接到好久没有拨电进电台的听众 Ah Bang的电话.
他说会带老婆孩子到 Jurong Point来支持我主持的汇集补腰精促销活动.


这个星期六, 1月19号, 还有两场.
早上9点,我将在<<正中平药行>>, Blk 201E, Tampines St 23, #01-70.
早上11点,到NTUC, Tampines Mall B1.
1) 一份神秘礼包,
2) 和我Violet粉樱一起合照,
3) 索取免费汇集食谱书.
4) <<厨房笔记>>迷也可以到场索取上个星期5和这个星期5,
5) 以及去年在<<厨房笔记>>所教的汇集新年食谱!
想和我一起提早过年,拍我穿着漂亮的新年衣裳和你拜早年的照片, 与你合照的话,一定要到场来哦!
hi violet
Hi Violet,
Just started to listen to yr programme. Actually it was by chance on a one fine afernoon...
I've two boys: #1 is 5 years and #2only 4 months old. Can you email me at tanvanessa73@yahoo.com.sg the contact details of 黄明列教授, Dr Low Kah Tzay, and 曹医师.
Thanks a lot!
Dear Violet,
Just now Cao yi1 shi1 said about applying "jiu3 jin1" onto the fever child's hands and legs, may I know what kind of "jiu3 jin1" should be use?
Normally, we will use those ear thermometer to measure our kid's body temperature, may I know which is more accurate, those normal mouth thermometer or ear thermometer is more accurate? Because the body temperature measure out by the mouth and ear thermometer tends to be different by a few decimal point. Please ask Cao2 Yi1 shi1 to kindly advise which thermometer is better.
Thank you.
Hi Violet & 曹医师
Is flu jab necessary for a child prior attending child care?? We have been advised by the clicic to give my 2 year old boy chicken pox and pneumococo vaccination. We proceed giving these 2 jabs and now we're recommended to give Hep A and flu jab. Am very confuse with so many types of jabs, is like one after another. Could Dr 曹 advise which jabs will be more relevant. Tks.
Thanks Fenying and Cao Yi Shi on sharing the topic of Jin Feng. However, if it's going to be a first encounter. How do we determine it's Jin Feng?? Maybe I have missed this part. Can you pls advise again?? Many many thanks.
Hi violet, do you know what is billy's new blog? He said in the air before he left billywang31.com but could not. Can you let us know. Thank!
hi Violet,
my aunt listen to one of your program which is regarding on the children growth and recommend a Professor. Can i check with you regarding the details on it as she need it! Do let me know how to get the details.
Thank you very much~!!
i hope you can invite bryan lao shi back, i am from testra, my friend intro me to listen. And last week i heard you and bryan lao shi produce very good programm.
I hope bryan lao shi can come back. Both of you really bring live to 972
i would like to us abt knee cap ligament. knee cap rub cartilage each others. must eat the gulcosamine pill to help to grow back. but i didnt take anymore since 4yrs ago. take oso same. like no help.
sometime walk n climb stair pain. esp when i climb the bus stair, my knee very week. i am 23. doc say i need to cut down my weight.only thing must loose weight........
Dear Violet
Happy New Year !
My boy is 3 years old and would like to seek your help to email me at kathleenkoh@yahoo.com.sg the contact details of 黄明列教授 and 曹医师.
Thanks for your help !
Best regards, Kathleen
Hi 粉櫻,
The 汇集新年促销会, Huiji Waist Tonic New Year Promotion Roadshow : 9am @Zheng Zhong Ping Medical @ Blk 201E Tampines St 23, #01-70 and 11am@ Tampines Mall B1, NTUC on 19/01/2008 already updated in my blog. Pls feel free to visit and give comments. :)
Thank you. :)
P.S. U looked very nice(pretty) in your RED PACKET outfit. ;P
Hi Anonymous,
Bill's Blog (billywang31.com)is correct. But will be ready by end of this month. Yesterday (18/01/08), Xiao Ying anounced on air as many listener asked abt it.
hi violet,
i is your fan come from jb.i'm very like your program.
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