哈! 哈! 真的很巧,这次的父亲节刚好是
这间餐馆叫: with a pinch of salt.
我和先生很想吃Squid Ink Pasta.
所以,我就叫了一碟Seafood Squid Ink Linguine.
老公则叫了一碟Squid Ink Risotto.
刚好当天有位钢琴老师在场,便带着儿子弹了一首儿歌. 之后,孩子还搬出餐馆里的大富翁来玩.
龙妈的餐馆就在297 Tanjong Katong Road,
电话6348 2297。 Bon Appetite!
Dear Violet,
My son is 3.5 yrs old. He is attending the childcare center during weekdays from 8-5.30pm.
I have a problem, he don't really like feeding himself during his meals time when at home. But when he is in school (childcare center) his teachers said that he is self feeding himself.
He is only ok to feed himself on vegetables that he likes (e.g baby young corn), after eating all the young corn, he will request me to feed him. I got no choice but to feed him, only occasionally he will self feed himself.
What should I do?
Please help me to consult the principal.
Thank you.
My son who is in P4 doesn't like to study. when play or watching, he is very attentive but come to doing assessement he's like very restless. either want to sleep or going to toilet. when going through his work, he will keep scratching his back saying very itch. He has very short concentration, he cannot stay at same place doing his work for 10min, he will hold the book and walk around. he fail his chinese and sci in SA1 very worry as tis yr is streaming. he always said that we dun love him, ask me wether he is my son or I pick him up from dustbin. I have 3 other children 11, 3.5 N 2.5 yrs old. he keep saying that i m being unfair. he is naughty that y i always scold him. Pls advise.
hi violet,
Wow! the food looks yummy! i like the changes in your blog. it's a good idea to use the recipe calendar photos as they are very nice. but i think not enough photos, maybe can put more.
Cheers! ; )
Wow!!! What a 3-in-1 celebration!!! :D
Guess Pacific must be very happy on that day!!! :D
Hi Fenying,
Nice changes. I like. Looks good!
: )
Good afternoon Violet and Dr Christopher Chong,
Regarding the ligation ("jie2 zha1") surgery, I ever heard Dr Chong mentioned that can use two "clips" to "clipped" the fallopian tube, then won't be able to get pregnant. But if the tube are "clipped" does it mean that woman won't be having ovulation and meaning woman will not have menses?
Please enlighten me. Thank you.
Wishing both of you have a nice day.
Hi dr chris and fenying
got one query here..hope u can help me.. Had try to do so iui on june.. But on day 13 scan, there is only one embroye with size 13mm only. So i inject one more 75iu that night.. Total inject 4 time of 75iu puregeon. Then when scan on day 16, my gynea say only measue at 15.5mm so still can't do iui since right size suppose to be 18mm.. Then i went back to scan on day 18 and my gynea say i hv already ovalute.. I was really puzzle as how come so sudden. He say maybe on day 16, maybe already ovaluate so wht they see size of 15.5mm is the egg already ovaluate and is shrinking.. Is it true that when ovaluate, the egg still can be scan and will shrink?? I am confuse by this.. Kindly advise me pls dun ignore my post as i need 2nd opinion of wht is going on. End up i cant do any iui.. Lucky we did try natural that period of time.. Kindly advise pls..
Thk u.
Dear dr chong
Can i check with u ifmy husband sa result is at 8% mobility and 70% grade A. Is this result good for my husband sperm? As i plan to do iui so husbanb sperm quality very important..
Lastly may i know must we hv full bladder before do iui or empty bladder is better?? Kindly advise.. Desperate need help now. Thank u very much.. Pls answer my query.. Please please.. Sobz..
Thank you a million..
Hi Dr Chong,
So happy tat u r back. i m 25 wks pregnant. tis is my 5th child. after my meal usually i took me a few hr to digest feel very bloasted. 1 example,yesterday morning i ate 2 hard boiled eggs(1 at 7.30am n 1 at 10am),3 slice of bread with butter, cheeze, peanut butter(2 slices at 7.30am n 1 slice at 10am),one glass of milk (6.30am).n one apple at 11am. is it normal. than until lunch time abt 1.15pm i still dun feel hungry but i still eat one place of brown rice. is it normal. am i eating too much. last mth when i do my 20wks scan, i was told tat my plecenta is low. infro fr internet is saying that when the baby grown it will push up the plecenta, so have to eat more in order for the baby to grow bigger faster. is it true. Is butter and brown rice gd. can i eat every day. wat r the fish tat u recommemd.
pls advise
Dear Dr Chong, Fenying,
I am 37yo+ and have 2 children (6 & 4yo). I have no plan for more babies. Do you suggest that I go for ligation or just seek other contraceptive operation i.e, poke needle into arm? Once ligation is perform, does it mean we cannot reverse back? Is there any new technology? Appreciate your advise. Thank you!
my dear fenying,
OH MY GOD, one question, one answer and one song, no wander every time got no time for all the question. dr chong is very precious one u know. hope can do some adjustment.
and i have a question, my viginal always feel very itchy. sometime the discharge is yellow and smelly some time yellowish without any smell. sometime colourless with smell sometime no smell. see doc, apply cream or insert some capsule by doc. ok liao few wks again the itch come again. i dun have sex since i got pregnany. now i m 6 mths pregnant. pls advise how to prevent it. Does the capsule that i insert to the vaginal hurt the baby.
hi fenying,
i like your blog as it keeps me update with your news. i'm always very happy to see you and family photos. keep it up!
Hi Fenying,
Nice change in website. Who the designer? Very nice. More pics of yrself like album link will be nice.
I love the new change too...
Thanks to Aunty Irene, Richard and Mark for their help. Especially Richard, he is really professional!
Whatever I ask for, he also know.
That's why I specially ask Aunty Irene to help me make a beautiful cake for him.... To see the cake, go to his blog at richardkong.blogspot.com
Thanks Thanks....
: )
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