他的欢迎词一定是:"Welcome to the Zoo!

用这种filing sponge擦一擦,原来也可以......

我脚指上的nail art又换了!不知道要涂什么图案的美女们,让你参考一下........
: )
Wah! Violet, your toes very nice!
Also, want to know how much is the filing sponge? Where to buy?
Fenying, how have you been? I quite disappointed leh. You say if you go Monsoon, you'll drop in to say Hi but never.... :) Anyway, you take care.... Cheers.
Thank you anonymous 1 for your compliments.
The filing sponge can be bought at Monsoon Nail Spa. Only cost about $3.
Anonymous 2 must be Calvin Sim from Core Concept!!!
Sorry that everytime i go Monsoon is always in a rush so not able to hop by. Next time sure go ok??
Hi Violet & Ms YuZhen,
I wanted to call in, but my throat was bad due to flu these 2 days & i lost my voice.
May i know what can i do if my son not dislike Chinese, but tends to mix up the character that has the same pronounciation. He also dun quite like to read out loud chinese passage. Is there any way which i can increase his interest in these 2 fields?
As for English, he tends to have careless mistake for grammar.
Please help
Thanks & Have a nice day
aiyo, the line is so hot now, cannot get thru... is there any website for the center to read?
My son is P1, also not good in Chinese. I'm training him to read with Han Yu Pin Yin by himself, after work, I will cover the Han Yu Pin Yin and asked him to read to me for the past 2 mths. Is this method useful for him to recognise words?
Now, I asked him to write the story out to train his writing and also enhance his recognition of words.
Is there any more express methods or effective methods as the time that I spend with him is limited.
I've a feeling that he did not do this very willingly. How to make kid do Chinese willingly is really a challenge?
Hope you have heard our replies on-air. As for Sweetie Mummy, we will discuss your case two weeks later, ok?
MT, Yuzhen says you can either call her children learning centre at 6839 8355/62424718 or email her carol@at10tionint.com
Happy learning!!
violet, thank you very much for the information.
粉樱,非常报歉给您添麻烦,我想请问您上次听众回应治疗痔疮的土方: 1. 樟脑丸加甚麽。。。来泡伤处?
2. 甚麽“磺”加温水泡伤处?
3. 口服的土方有哪些呢?
可否电邮给我: laoniangniang@hotmail.com
1. 甚麽“磺”加温水泡伤处?
2. 口服的土方有哪些呢?
谢啦~~~ ^^
Hi violet,
我有两个妇科问题要Dr. Christopher Chong帮我解答:
Hi! Violet,
Sometime ago you have mentioned about how to cure zi zhuang. Hope you can put them in your blog
Thank You
Jac Pang
Hi! Violet,
Can u pls ask doctor why everytime before my menses came i will fall sick until it's over,any cure for this?
Hi Violet,
Can u ask the doctor which precaution method is safe.
Thanks n regards
Hi Violet
My doctor has recently used ultra scanned and found a 1.3cm size of fibroid in my womb. What is the difference between fibroid and cyst? is there any danger of having fibroid? will having fibroid lead to cancer? is there any way i can remove the fibroid other then operation/laser off. I am married, have not try for kids, will this affect me in future while trying to have babies?
Sorry for asking so many questions, hope you will answer my worries on air. Thank you very much.
Ms Chua
Hi Violet,
Could you please help me ask Dr Chong, sometime I get yellow discharge instead of white colour discharge after my menses. Is it normal?
What causes to have yellow discharge and how to prevent it?
Thank you.
Hi Doctor & violet
I will like to ask I insert Mirena for about 15 mths.Lately, this two mths my mense either come like spot or did not come. Is it Ok? Btw i am 39 this years.Another question is it necessary to take collagen or any vitamin?Any recommendation?
Thanks n regards
Take Vitagen for the collagen, it is nice and good!
my girl is 15 year old now but her mans still doesn't come every month
she start mans 13 year old
is tat normal?
Hi Dr Chong and Violet
Thank you for answering my queries on air.
Have a nice day!
Ms Chua
4年前,我的肉瘤是5CMX5CM, 半年后缩到2CMX2CM. 一年后,肉瘤DISAPPEAR. WHY?
any reason why some babys born with birthmark on the face or body? IS natural birth with no assist
Thank Mr Chong n violet
Hi feng ying,
Could you help me ask Mr chong,my menses always not accurate,why?my menses no came every month,almost 2 to 3 months.i already have 1 kid liao..
some people said will better if gave bith baby,but not correct leh..hope mr chong will help answer my problem.
Thank you very much..
I love your cooking recipes,anyway can you ask Auntie Irene to teach how to cook mushroom soup.
Thanks & regards
Sorry,wrong typing on your name.
Thanks & regards
Hi Violet,
Could you check with Dr Christopher Chong that why the yellow discharges make us feel itches and how to cure it?
I got this problem recently and feel very depressed.
Hope u can help me.
From : SK Tan
Hi Violet,
Colud you help me to ask Dr Chong for the following questions stated belows :
What causes the yellow discharges?
I keep washing it, is it the correct way to get rid of itchness?
Will it affect to my husband?
Will it affect prengency?
Hope that Dr Chong could help to answer the problems that i am facing.
Thanks in advance.
From : SK Tan
Hi Violet & Dr Chong,
Another question to check :
Will the condom cause this affection of yellow discharges for lady?
Now i am having menses, so can I go for checkup now.
Can I hv Dr Chong contact?
From : LiLi
Hi Violet,
Thank you very much..
I think i need to consult Dr Chong for the yellow discharges problem.
Do you hv Dr Chong contact number?
Which Hospital he is servicing?
Could you email me at:
Thanks alot.
Look forward of your early reply.
Have a nice day.
From : SK Tan
Hi Violet & Dr Chong,
I'm 55 years old now,I always feel numbness on my hand, leg and face, may I know how to overcome it?
U can email me at tgr_hose@hotmail.com
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