特别要感谢朋友: MARK, WENDY,WEILING 和IRENE的帮忙,设立<<我的厨房笔记>>食谱专栏!
一方面,当然很开心有大家的支持,另一方面又为一些听众而感到有点难过! :(
Thanks for the help of posting the recipe on the blog...
Best regards
Hi Violet,
My 6mth old son dun seems 2 like milk, so my nanny give him 1 feed porrodge, 1 feed milk & 1 feed米糊. Therefore his daily intake is oni 3 feeds mlik (abt 400ml) & 2 feed s9olid food.
这样的吃法对BB有益吗?他所吸取的营养够吗? If not, wat shall I do 2 make him drink milk?
dear violet
what meaning(酵母)ha?sorry let u repeat.
Think next time u don't encourgae listeners to ask u to fax receipes to them but maybe u shud encourage em to visit ur blog more often so that u need not spend so much time faxing to em.
After reading ur posting, it's quite heartpain to see u spending so much time for the listeners but get such remarks from em.
Anyway, keep up the good work u've done for us. Really appreciate ur hard work besides having to be a good mother and wife!
Jia you!
i think it is perfectly ok.
but must let him drink more liquid in case he got hard stools. maybe can give some apple juice, but introduce bit by bit to him if not too much he might have diarrhoea.
As for fanny 酵母is yeast, for the sweet potato fa gao recipe, gotta get the "Instant Yeast". The box look like cigaret box, chocolate in color there are picture of bread, biscuits and cakes etc on it. It comes in 1 box, 5packets in a box. Each packets consist of 11g of instant yeast. So just take half a packet will do.
Hi Violet,
My 发糕 didnt raise nicely.. why ar? pls help.
Is nice, juz tat the gula melaka smell nt tat strong and its quite soft.. just dishearted that it didnt raise well..
Thanks alot!
how do i protect from spoiling easily? my sister's shoes can only last for 2 months. they either become "hungry shoes" or the shoe breaks into two. even the cobbler says NO HELP.
thanks alot.
Hi Fenying,
good day for you...
so glad that last sat u are there for promotion.
i have posted the pictures at my new blog.
u can refer to
the pic of dim sum is nice!! wanna to learn from the recipes book!!
Fenying, this sat got asia pacific expo food exhibitions...:) will tune in to radio for more infos.
Dear Violet, I think u r gotten b another Billy, keep repeating answer d same questions over n over, i know u r very patient, but tis will 宠坏 all ur listeners, wasting a lot of time, u might lost some listener oso loh
poor feng yin!!! but i really appreciate yr effort & hardwork.
尽了本分就好,别太在意别人的comments, it's hard to satisfy everyone's needs. Stay happy & b cheerful ok :)
Note:我的厨房笔记食谱 is really useful esp for pple like us who love cooking. Well done!! Many tks for yr great effort too. Cheerio :)
Thanks yng ans yw for your empathy, i will try my best no matter what. Just hope everyone learns how to come to my blog and get the recipes then it will make things easier and this is the motive of us setting up a blog.
As for racheal, your fa gao is soft and cannot rise, maybe due to the following:
1) did you use self raising flour?
2) too watery, or coconut milk not thick enough
3) too fast lift up the cover, you cannot lift cover within the 15min.
If want gula malaka smell stronger, gotta buy good type.
Thank justin for your support and this sun, i will be at asia pacific food expo, see you there!
And thanks to April for your concern, i will take note of this.
Dear Violet,
1) I used plain flour
2) My mixture is quite thick, not watery
3) Didnt lift up the cover till 20mins
Thanks for your reply..
Muz i fill the mixture 3/4 full into the paper case?
btw, you are making the xiao fa gao or the sweet potato one?
Dear Violet,
i'm doing sweet potato
Dear Violet,
Followed ur receipes leh.. got add in double action baking powder n yeast.. nt tat blur.. haahaa
Jus wondering, it will raise by itself like a flower without doing anyting on the mixture after pouring in the paper case?
And issit fill the cup to full or 3/4 full?
Hi FY,
Check whether 5 mth baby can drink china Yi Mi abt 3-4 times a wk?
hi fenying, used tea leaves, you can put in the fridge. Once cold, place on cotton wool and can use as eye mask. Very good for reduce puffiness and dark circle.
Your blog is wonderful! I just can't help but keep visiting becos i can learn a lot of things from here. Be it from you or from your "fans". By reading the comments, i may sometime pick up new things too. Perfect, Keep it up!
Dear Violet,
ur plain muffin, should or should nt need baking powder? did you missed it out?
Racheal, i really not sure y your sweet potato fa gao not raised properly liao. It should be 4/5 full in the paper cup. Maybe can try again and next time i think must do what my mum say. She say when doing fa gao, cannot make any comments, if not cannot raise! A bit superstitious lah, but sometimes quite true also leh....
Miaoster, i think 3-4 times a week of china barley water is too much already. If baby is not so heaty, dun have to give, if not bb will be too 寒.
As for serene, my plain muffins use self raising flour, it already contain raising powder in it liao. So no need.
Why chocolate muffins and walnut muffins need double action baking powder is because chocolate and walnuts are heavier, if we use self raising flour, these ingredients will sink at the bottom, so for non plain muffins, we cannot self raising flour, we gotta use flour plus baking powder.
Hi Violet, pls can I hv the tile of the song b4 this song?
before Korea Prog is 吴奇龙:那怕天愈来愈黑暗 or 范逸成:Love story
Hi FY,
Thk for the reply. my baby likes cereal or Zhao mi hu for his 3 main meal, (1.5 scoop of ceral or zhaomi + 1 scoop of milk powder) is it too much for him?
Btw, how do you judge heaty for baby? Sometime, when we carry him, we can feel his body and forehead is warm. Does dis consider heaty in him?
Reali find your blog is convenience. can know lots from your fans and yrself.
Tks, Miaoster
Hi 粉樱,
Pls visit my site (http://digicaliper.blogspot.com) to see the photo of the vitagen event at pasir ris.
feel free to comment.
thank you.
Hello FY,
My parents ask you which exactly day u go korea? 16Dec or 17Dec?
Miaoster, if for me, i think 3 meals of cereals is quite a lot for a 5mth old baby. If he does not rejects milk, still have to feed him milk. My baby's doctor ever said cereals should not replace milk, milk is still his main source of food. Other than this, i think your mix of cereal with milk is ok. And remember to feed him with spoon so as to prepare him with the usage of these utensils next time.
As for the heaty part, if baby got conctipated or stools too hard means he is heaty... of course if fever, is definitely very heaty liao!!
Thanks Chan 1-5 for your posting, i already went to your blog to see liao. :)
As for Donald and Mdm Low, i am still not sure which specific flight i will be on yet. Really looking forward to the tour :)
HI Fen Ying,
I manage to do the xiao fa kau yesterday. I replace the coconut with milk. It taste nice also. I will try to use the strawberry fresh milk..then will become strawberry xiao fa kau loh..hmm..yummy!!
Violet, need ypur help badly. My son just had a deep cut on his palm and had 7 stitches. Is there any food to avoid or to make him recover faster?
thanks, violet. Will remember yr advise.
Take care, Miaoster
How come don't have ''xiao fa cai gao''recipe
Hi Violet, now that u all have blog liao except Marcus, when is he coming up with his blog. Looking forward to c his blog leh.
For my parent said, the manager said that you will be going by 17dec.Is it true?
Hi Violet,
Pls say sorri 2 the 带班 DJ but really miss ur voice...
I juz buy a walker 4 my 7mth old BB, but my friend say is not adviseable 4 BB 2 use walker bcos their feet are not fully develop yet. This may cause problem 2 their walking in future. Is this true?
Hope u can help me on this, cos my BB really like sitting in the walker.
Violet, really miss your laughter these few days. The 2-5 programme become so boring.
Come back soon, Lingling
Violet, I am Li San from JB. whole week didn't hear your voice, a bit lost during 2 to 5 programme. u are really different from other. frankly speaking, I only on your programme and morning call programme.jian ping and bi yu are also my favorite, hope to hear from u soon. best regard from Li San, JB
hi violet..
Where do you go this week???? I missed your voice very much.
I've 1 quest to ask which is about the yam-cake (oh-gueh in teochew)?
Do you know how to make this delicious traditional teochew food? Hopefully you'll teach us doing the food through your programe soon. Thank you
Don't stress fenying la.. she need a break and recharge if not, how to hear her cheerful laughters.
Don't forget she needs to take care of 2 baobei @ home leh..
Jia You!
Violet, thank you so much for the effort that you had put in.
I hope that you will be able to teach us some seafood or soup dishes as they are good for children. Highlight to the listeners what are the soup good for & I believe that your listeners will like it.
Hi Fenying,
my wife and i are looing for a 4 rm corner HDB flat at Ubi Ave 1, I hope u could help us. You could contact me at seah_lee_cheong@yahoo.com.sg. Thank You
Hi Fenying,
my wife and i are looking for a 4 rm corner HDB flat at Ubi Ave 1, I hope u could help us. You could contact me at seah_lee_cheong@yahoo.com.sg. Thank You
hello i am daniel kee !u remenber go in china ?i have u & my monther photo dont't no how to send to u?can reply me asap?
Hihi Violet
你的网页很精彩, 设计得很好. 那驾飞机很好玩…hehe… 我喜欢你的新管家节目. 特别是你更正听众: “ 我是新管家~ ” , 达到了宣传的效果也非常可爱 !!!
With regards to the question on the teeth, give the child a drumstick and when he bite and pull, the teeth will loosen and come out easily
haro fenying
you did not reply my message regarding the ORANGE SKIN, B4 you went on leave that afternoon, ZI KHAN mentioned abt the usage of the o/skin . Can you pls email 2me peggylian@yahoo.com
what is the effect of applying 'jin feng san' to babies? thank you.
Hi Fenying,
Could you post on your blog the part where the dentist's advice on whether to pull the shaky baby teeth or look for dentist to extract. My radio internet connection was cut off during that particular part when you were broadcasting the advice.
Thanks very much.
fenyin hi my mother wan more noya kueah recipie and the kaya loumi fan recipie pls put it on the blog
Hi Fenying,
My mum would like to know how to make 咸煎饼.
Hi Fengying,
Pls help me to solve my baby problem, he already 3+ months, but his left eye has a lot of 眼屎, it does not end, it keep on coming out from his left eye.
Thank you
Hi Fengyin
Good day to you. Do you know where I can buy the pineapple paste that is not too sweet because I have diabetes. Your advise is much appreciated.
Thank you
Mrs Ang
Hi Fengying,
As for your Light Fruit cake. You use Mixed Spices.
Can you explain in more details the meaning of Mixed Spices.
What is it?
Thank You.
Siew Lian
Hi, Violet
Tks for your reply, I told my daughter that i will bake it for her next week, she is happy and will join me on the baking. Happy to learn a lot of cooking from you.
cindy tan
Dear Violet,
Need you help, my dad almost everdays have to go toilets many times. (Diarrhoea) He have this problem since Sept '06 after the operation. He did feedback to the DR this issue and DR told him not to worry because is normal for initial state after the operation but now already Feb '07 he still have this diarrhoea problem. Due to this diarrhoea problem, he dare not to go out and every days stay at home alone. I'm very sad but don't know how to help him. Violet, is there any way to help him to solve this diarrhoea problem. Thank you so much!!!
Hi, Violet
I have tried your receipe for Kuah Bangkit, Almond Cookies, Peanut Cookies - All turn up very well except the Kuah Balu turns out to be failure - the apperance looks beautiful but inside is hard not puffy. Why ? My children loves this the most and I have failed. Please enlighten. You may email to me at clar_lee@hotmail.com
Thanks/ Alison
Why my black sesame taste bitter?
Pls advise
Thank you
Hi Violet, is it possible to teach how to make cheese cake. That type without baking needed. Thanks.
Hi Violet
I am at your web site trying to locate ur receipe for Yam Cake on behalf of my mom. Can u guide me along or repeat it during ur show time how to go abt to retrive the receipe. My mon was saying u were going abit too fast & she is not able to catch it as she is also not a computer literate.
My Mom is saying ur show is doing very well & she like it very much.
Thank you
Mdm Chua & daughter
hi this is my first time to visit ur blogger,bec some time i listen to 972 i heard some one ask u for recipes so today i try to get in and i don't clever to use internet so i just try my luck after i visit already i find is interesting and my maid she is a philo she like ur recipes but she say some only have chinese and too bad she don't understand so she ask me to help her to get some english recipes from u she like to cook and i also don't where to get ur email address so only i can leave my message here for u to read and sorry i don't good in english my english is half pass six.thank you
Dear Violet,
Dear Violet,
Dear Violet,
Dear Violet,
Dear Violet,
Dear Violet,
Hi Everybody, i would just like to make an introduction to you members at djfenying.blogspot.com
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