Monday, November 06, 2006

厨房笔记 on 31/10
Sorry, for the delay,
Now continue to post last week's recipe:
1) 咸菜,黑木耳,红辣椒分别洗净,切丝
2) 锅中倒入3大匙的油烧热,放入咸菜丝及A料,以小火炒到入味.
OK, my husband come and fetch me liao...
gotta go...
tmlo continue the other recipes...
Now continue to post last week's recipe:
1) 咸菜,黑木耳,红辣椒分别洗净,切丝
2) 锅中倒入3大匙的油烧热,放入咸菜丝及A料,以小火炒到入味.
OK, my husband come and fetch me liao...
gotta go...
tmlo continue the other recipes...
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Fen Ying!!! Hello!
Donald here again! My mother finally can go KOREA!!!
My parents and eldest brother go KOREA 17 DEC 2006.
My parents having Wedding Aniversary. My mother wish that you can have aspecial celebration with them in Korea. HAHA!
Bless them love each other till end <3.
Her Wedding Aniversary is at 18 DEC 2006.
Ok. I will take note on 18dec!!
Hi Fen Ying, Win98 also can display Chinese character properly "IF" the Window OS is "Original".
Update the Window & IE to at least 6.0 than same thing -> go to steps you've mentioned :- View - Encoding - Unicode sure can.
ONLY cannot type unless get third party chinese software. Happy Day**
Hi Violet
Just checking if 10 months old bb can take vitagen & yogurt?
Hi Fengying, maybe you could ask use this method to see if you could see the chinese character. Go to control panel > Regional and language options > Languages > Tick install files for East Asian languages.
Cheers, Ms Chua
THX, anyway, it's difficult to call 972 hotline, my mom ask u whether still to lucky draw as they booked de trip to Korea. Lastly, my mom will fax your 2 dishes which is very simple, go home straight to eat.
Visit my own mother's blog at
Hi violet
Did you mentioned that the brown sugar mixed with the self raising flour then put in the coconut milk?
Does the "huat kueh" have to leave a while to "fa" 1st b4 putting in for steaming?
Sorry a bit slow when writing down.
hi Violet
if possible put the "huat kueh" recipe on the blog......
hi, fenying, I am li san from JB, I called u this afternoon to find out from u how to leave message in you blogger.
if u manage to read my message, please annouce on air tommorrow. I am li san from JB and I printed out your son's photo to show my colleages. They are very excited.
Please give me dejiang, yongmei, siaoying and biyu blog - loss during virus attack.
I hope that u would write the " fa gao " recipe on ur blog
Fenying hope you can post the huat kueh recipe.
hi Fenying,
the new sweet potato huat kueh sound tough. i will wait till u post the recipe on your blog then will try.
anyway just checking if the place of your vitagen event tis satuarday near the Bukit batok MRT?
want to go down but not sure where is it exactly.
Hi Fenying,
Pls check with the 'xin guang jia',if rice put too long didn't cook still can eat, meaning that what is the shelf life of the rice bought from the supermarket, any expire date, thanks.
Hi Fenying,
Sweet potato is my fav, first time i know can make huat kueh. can u blog the recipe. Thanks.
Hi Fengying, hope that you will be able to tell me the best way to get rid of mosquitoes.
Cheers, Eileen
Thanks for your assistance richard and mrs chua on the encoding part.
As for Anonymous asking about 10 mth bb drinking vitagen and yogurt?
My answer is: bb less than 1year can only drink a few spoonfuls of vatigen and must dilute with water. 1 to 2 year old, drink half a bottle, dilute with water. Also remember to take out from fridge for half hour before drinking so that it wont be too cold.
As for yogurt, also same thing, can but not too much!!ok??
And Yoke Bee, maybe you can call travel agency about the lucky draw part. Tel: 65366233
Also, as spoken to you when you call in today, i will call you on sharing of your recipes!!
Thanks Mdm Low for joining my tour, i m still not sure which day i will fly to korea. But for sure, we will meet there!! So looking forward to see you all there!! :)
Regarding the fa gao,
yes it is this simple, dont need to fa 1st. just steam for 15 mins, will do!! :)
I will put up the recipe next week...
And welcome li san for coming to my blog!! :)
Hi helen,
the other djs blog are:
rena,xueli,penny and anonymous,
i will put up the fa gao recipes next week... so come back for the recipes and try it... you all sure like it...
Cammi, you heard the answer for the rice expiry date?? One big sister called and say, can last 3mths, latest 6mths.
As for eileen, we will try to discuss mosquito problem next time on-air ok???
Hi Violet!
My mother was praising you that ur blog are very nice, even nicer than her. And photos are also very beautiful! Keep It Up!!
And my mom are also ty to you replied to her. THX =)
Hi Violet,
Good job and keep it up !
I have learnt from the radio that you have also become a housing agent really is "wan shi tong".
Anyway, I have a favour from you to help me to sell my private condo at Lengkong Empat, Escada View, Area is 1,356 sq ft, 3 + 1 room and it's freehold with facilities of BBQ, Sauna, swimming pool. We are looking at price of S$638,000.00 and you may contact me at my Hp 96618131. Tks a lot and really appreciate.
Regards to your family and sayang sayang your baby !!
Mrs. Goh
Hi fenying, another ingredient that can subsitute cocount milk is carnation milk. To be even more healthy, use low fat carnation milk.
Hi Fenying,
I am interested on your Fa Kou recipe, can you post it on your blog?
Hi Fenying,
Sorry, i over sleep liao. Today teach what recipe?
i'm typing on behalf of my mother....
she couldn't find ur fa gao recipe....
Hi Fenying,
I dont quite understand regarding the egg york that u mention to be eat after 8mths old...
Pls advice on more details....and why can't baby eat egg white ??
Thanks...Mrs Small
Hi violet
Could I trouble you to foward me the both huat kueh and the sweet potato huat kueh to my email below:
Thanks very much
sin guanjia,
pls ask zikhan,abt the orange skin tips which he mentioned this afternoon.. wat.. put in the fridge? soak with clothing ..etc..etc..OR can email 2me
u noe very interesting !!!!!!!!
Mrs Small,
too young baby cannot eat egg white is because it is more allergenic. When babies are young, they are more allegic to proteins. As egg white is high in proteins so better avoid lah...
Anonymous, you may go to my link to 我的厨房笔记 to get the recipes.
And peggy,
Zigan recycling of the orange skin are:
1) cook them in water to boil, the use the water to bathe, wash hair and wash face, then your skin will be smooth
2) cook them in water to boil, then use the water to soak your clothings, the rinse with water and your clothes will become whiter.
3) put in the fridge without covering until it dry then keep in the box. When you wanna cook green or red bean soup you can add a piece in it. The soup will be very delicious. At the same time your your fridge smell nice too...
do you have a nice recipe for yam cake (taro cake)
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