yng2929@gmail.com.
Thank you very very much!
Ms. Teo
Hi Anonymous,
Oh, it was red then recover back to skin color after i apply the cream.
Now it got red all the way and no matter how much (in terms of duration, not quantity) cream i apply on it as instructed with twice a day.
Nevertheless, thanks for sharing your experience, and may i know how old is your baby then? I was also wondering if it is due to too heaty as i heard formula is more heaty...
Mr Teo
Hi Mr Teo,
My son is 21 mths this mth, hmm.. or maybe is he poo too hard thus causing the redness then? Maybe I should observed my boy's anus more often then.
Like what you said maybe is cause by heatness just like us adults, will got some blood when we pass motion if our body us too heaty?
Maybe best way is to consult doctor, i should say?
Hi Lily,
My son's stools is soft and which is why i got alert that the anus is red...
My nephew use to pass hard stools which resulted in red anus but it goes away soon...
Sure will consult PD... :)
Mr Teo
Hi Violet,
I would like to know more about Prof Huang. There isn't any info on your blog. May I know how to contact him?
Dear Fen Ying,
Found Prof Huang's contact no. from your blog posted on 4 Sept. Thanks.
Hi Lily,
Just my 2 cents thought.
In case you got the wrong idea, i am refering to the skin area just next to the anus. Sorry if i have confuse you.
BTW, i have check with the PD and she says that it is due to the urine/stools, so she recommand to change diaper more regular and also to apply the diaper rash cream.
Mr Teo.
Hi Fen Ying,
My son, 8 years old now having badminton training 4 times a week for 2 hours each. Will it affect his growing process?
Hi Violet, is Japan consider far or near then? Japan cucumber is consider local grown???
how much calcium consumption is consider over dose?
For the skipping, what is the correct posture? both leg jump at the same time? or one leg jump after another?
Thanks for the answer to the Japan cucumber.
Hi Fengyin,
Can help to ask the speak if egg consuming will also affect the growth, as my 2nd girl, now 5 yrs (K1)likes to eat egg, almost everyday, she eat egg. Now she is tallest in class. She is taller than her classmates (by abt half to 1 head. Is that alright? btw, she cannot keep still also. Always on the move. Very hard to keep her sit down.
Thank you
Mrs Lim
Hi Fenying and Dr
My son is 16 years old, he is now about 174, can he still grow taller and how much more.
His younger brother 15 years old is talker than him. when they will younger he is the taller one now the younger one catch up.
thank you,
Dear Speaker and Violet,
Thank you very much for the detail answer.
Just now when the chinese doctor at the begin of the show said that girl will grow tall during when they having period for the first 2 years.Is it right?After the 2 years they will not grow tall.
Hi Violet, very fortunately, my 11 years old daughter has very good Chinese teachers and that's why I feel that how interested the child is with the language or subject depends a lot on the teachers. At home, since young, we encouraged her to watch Chinese drama series and it helps. Simply learning from books can be very boring. More interesting methods like watching chinese drama show, attend chinese musical (wu tai ju), read interesting newspaper articles of daily happening, watch chinese news and listen to chinese songs. I find all these really help.
Cheers, cheesecake
Hi Violet, pls help to find out from Prof.Huang the add n tel to get 'Heavy Metal Urine Test Kid'.Try to get thru Prof.Huang many time, but failed. Is there any other way to get him consultation personally.(What time/day is passible?Appointment need?).How much the consultation fee charges? Infact I'm Malaysian. Would like to know more details for my conveniece. TQ.
Johor Md.Loi
Hi Violet,
Can you please help me to ask the doctor, I have 2 kids, one 4 years and five years. The progress of learning five years (boy) is slower than the 4 years. Until now the boy don't know how to read in order from A - Z, the handwriting of my son is the worst in class.He is very good in sports such as cycle and roller blade Please advise on is there something wrong with my son progress and how to teach him.
Dear Violet,
Noted you getting sick, I felt so sad.
Take Care!
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