First of all, would like to thank our 230 listeners who joined this tour.
It is such a memorable trip and all of us really enjoyed ourselves.
In fact we were very lucky coz the day we reached Korea was the 1st day Korea started to snow this year.
These are some of the pictures for those who missed this trip.
Hey, please look at the picture which all of us wear the Korean outfits.
The man in blue really looks like Marcus Jianbin!!
He is Roy and the one beside him is his wife Anne.
The 1st day i saw him, i thought Marcus joined my tour without telling me!!!
Aiyoh!! Like long lost brothers man!!!So scary......
There will be more pictures coming up soon!
Auntie Irene is now working on the video shows for the rest of the pictures.
Very clever of her right? Not only knows how to bake and cook, also know how to do photoshows!! 50 somthing already, still so learned..... kekekeke....
So gotta wait for her to complete the great production then we will post them in my blog lah.....:)
Video 来了...........
Yeh!!! Gotto thank Irene once again for producing these video shows and Richard for your kind assistance for making this possible. :)
Nice pic taken, but u didn't put my mom and my bro taken 1.
my mom said tat ur pic taken very nice, u take urslef or ur camera ma take 1?
Hi, donald.
Cant put all pictures here. But will make other selected pictures into video. Will have your mum pic. Auntie irene is in the process of making the video. Please wait patiently lah...
Hi Violet
Wow, nice pictures. I assume you all wear your own winter clothes or can loan over there? How I envy those who could make the trip with you. I wanted to but no kaki leh. Can see that you all have a good time. You mean Auntie Irene also went with you?
Hi Violet, nice to hear your voice again. Hope you can help me solve the problem. I bought a dress which cost $180, but unfortunately, it has stained with another colour when my mum washed it for me. pl teach me how to get rid of the colour stains. Thanking in advance.
Hello anonymous,
We brought our own winter clothes. As for the ice skating clothings, we rent it there, in fact it is included for this tour package. Very fun indeed!! What a pity you never join us! :(
Auntie irene never go, she gotto work. But she is very good at producing photo slideshows, so she will be helping me to do one lah.... 好期待!!
Regarding the color stains problem. It is a real headache, a lot of listeners also ask the same question. I am still looking for the answers.... will let you know on-air once i found the solution. :)
Hi Violet
Can help to find out how to prevent the handbags from getting mouldy and sticky. Also, if moulded, how to get rid of it & make good, so as to salvage bags & wallets which are still in good condition.
thank you.
Hi 'New Housekeeper',
Thanks for teaching us the method to cook red bean soup in a short time. I tried the method you taught and it worked. It took me only about 35 mins to cook instead of the more than an hour and tastes yummy! It would be most helpful if you could upload these little housekeeping secrets in your blog. Many thanks.
Hi Violet,
Since you are teaching us how to bake pandan chiffon cake, can you teach us how to bake 'Orange Chiffon Cake' too? What are the ingredients to substitute in orange chiffon cake? Thanks in advance.
Hi Fenying!!
Actually this is my 1st time leaving a comment. Can't help it after browsing through your photos taken in Korea.
I have been to Korea once in 2004.Your photos reminded mi all those wonderful memorises!!But im not as lucky as u guys,it just stopped snowing before the day i reached Korea...=( But nevertheless,still enjoyed the trip.
However,we dun get to wear Korean costume during my trip!A bit envy while looking at those Korean custume photos!=P
Oh ya btw,I have printed out your peanut cookies receipe.Think tat will be a great snack during the chinese new year! Thanks!
Last but not least,all the best in 2007!
Great snow show on blog !!
nice song too... !!
Hi anonymous,
谢谢!谢谢你对snow show 的赞美,让我高兴了一整天......
Hi Irene,
It is real nice show and song i never come across for me on blog to enjoy viewing again and again.
Irene, u are great !
By the way, what is the title of the song??
Believe fenying enjoying the snowing and song very much ! Ever lasting memoty for her i guess.
Hi, Irene, i know the song name as " This Gift ", sorry did not realize it appeared on the end of the song.
Thanks irene again. ^.^
Hi 朋友,再次的谢谢你!
起初, 我还以为是我的朋友写上去作弄我的! 害我不敢回答你的留言.
是的, 粉樱的确很享受她的滑雪之乐, 只是功夫不够! 跌倒了...唉! 真是太糗了.她还说呢:
Its not a fall! Its a POST! hahaha...
Hi Fen Ying,
How have you been ? Didn't hear your voice today. Hope you are fine and have a good weekends ahead with your son and hubby. Take good care.
Hi Fenying,
My wife just loved your programme. She loved the part you aired and teaches how to do cooking, Kueh Kueh, cookies and making of cakes. We usually tuned to FM972 almost 18 hours every day. we will continue to support you. Great job. Add more oil (oops) Sorry Should be JIA YU.
May God Bless you and your family.
fenying.. i had sent some photos of the scenery taken in korea to ur e-mail.. pls do check okie? hehes.. :D
9.72 is my favourite station, hope to hear more chinese oldies, Singaporean like to visit countries that there is winter because we don't have snow in singapore,thanks
Hi Violet Can help to find out how to prevent the handbags from getting mouldy and sticky. Also, if moulded, how to get rid of it & make good, so as to salvage bags & wallets which are still in good condition. thank you.
The first is the title track. "Fall, on your knees. Image Source: Awake Live CD/DVD. I know what you are thinking - what if I am making several points in my presentation? Well, most presentations are an opening, 3 points and then a close - so my question is what is the main message? I know you have three points - but what do the three points lead to? If you could only make one point, what would it be?
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