Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I will try to post my recipes and xin guan jia tips in my blog maybe every Fri??!!
.... But very busy leh....i try... i try...
BTW, everyone, please go to my post on "Moody Day" to help dat 没有自尊的人. He/she got problem with his/her boss.... please give some advice lah!!!
Stay Tune!
I will try to post my recipes and xin guan jia tips in my blog maybe every Fri??!!
.... But very busy leh....i try... i try...
BTW, everyone, please go to my post on "Moody Day" to help dat 没有自尊的人. He/she got problem with his/her boss.... please give some advice lah!!!
Stay Tune!
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Violet, thanks for your programme information and laughter that made our day ICHIBAN!Knew that you are busy but no hard feeling the confinement recipes needs to be updated. The previous 4 recipes posted long ago. Hope to receive your food & confinement recipes soon. BTW, thanks for your advice to me, happy or not happy also need to live for the day, why not choose to be happy!
Cheers & Rgds
Hi Violet,
Regarding about the 5 months baby doesn't want to drink milk, my 7 months baby also has this problem before. I took her to see a doctor and the doctor said that the nipple on the milk bottle should use circle (M) size instead of cross type.
The audience and blogger above who calls you on the baby does not drink milk is one 5mth, one 7mth also encounter such problem, strange right? How could 2 child difference of 2mths of age? Is she a granny or nanny.
Fen Ying, you will getting popular day by day. You will be the 2nd Billy Wang of your friendly,open & bubbly character and informative segment to allow listener to interact with you directly providing solution to baby's woe. Importantly, is your consistency of good moods, even after your
motherhood. Really love you for your he he and ha ha.
Cheers & Rgds - Mrs Chew
(also the same 1st author,for today's posting)
Hi! Violet, have some request dun know whether can u help me ?
Is regarding the songs which 972 play after 11pm, the songs are quiet nice, is it posisble to play it the daytime? And also there's a song which I like it very much, the song sing by Ah Du - title is "Xia Xue" , is it possible to play it in the daytime cos I always heard it in the middle of the nite or early in the morning and not during the daytime.
Thanks and hope it can b arrange
Ms. G. Tan
hey, fenying,
can you email me the blog address again cos i didnt receive your email.. thks very much.. n sry my blog add is leave a msg aft you send the email to me. thks
hi Fenying...this is Auntie Lucy here...your son is so cute..i m hapi that you have change to 2pm -5pm so that i still can hear u when i m working in school...hope to see u n your son soon...bye
Auntie Lucy
Hi Violet,
Look like I have to explain further, I didn't called you yesterday, but I decided to put my experience to your blog and try to help the lady who called you yesterday.
My baby is 7 months old now, when she was 2 months old, she started doesn't want to drink milk, at first I asked my relatives and friends, some of them told me to change the milk, and some of them asked me to change to Soya milk, I took their advice and do accordingly, but one month later she started doesn't want to drink milk again, I changed the milk powder again and again but the problem still couldn't solved and become worst, she event refused to drink milk up to 8 hours, we were so scared and finally I took her to a clinic that one of my friend recommended it to me, The doctor is a very good and very experience, after asking me many questions and finally she found out that it is because the cross type of nipple hole is too big for my baby, it will cause the baby feel too many liquid flow into her mouth and she couldn't breath so she refuse to drink milk. She want us the change the nipple immediately, after changing the nipple to circle type, my baby has no problem of drinking milk anymore, now she likes to drink milk and event increase the consumption. My advise to her is to check the nipple that she use, whether the hole is too big for the baby? it is better to change to circle type when the baby is still small.
According to the doctor, if the baby is active; putting on weight every month (event very small increasing in weight), than the baby growing is no problem.
Small thing can cause big problem, please don't ignore it...haiiiii, please feel free to ask me again if your have any doubts....Bye
Thanks hazel, anonymouses, daphne, Mrs Chew and autie lucy for liking my programme.
As for Cheesecake, thanks for sharing your experience, it is very useful!
I also agree with LC that it could be the milk nipples with too big hole. Coz my son in his 7th month, he also dun wan to drink. Then we realise it's becoz the bottle nipple hole tore and made the hole bigger then the flow is faster, so he scared scared....
Then we bought a new one for him... he drinks as per normal now...
Replying to Ms G Tan, I have told my Music Director He Zigan, he says normally the songs during the night are more mellow and soothing. Nice to hear at night but when played during day time, they might put people to sleep! kekekekeke....
As for "Xia Xue" song, Mr He Zigan say he will play specially for you today ...
Please tune in ok???
Thanks a lot LC 4 ur advise. I'm using AVENT teats not the cross type.
I really appreciate all of u 4 the kind advise.
Is it possible 4 u 2 give me the doc's address?
Sorri 4 all the trouble caused.
Hi Jessica,
I keep the appointment card at home.I will give you the detail by tomorrow.
Hahahaha, so funny. All black sauce are black. This "sotong" 新管家。Morever nowadays all black sauce are bottled and sealed. Not like in olden days, can open to smell. You can only tell when you cook it and not before buying it. So I agree with just now the uncle, go for the expensive one and label "top quality", so won't go wrong. Sooooooo funny ...
cheers cheesecake
Kwong Cheong Thye "superior" dark soysauce or the "chicken rice" dark soysauce under the same label is good.
Agree with cheesecake that buying the most expensive won't go wrong.
Basically, the sauce should thick and not runny.
Oh by the way, you should spell out your blogspot. It took me a while to figure out your blogspot as dj (i tot was deejay)! haha bit blur.
I dun agree to go for d most expensive and label "top quality": if tat is d case, many 商家 will take tis opportunity to push up d price n d one tat cost most is supposed to be d most superior quality!!!???? Moreover, all are labelled "Top quality" who will label "inferior quality"??? As wat 1 listener shared: go for thickness,clarity, no chalky or residue...tat shd be the right recommendation.
Hi Fenying,
Thanks for replying on the blog addresses of FM97.2 DJs.
Fen Ying,
U are so bubbly! Enjoyed ur program, it's a good change though, the selection of songs are all so different. Whatever happened to Billy Wang? When will he be back?
Hi Fenying,
I like to let you know that while I am entering some comment to you now, I am also listening to Love972. The music is so soothing and suits our taste since most is playing 80s and 90s chinese songs. I still like Aaron Kwok, Andy Lau,Jeff Zhang etc time's songs. Not because I am old (30 only) but because their song sing with some meaning inside. Reminds me of those schooling days, I am sure you are around my age group too. Just one small favour, can you play most songs from this 80s 90s year during your 2-5pm programe too? I am sure you will have many supporter tune in to your channel since most of our age group I beilieve to be around 30plus who listens to Love972.
I just heard a very nice song from Love 972 which had been long long time didn't hear it. Can I request a favour to play it again around the same timing tomorrow night? So that I can asks my husband to listen to it too... it plays at around 11:55pm. Not sure the name but sing something like this"
Chen jin zai yu zhong dui wo shuo, jin shen jin shi xiang shou.
Chen jin zai feng zhong dui wo shuo, yong yuan bu li kai wo ...
Got the hint? It sing two songs after Zhuo hua jian's song play at around 11:50plus on 2nd Nov.
really really very nice song. Can you fullfill my small little wish, please? I really will like to listen to that same song again... please... :-( Hope to hear good news from you that will able to repeat again on 3rd Nov night at around 11:55pm too.
Will definitely continue to support your Zhui ai xia wu cha during office hour too! Keep it up...
Sorry, forget to leave my name earlier regarding about my request sent (for the song). My name is Evelyn and simply loves 972 songs played!
Hi Jessica,
The address is:
Healthway Medical Clinic
Blk 960 Jurong West St.92
Singapore 640960
Tel:6791 5680
Dr. Tan Gek Hua
You have to call and check the day and time Dr. Tan on duty before you want to go there. They not allow us to make appointment through telephone, you have to go there and get the queue number, usually you need to wait for more than one hour, only cash payment, the consultation and medical fee is as per normal clinic, cheaper than specialist.
I agree with Evelyn. I also belong to the 30+ age group.
cheers, cheesecake
Hi Fen Ying,
Have some request dun know whether can u help me ?
My daughter was 2 month old.
Her hand and feet always very cold. Even hot weather is also the same.
Hi jihcloh, do you let your bb wear mittens and booties ? Even hot weather also can wear, as long as no rashes appear.
cheers, cheesecake
Hi Violet,
I have a problem with my son. He is one mth younger than yours. Currently he is only drinking 150-165ml of milk 3-4 times a day...but he usually leaves behind at least 30ml....worried he is not taking enough milk. Currently his teat is circle type size L. Is it too big for his age?
Also can u help if any audience has problems switching their baby from breastmilk/formula stage 1 to stage 2. Mine has this problem....even with ratio switching (i.e 2 scoop Stage 1+3 scoop stage 2) he bowel movements is either loose for one brand and super solid with the other brand and he poos sometimes 2-3 times a day...
Does anyone has similar situation and how to resolve...
Wat my doc says when switching from stage 1 to stage 2 shld be as follow:-
Switching of milk powder (4 Feeds Per Day)
Day 1 Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 1
Day 2 Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 1
Day 3 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 2 Stage 1
Day 4 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 2 Stage 1
Day 5 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 2 Stage 2
Day 6 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 2 Stage 2
Day 7 Stage 2 Stage 2 Stage 2 Stage 2
Do not mix the milk formula together as it might b the mixing dat is giving BB the problem.
Hi all,
I shld consider myself lucky as i dont have switching of milk problems..but the headache i have 11mth old boy takes abt 45 mins to finish a bottle of 180ml milk..sigh !!
Ever since he was 3 mth old, he given me this problem...
My boy was on fully breastmilk for 10mths which i expressed out...and had switched to formula milk 1+mth ago..
Any mothers have this problem of feeding milk for 45 mins ? Any ways to solve ?? My friend's son finished milk within 5mins...and i feel so sad that my boy is so slow...
Mrs Small
Hi Violet,
I hve come across you ever mention if baby have rash on his buttocks,Can apply sesame oil? You mean those semame oil use for cooking,? Tks& regards fr Jocelyn
Hi Jessica/Mrs Small,
Jessica, thanks for your advice. Will try him out using the advice provided and monitor his situation.
Mrs Small,
When my son was a month old...we already has this problem. As I was not bf exclusively, we gave him a bottle for his last feed and we notice he took almost 30-40mins to complete even 60ml of milk. We found out that even at his age of one mth....he finds that the flow fr the S teat is too when we change to M...everything went well.
As for your case, if you are already using the largest teat, then probably you will need to sterilise a needle and punch another hole on the teat. Maybe other more experience mums can advice.
Sorry folks! Now then reply you all....
Thanks for all your complimentts on my photo! :)
Now then i know i actually look like Zhang Hui Mei... kekekeke...
Thanks for all your response for 新管家! And yes, Mrs Small, the New Zealand girl is Bi Yu... thanks for her excellent acting.
Regarding Vitagen show, every week, we will go to different places. Donald maybe you can check with the shops near your area when we will be there??
About babies having hiccups after feeding and burping is actually normal. Not to worry. I will cover this in my Baby Tips segment soon...
Mei-Choo took one month leave, i think for backpacking tour... Our program manager guoxian says she will be back in dec...
Thanks ling for your help to answer the question on encoding.
Thanks for coming to my bolg....
Thanks all for your response while listening to my prog... :)
Chilli padi miss Billy like we do... Billy says now he wanna live quality time... he wanna keep his mum company and learn more things so that if he come back next time, he has more to share with us... :)
And i am very happy to see Jessicca and LC becoming gd friends from my blog.:)
As for jeanni, less than 1year old baby can only drink a few spoonfuls and also must dilute it with water.
Jlhcloh jocelyn and SRB, i will cover your baby topics in my prog so listen in.
Halo 粉樱,
你好!我是在上个Friday打电话给你问你在M'sia可以买到Mama Baobei吗的听崇, I just one to tell u that my friend already help me to buy at S'pore. I very happy and also i just try to send u email see wheter u receive it or not? :)
Sorry my english is very poor.
Thanks & Regards,
Thanks jeani!
Yuki, thanks for your support!!
hi fenying,
can you give me yongmei blog address?
mdm ng
Mdm Ng, please refer to other posting's comments as i have replied this questions many times liao....
Hi Violet, 想知道关于baby take 惊风散,真的可以压惊吗?Actually I don't really believe it, i refer to the instruction, not for 压惊 le. But mother-in-law insist to give my baby girl this 惊风散 when she keeps on crying badly. Pls arrange this topic to your programme. Really like your programme.
Mdm. Voon
Hi Fen Ying
When u talking on the hair cut of baby. I very busy, as my baby was 2 mth. we intend to give her hair cut on 100day.
1 mth call --- Yuan Yuan Man Man
40 day --- Cai Li Shuan Shou
100 day --- Chang Ming Bai Sui
believe or not is up to u. But hair cut for baby really good to let them grow nice hair.
I want to e.mail u, can i send to yr hotmail
Hi Violet,
need to know .... as my baby ger sleep in her own bed so .... do I and how often have to check on a 4 mth plus old baby if she sleep with her body facing downward?
(As in turtle position ). Do baby flip/turn when asleep? As u c, I did put a sleeping positioner so as to prevent her from turning incase suffocated but was surprised to find in the morning , my baby ger turn her position ( body facing upward to downward ), head sleeping oneside with legs and arms spreading out.
Thanks & Best Regards
hi,two wks ago,i noticed tat there a lump in my breast.n also last friday,i got vaginal bleeding too,got so worry tat i rushed to KK but only pap smear was done.still i got to go for breast scaning n pelvis scanning.there few days i could not sleep well,worried tat i might get cancer.ytd cried whole night,cant bear to die so young,im just 34 yrs old.cant bearto leave my two young kids.any advice?thanks!
Hi violet,
i am mdm lee i need your do i get rid of the algae in the toilet as i had tried many ways but still cant get rid of it?is there any way to get rid of the algae?thanks.
December 9 2006
你好吗?我来自JB的MRS CHON, 今年26岁,我很喜欢你的节目, 请多加努力。 我和我老公结婚一年多,不过我们还没有宝宝,以前我的月事经常不准,sep'06我们就去看了医生,医生说我在排卵期时卵巢无法排卵, 医生建议我打5支排卵针让我能够受孕, 结果那时候我在排卵期时卵子太小又无法受孕, 那时的我们好失望。。之后有人介绍我吃余仁生白凤pill, 我已经吃了2个月,现在月事来的比较准了,粉樱我是不是不能怀孕了呢???
粉樱, 很希望您能帮我解答。。。。。。
因为我怕我找不到你给我的答案又怕我没听到你的节目, 因为我是在办公室里听您的节目。
亲爱粉樱, 您要多加努力哦, 因为你的节目好好听哦。。。。
祝你新年快乐, 您们俩夫妻永远恩爱还有您的宝宝快高长大。。。
FROM : MRS CHON(30/12/06)
my bb is 1 mth+ she drink milk needs 30mins she drinks 120ml(mamex gold) every 3hrs is it too much for her?
pls advise me what to do?ty
Recently my baby is also refuse to take milk. I am so worry about her until I read LC's reply in this blog.
It really took me a lot of time in looking for teat which suit my baby. She is now 2.5mths, & now using M size teat (Pigeon). Can you pls explain further on what is circle & cross type?
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