Monday, October 30, 2006

粉樱换到下午2 - 5点的节目了!
你听了吗? 你还喜欢吗?
2.15PM 樱儿日记
3.15PM 厨房笔记
3.30PM 管家有话说
4.30PM 最爱黄金屋
hee hee hee...
How you think about my programme???
你听了吗? 你还喜欢吗?
2.15PM 樱儿日记
3.15PM 厨房笔记
3.30PM 管家有话说
4.30PM 最爱黄金屋
hee hee hee...
How you think about my programme???
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I like your program about the "guanjia" and you are so funny!! Very interesting way to present your show! Keep it up!
Also, the fishmonger is he zi gan right??
I like the 樱儿日记 and 厨房笔记 but don't really like you to pose as guan jia because sometimes, I find you yourself also confuse on your identity and therefore confuse me :-)
It will be helpful if you could post the receipes contribute from listeners on your blog. Thanks
Hi, about bb cry and apply the medicated oil. I wish to share my experience. I did a horrible thing and my 2 months bb girl cried even louder. I just simply drip the oil on her tummy and rub. Later my mum scolded me, said the correct way should be drip the oil on my palm, use two palms ro rub together till the palm feel warm, then with the warm palm, put on the bb's tummy.
Pai sei, I was a young mother, no experience that time. It was 10 years ago ... :-)
Hi Violet,
Thanks a lot for ur kind attention. I really appreciated it.... A big thanks to u....
your proggramme is very interesting..keep it out.. btw, can you email me the following DJ blogger address: Yongmei, Bi yu, Wendy xiao ying, li lian and de jiang? thks. my email address is after you send can you inform me by leaving a msg in my cbox at thks again.. keep it up, your proggramme is very interesting.. thks
Violet: just now heard the male voice of the butcher, who's he?? Y'day he's a fishmonger. Is he Zi Gan??? Wow!! If he's Zi Gan, pls tell him he has nice and manly voice! We like Zi Gan's effort for all d songs he computed :)
We like you at tis new time slot make us more awake coz afternoon very with yr voice, u make us all awake! hahhaa...My colleagues convey their warmest rgds to u :) Hug hug baby for us ok :)
Go for coffee break liow, Violet, wanna drink coffee with us?? hahaa....if u wanna know who i'm, just click my name...Violet, hv a nice day! cheerio :)
Hi Violet,
Sorri 2 bother u again. My BB is 6mths old but he dun like 2 drink water. Is this normal? If not, wat shld I do 2 make him drink water?
Nowaday, he dun seem 2 like milk & the total intake of milk per day is oni 600ml, is it enough 4 him? (last time abt 720 per day. If there is a need 2 change milk formula, which brand shld I change? Presently he on Similac.
Wish U all the best & happy working.
Hi Jessica, just to share my experience. It seems that it is quite common the bbs dun like drink water. Then some parents would change to ribena or honey to "encourage" the bbs to drink. However I personally don't use this method because I feel it is not right to (1) its a signal the bb is beginnig to challenge you, so don't let the bb take control and (2) sweet stuffs are always bad for health so try not to start the sweet tooth habit. I simply continued to give water and after sometime, the bb had no choice but to drink.
As for milk, it is because the bb has started taking solid foods and of course solid foods taste better than milk. I think if the bb is taking solid food, 600 ml of milk is quite sufficient. If you still worry, maybe you can let the bb try soya milk (w/o sugar) and take more high calcium solid food (eg. soft cheese, cheese stick, ikan billis broth when cooking porridge etc.)
Cheers, cheesecake
Thanks a lot cheesecake for ur advise.
Precisely dat's wat I feel but my sister in law oso advise me 2 give him sweet stuff saying dat is beta den dun drink. I dun like the idea bcos BB has 2 learn 2 noe the taste of water.
Sigh... Veri stress afraid not enough fluid 4 him.... Moreover weather not so good nowaday...
Thanks a lot cheesecake for ur advise.
Precisely dat's wat I feel but my sister in law oso advise me 2 give him sweet stuff saying dat is beta den dun drink. I dun like the idea bcos BB has 2 learn 2 noe the taste of water.
Sigh... Veri stress afraid not enough fluid 4 him.... Moreover weather not so good nowaday...
粉樱, 喜欢你主持的新节目,加油.
亲爱的粉樱 :
Thanks hazel, anonymouses, daphne, Mrs Chew and autie lucy for liking my programme.
As for Cheesecake, thanks for sharing your experience, it is very useful!
I also agree with LC that it could be the milk nipples with too big hole. Coz my son in his 7th month, he also dun wan to drink. Then we realise it's becoz the bottle nipple hole tore and made the hole bigger then the flow is faster, so he scared scared....
Then we bought a new one for him... he drinks as per normal now...
Replying to Ms G Tan, I have told my Music Director He Zigan, he says normally the songs during the night are more mellow and soothing. Nice to hear at night but when played during day time, they might put people to sleep! kekekekeke....
As for "Xia Xue" song, Mr He Zigan say he will play specially for you today ...
Please tune in ok???
I agree with hessica and cheesecake that bb shd not take sweet things. Till now, i also never add salt, oil or sugar in his porridge. The only sweet stuff is apple juice which is natural fruits. Sometimes will give him 1 or two spoonfuls of vitagen less sugar but diluted with water.
Btw jessica, did you give warm water for your bb?? Normally bb likes warm water coz it tastes better...or you use spoon or cup to feed him. He might finds it interesting and he may wanna drink.
余太太,我会尽快回你email ok??
Hi Violet,
Yes all the while I give him warm water. Beside using spoon n cup, I even use sypringe, it doesn't seems 2 work...
hello! I think your programme is really cool. my mom loves listening to you, and well, sometimes I listen too! anyway, I have just one word for you: AWESOME!
Hi Violet,
I have missed your programme regarding baby have rash on her bum. Can they apply Sesame Oil ?
Thanks for listening to my prog!
As for ling,
i think sesame oil is for preventing wind in the stomach. Apply at the 肚齐 part. Dont think can put on the bum. If got rashes, you may apply anti rash cream. can buy from pharmacy or any baby shops.
其实我已经email你了!可是网址好象不对.我再email. ok?
i like your blog!
Hi Violet,
I had previously post regarding I have a 3room flat in Balam road for rent but there is no news.
Hopefully you will be able to assist me with this. My contact is 90060740
Thanks & good day
Hi Violet,
I'm a daily listener of FM972 & overheard that there's a newly launched program regarding housing matter & you are able to assist in selling of flat. I've put flat for sales abt 9 mths but still no response & would like to approach you for help. Could you advise me more details by replying my email :
Tks & Rgds,
Ee Pin
Hi Violet,
My son is one year ago now, he is rather slow in his development. When he is lying on the mattress he is unable to sit up by himself and when he is sitting on the floor he is unable support the chair or sofa and stand up. Could you pls advise me by replying my email: Thanks
Mdm Lim
VIOLET 你 好 :
我 想 請 問 我 的 皮 膚 問 題。
自 從 我 四 歲 因 貪 玩, 看 見 姐 姐 和 表 姐 在 觸 摸 正 燃 燒 的 鐵 枝, 我 也 去 觸 碰, 結 果 我 的 手 掌 因 此 脫 皮, 而 且 也 容 易 發 癢 與 潰 爛, 而 我 姐 姐 和 表 姐 都 沒 事。
只 要 我 皮 膚 癢, 我 難 忍 就 抓 癢, 被 我 抓 過 的 皮 膚 不 管 是 手 還 是 腳 都 會 出 膿, 出 水, 流 血 與 潰 爛。
看 了 許 多 皮 膚 專 科, 不 管 中 醫 還 是 西 醫, 搽 了 藥 皮 膚 有 改 善,藥 完 了 又 回 來 了。雖 然皮 膚 問 題 已 減 輕, 可 是 問 題 不 時 又 跑 回 來。
醫 生 說 長 大 會 斷 根,可 是 已 過 了25 年 了, 問 題 還 是 困 擾 着 我。
請 問 朋 友 們 有 什 么 土 方 可 以 治 愈我 的 皮 膚 問 題 嗎?
謝 謝 !
Hi Fen Ying
I am looking for student who would like to have tuition for Primary 1 to 6. Subjects: English , Maths & Science. Secondary One to Three; Maths only.
Preferably residing around Upp Boon Keng Rd / Sims Drive.
I can be contacted at 96381419 (Winston Lim) or Email:
Hi Violet
My family is searching for a sister who was adopted by my aunty (my mum sis). Unfortunately my aunty and uncle go on separate ways and my sister was brought up by my uncle. I understand my sister is not aware of her original parents bcos since young she was with my uncle.
We do not have any motives but just wish to have a look at her. It's up to her if she wants to acknowledge us (her real parents, 5 sisters and a brother).
Her details are as follow :
Lim Sock Tin (Annie)
Chinese name : lin su zhen
A graduate
Chinese birth date : June 2nd
Her father name : Lim Keng Hoe
Her last know add was in Ang Mo Kio but we know she has since shifted.
Please help
My contact : Ai Wah 98303284
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