It is not a simple box......
Very nice right??
This is the front view.
This is my favourite mooncake box!!
Very authentic indeed!
: )
♥ 嗨! 我是Violet粉樱! 在此与你分享我生活中最美好,最快乐,最值得记录和回忆的事. 希望你能留言留名,以表对我的支持与鼓励! 感谢你的到访! 想联络我,可以电邮到 Hi,I am Violet Fenying! Just wanna share with you some of the most wonderful, happiest and memorable moments of my life in this blog. Hope you can leave some comments to show your support! Thanks for visiting! If you wanna contact me, my email address is Chëërs! ♥
3 July 2010 (Saturday) 11am-1pm
粉櫻 will be doing roving reports for Giant's 10th Anniversary Celebration:- Venue is at Giant Tampines. You will stand a chance to win FREE Groceries for 10 years – Equivalent to $24,000 worth of Giant Vouchers. There will be FREE popcorns, caricatures & balloons to be given away. You will get to enjoy greater savings with Giant's weekly offers as you shop for your needs at Giant. So bring your family down to shop at Giant and join in the fun. Stand a chance to win Ginormous prizes too! Hope to see you there! :)
11 July 2010 (Sunday) 3pm - 7pm
粉櫻 will be hosting Hong Thai 25th Anniversary Carnival :- Venue is at Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre, Level 3 Concourse. Admission is FREE!! Participate in exciting games, savour delicious Asia snacks and catch performances like International Kids Parade, Hip Hop Street Dance and Magic Show!! You will stand a chance to win Premium Grade Rice, Cash Ang Baos worth up to $688 and Air Tickets to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan! Get GREAT TRAVEL DEALS :- 5 Days Bangkok and Pattaya Tour Packages from $199 ONLY!! Dont Miss!! Hope to see you there! :)
Parents who wanna join "Violet Parenting Club", please email your personal particulars to: Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, topics you wish to learn or know more). Should there be any gatherings, activities, talks, seminars or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit parents by sharing our experience and learning new things. Join us to better ourselves as good parents! Cheers! :)
Cooking lovers who wanna join "Fenying Kitchen Club", please email your personal particulars to: Membership is FREE!
(Particulars include: name, contact number, address, types of dishes you wish to learn). Should there be any gatherings, activities or workshops, members will be informed first hand! This club aims to benefit cooking-lovers by sharing our experience and learning more dishes. Join us to better our cooking skills! Happy Cooking! :)
Thanks Fenying for sharing.
This is really very special.
hi violet,
the packaging so special. i've never seen so nice one before. i also like it! : )
Nice antique mooncake box!!! :D
During the Mooncake Festival, in order to boost sales of the Mooncakes, they have to think of unique method of packaging.
Thanks for sharing!!! :D
Hi Fenying,
This is a nice design. Never expect mooncake package can turn out so lovely. You can also use it to keep things.
I am sorry to disturb. Can I know the name of the book that you have recommended yesterday?
Hi Violet,
Can ask Dr Chong to elaborate more about abnormal pap smear results. My result is repeat the test in 1 yr time. what me suspose to do then...... worry abt may get cancer.Thks.
Dear Dr Chris and Fenying,
Am your faithful listener.. had ever asks abt my baby don't grow and about the injection (fraxipirin) recently.. anyway, my baby really can't make it. Now am thinking is it because i don't take the injection that caused all this to happen? Very sadz... as I got anemic so not sure is it due to this problem. Guess hv to rest another few months then can try again.. thanks for answer my questions last time.
Hi Doc Christopher Chong,
May I know if I do a D & C. When can we have sex with husband again w/o worry for infection? Is it 2wks or 1 month?
Thank you.. hope to hear from you.
Hi Dr Chong & Fengying,
Good afternoon.
could Dr Chong kindly advice which of the following operations resectoscopic or Laparoscopic myomectomy is a better choice for removing 5 fibroids of approx. 4-5cm.
Hi Doc Christopher Chong ,
I every year pap smear result show yeast ( 5 year ) , is this abnormal and I never show any discharge , my doctor said maybe eat too sweet , how i am going to do .....
than you .....May Goh
Dr Chong and Fenying,
Like to check with you. If we don't ovaluate well... should I do SO-IUI or Ovary drilling? As a gynea actually say that Ovary drilling will result you to have ovalution every month. THen can try natural way to conceive. May I know is it true? Wondering what should I do now.. sigh...
Thank you very much.
Confused gal,
Hi Violet,
I need to help my boss to find a maid. I've got bad experience with some Agency. I would appreciate if you could let me have the contact of the Agency you're currently using.
Many many thanks.
Stressed Employee
Hi Violet,
My 3yr old daughter prefer to sleep with her granny at night. But the problem is they will only turn in around midnight. I am worry she will not have enough sleep and will affect her development. But she will cry for the whole night if she was to sleep in my room. Pls advise any solution to my problem.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
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