Thank goodness! Everything is alright. NO FIBRIODS or CYST! Phew!
2 months ago, I kept experiencing lower abdomen cramps.
It lasted for about 2 weeks. Then went off after that.
2 weeks ago, my friend told me that she is going for an operation to remove some cyst in the womb. So I asked her how she knew she got cyst? She said she went for checkup after feeling some cramps!!!
So I got worried! So I quickly went to asked Dr Chong, he said gotta scan then will know if anything is wrong.
He also suggested that I might as well do my papsmear too coz I have not been doing the test for 3 years!
I hate to do papsmear coz I felt very uncomfortable during my past experiences.
I was so worried and stressed for the whole of last night!!
But Dr Chong is good, not painful at all......
Maybe male gynae is really better. Ha... Ha....
What a relief that I am ok.....
: )
Hi Fenying,
Whenever I go do check up also feel scared and worry alot. I always think what if something bad will happen. Good health is most important. I also feel relief for you.
Cheers to Good Health!
hi fenying,
women's check up regularly is very important. i will feel very tense up just before the check up. just nervous lor. actually i prefer to see male gynae. more gentle.
: D
Hi Violet,
So glad that you are well.
I know how you felt when doctor say results are ok. All the worries suddenly disappear and it's a great relief!
Stay healthy!
Mdm Wong
Hi Fenying
I went for my papsmear two months ago. Doctor was a male gynae. Very patient, gentle, no pain too. I also have some past bad experiences. Very happy you are alright. : )
hi fenying,
i also have cysts in my ovary n cervix. i m quite worried too. but my doctor said there r in normal size, shld not be worried.
your friend's cysts r in bigger size? or the operation is advisable by the doctor?
thank you
Hi Fenying
I am a patient of Dr Chong for many years since his KKH days till now.
I used to be nervous about vaginal scan and pap smear, all these are things of the past for me ever since I go to Dr Chong.
E Tan
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