I specially took 1 week leave next week to accompany my son for the 1st week of school holidays.
My husband and I have planned to bring him to see his 1st movie during this week, bring him to see the dentist as he got 1 cavity on his molar tooth and bring him along to meet my friends etc.
Today is his last day with his current playgroup.
As this school only takes 2-3 years old children, all children gotta go to another new school after that.
Most of my son's classmates will be moving to the nursery school opposite the current school, while some will go to childcare centre and some will attend other schools elsewhere.
For the kids, I think they don't really know that next year they will be seeing new faces in their classes.
Instead, I felt more sad to part with my son's classmates.....
They are really a bunch of adorable and fun kids!
So today, I specially brought my camera to take a few shots of them.
His other best friends are Lawren, Xinyi and Aden.
Glad to know that all of his best friends will be going to the same school as him next year!
See you all again!: )
Hi Violet,
Kids love school holidays. They so happy don't have to go school. I'm working mum so I take leave during this time, can spend more time with my kids. Enjoy your 1 week leave.
Hi fenying,
The kids are still too young to understand. They can make new friends easily so sure very fast can adapt to new school. Your son friends will still be with him. Take more photos of him and post them here coz I like. Have a wonderful week with your boy! ; D
Hi Fenying
The kids are so adorable! I like your son's smile. I think you made lots of plans for him this holiday. He's going to have great fun.
hi violet
i'm driving to newton circle.
can get free milk and meet you.
got to reach early or else no more stock!
Hi Fenying,
Can't wait for you to come back on Monday. Miss you..... on air!
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