日期: 4月26号 星期六
时间: 1点到5点20分
地点: Conrad Centennial Hotel, Level 2, The Ballroom
主持人: Violet粉樱
1) 为什么我无法享受性爱? 与更年期有关吗?
2) 漏尿,泌尿与子宫下垂有得救吗?有什么新治疗方法?
3) 子宫下垂与漏尿可以预防吗?
4) 如何做骨盘收缩运动?
5) 了解子宫肌瘤及卵巢瘤问题以及它们会影响月经吗?
1) SMS: 输入EVENTS<<空格>>WOMEN<<空格>>全名<<空格>>人数, 发送到 8127 8006
2) 拨电话: 6854 6692
3) 传真: 6854 6667
4) 电邮: events@parkway.sg
报名费: 每人$10
- 包括茶点,礼品,骨骼检验和尿液分析(只限首80位)

: )
Hi Violet,
I've registered to support Dr Christopher and u.
See u there...sweetie mummy
Hi Violet,
I've registered to support Dr Christopher and u.
See u there...sweetie mummy
Hi Violet,
My son 24 month already but 爱流口水,流口水对他会有什么影响吗?When i check with doctor, doctor said no problem.
hi violet and 教授,
I am mother of 2. 1st son 4 year old, the other one 16 month. But brother always like to 欺负弟弟。May i know what shloud i need to do for brother. wen i scold him, he will said mummy don't sayang me always like to scold me.
Hi Violet & ZiGan brother
Can let me know where can buy the English song VCD. Thanks
Hi Fen Ying Jie
I happened to hear the segment you did with Zi Gan Da Ge today, v good!!!
I got to hear some of my favourite childhood songs (thou I not v old lah..in my late twenties)
The song you played "somewhere over the rainbow" I found a youtube clip whereby the same song was sang by a v talented child in britain i think..go take a look..she captured the true feeling for the whole song... :)
(you can see the clip from my blog address: www.songsforfeelings.blogspot.com)
Thank you for this segment and I look forward to the next one!~
Hi Violet,
Happi Birthday in advance.
Just to leave u a note that the programe list on Love 97.2 is outdated is it possible that Love 97.2 change accordingly as per new program on the board.
thanks and Cheers!
Mrs Teo
Hi Violet,
I put orange skin
inside the refrigerator or freezer to disperse the bad smell.
put into soup to enhance the taste.
rdgs..sweetie mummy
Hi Violet,
Happy birthday to u....
Happy birthday to u....lah...lah..
I've alot of friends having their birthday in Apr and Bryan, my son has just celebrated his last week.
I've heard that you will be talking abt this topic of dental care and thumb sucking in kid with your VIP dentist later. Would like to have advice to help Bryan on his thumb sucking habit:
Bryan, 8 YOS, Pri 2 kid has the habit of thumb sucking. His sister, 6 YOS, K2 kid do not thumb suck at all.
Breastfed him for 16 mths, not for his sister. Both do not have pacifier since bb.
I have been reminding him not to thumb suck, but not effective at all. Try the reward system for not sucking - but no gd result.
I noticed that he is very active boy and cannot sit still when he does any homework, watch TV and read. He will flipped his leg up semi-sit or he can stand and shake his legs while doing his homework. A lot of pattern, just cannot sit still. Is this good?
But when he suck his thumb, he can sit quietly to do the above. Is this a sign of insecurity or ?
Is there any way of distracting him? Aiyo.....
Thanks..Sweetie mummy
Hi Violet,
With regards to yr Nestle Roadshow :- Venue is at Singapore Botanic Gardens - Jacob Ballas Children's Garden.
What kind of health talk will there be? Is there entrance fees and do we need to register ourselves?
Thanks...Sweetie mummy
Hi Violet,
Just to confirm again. the Nestle roadshow is from 4 - 6pm or 6 - 8 pm as shown in yr blog?
Please help to repeat....Thanks..Sweetie Mummy
Dear Voilet, can u help me to ask Dentist Dr Wong, where to get affordable Children Dentist? I would like to find one for my 2 kids. frankly speaking i hv nightmare abt dentist so i would not like my kids to hv the same fear as me.
Mrs Teo
Hi Violet
I would like to check with the doctor about my daugther front tooth. Early last year she had a fell from her toy car and resulted her tooth to bleed and it's a bit out of position. I had brought her to the dentist and the dentist check on her and say nothing serious as long as it don't get worst or have pus.
But now, her tooth start to turn "greyish" or "darkish" is there anything wrong ? Should I bring her to the dentist to extract her tooth ? Or leave it alone , will it "come off" when she is much older ?
Kindly advise.
Thank you
Mrs Chua
i am shuxian.18 of april is your birthday."happy birthday to u "
wish u all the best at your work. u always no 1.u are the forever best
Hi Violet,
Can I ask u how about white ants?
Thanks n regards
Hi Violet,
I am the first one to greet u on ur birthday.
Hi Violet,
I enjoy listening to you Parenting programme in the afternoon. Could you help me to check with Dr Christopher Chong the following questions.
1) Does breastfeeding affect mother's health? (I was asked to stop breastfeeding by my gynae without a reason)
2) I have stopped breastfeeding for 2 months but my menstrual period hasn't come and I'm facing hairfall.
Thanks for the help
hi violet,
my last period 4/2/08, after that my period skip on mar'08.so i go pharmacy (1/4/08)to buy capsule name's "sunolut"to purpose let my period to come.b4 that i have buy pregnant test to test 1st the rusult is no pregnant.untill a week (12/4/08) i'm vomit.i go to clinic.The doctor ask me to test pregnant again.The result i'm pregnant.I'm very wonder about my fetus got problem or not. (i eat about 10capsule (i day 3times for3days)
hi violet,
is me again, i forgot to tell u i go to 妇产科checking, i have pregnant 6 week already.我很烦恼,我问了医生。他说他不能保证胎儿会没问题。我感到很烦不知道怎么办?粉樱大姐可以帮帮我吗?(i come from malaysia)
As doctor chong will only be in next month, I think there is an urgency to reply lynn and cherie's queries.
Lynn, we are quite surprised to hear that your gynea has asked you to stop breastfeeding for no reason. By right, breastfeeding will not affect mum's health. As for your period not coming yet, may be because you are still lactating so it is quite normal. If you want your menses to come fast, you may get some pills from your gynea to stop lactating. Hair loss is due to your hormone being still rather high. So gotta wait till it is more stable. Maybe you can see Dr Chong at his clinic and i am sure he can explain to you better.
Cherie, I am actually very concerned about your case as I think you should not worry so much during your pregancy. I have checked with Dr Chong and he also think that he sees no problem. In fact, a lot of mothers ever take this 调经capsules before their pregnancies and they still gave birth to a healthy baby. Just relax and enjoy your pregnancy and don't worry so much! Do your regular checkups and everything will be fine! 要安心养胎哦!
如果可以的话,或者要更安心的话,可以到Dr Chong的诊所看他.他会跟你做更好的检查.
Hi! Fen Ying, i have missed your last week program with Dr Chrsitopher regarding how to avoid pregnant or method to avoid pregnant. eating medicine ( BI YUN YAO) or any method is 100% sure? or do i need to do ligation?
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