经过Dr Ajith的检查后,便问我最近是不是压力太大了?
1) 朋友过世了
2) 女佣回去印尼结婚,不回来了
3) 全家要重新适应新女佣,不知新女佣好不好,真的很不放心
4) 孩子不要新女佣,整天闹,整天只要粘住我. 晚上也要我抱着他才肯睡.
5) 睡眠不足,白天又要工作,搞到好疲倦
6) 嘉宾Bryan 老师又因为"某某原因",说不能再上我的节目
7) 嘉宾董莉也要回中国两个月,到三月才回来
8) 这时,老公又要出国公干几天.........
所以一定要经过一段Grief Period.
说什么, 还是要来.......
反而我的儿子,对她不理不采,可能是生气Ah Gu离开他吧!
回家后,问儿子: "Where is Ah Gu?"
他说: "No more Ah Gu."
这样, 当他以后长大后,就会很容易而且很成熟地接受离别,不会那么想不开!
新的Maid叫Ah Na.
Ah Na可能对所要做的家务事还是很生疏,所以,不懂得自动自发,只会守在孩子身边.
不过, 今天,心情轻松多了!
因为孩子开始接受女佣了, 新嘉宾的安排也解决了, 老公昨晚从美国回来了!
祝福各位:周末愉快了! :)
Hi Fen Ying
Aiyo, you were so stressed this week. Glad you are feeling better now and things are fitting in nicely. Have a nice weekend.
Heard from your programme that you are you going on leave but cannot remember when. Was it next week or the week after next ? Will miss your voice on air when you are on leave.
Hi Violet,
This is really grief period.
So many happenings going on unexpectedly.
Well, maybe just need to accept life is such.
Take a good break in 2 weeks time and relaxed. Since Pacific is comfortable with the new Ah Na, guess everything shall fall in place liao.
Try to take life easy ok...
Take care.
Jenny Kuek
hi fen ying,
this morning heard ur voice dun see to be good,still wanna anything happen?after reading ur blog understand what happen.days is going on,things keep coming everydays.as me 2 yrs ago i face a big problem,though i had settled,who know today things back again,i break down again.i keep tell myself,things will never stop,i have to learn how to let go,if not one of the day i sure gone.dear friend,we have to learn to take life easy.(i know easy to said hard to do)
you take care,always support you,
shu fen
what is 哥-Eng ? o.O
can I have your e-mail add?
Hi Violet,
It's surely a headache as 2 years ago, my previous maid went home after 6 years with me. I had changed 5 maids in between till I have to stay at home for 1 mths to be MAMA myself.
Now, again I'm in the same situation as u, you already have a maid, things will be better now. But I'm still waiting for her to come. I'm the MAID now again for past 3 weeks.
U take care. Remember u have all of us to support u.
Sweetie mummy
Hi Violet,
I send my gal to skool, she only 2 yrs old at playgroup at e first three days she ok but aft that she started to cry till now crying.
How to comfort her? She told me she dun want to go to school mummy teaches will do she refused go in the class. i try all the way out to comfort but still e same need some professional thks for ur help
Dear Violet,
Be strong, believe in yourself that you can get through all these!
All the best, you can certainly handle the obstacles very well!
Ms. Teo
Hi Violet,
My girl is now in Pr 1, her student care teacher said that she is very active in Enrichment Centre, at home as well. She can't even sit down and do her work till finished. She will walk here and there, scold her and cane her, she is still the same. I don't know how to make her not to be so active. Can Prof. Huang help me.
Many thanks,
Headache Mummy
Dear Violet
I can fully understand how you are feeling as I have also just gotten a new maid and it is really tough to have to teach her everything again. Besides, I was also travelling overseas for work. So it was tough and I feel really stressed too.
Please take care and hope your new maid works out fine.
Best regards, Kathleen
all d happen not so serius la....y u wana stress wo??face d problem bravely ya!u can d violet....
Hi, Violet;
Aiyoyo....now then got time to see your post. But, glad to see that your Pacific is ok now. What...Ah Gu went back liao??? Well, hope your new maid can take care of the house chores now.
In the meanwhile, do Take Care of yourself.
Keep in touch!
Susan Ng & Roy Tan.
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